Trudeau’s days are numbered, but Canada’s days are not. Politically Canada has taken a huge jump to the Left, but it’s still Canada with the same geography and climate and resources. Yes, hydrogen sounds like it’s part of the answer, & no, Trudeau/Singh won’t be in power forever.
That's just not how it works tho Ron. Events happen, and opportunites come and go. There was a time when coal was so valuable people fought wars over it, worse than they do with oil. Nobody goes to war to secure a country's coal supply these days and haven't for quite a while. The longer you take to get to market the more market you lose and the less valuable your product tends to be.
The damage trudeau has done will last for many many many years after he's gone from office. And he's not gone from office yet. IF - and it's an if - IF the liberals are thrown out in three years, then it will still be at least 15 years before we can attract the appropriate investment, actually build the infrastructure. and go to market.
And thats if all goes well. Very well. Investors will want to see that the liberals won't be getting back in quickly before they go risking projects that take decades to pay off. Or decide that the libeals have changed so much they won't be left wing anymore. So a minority gov't may not be able to attract that investment. We may be so burdened with debt by then that investors want little to do with canada, which we've seen before in period of very high debt. So it could be a LOT longer. It took about 15 years to bring the oil industry back after NEP and that was with significant gov't incentives. And they were already here at the time.
And then there's the people Trudeau will leave behind - the left wing judges he's been appointing, the bureaucrats he's put in place (lets not forget how much the public payroll has grown under him). All of which will likely not get behind the kind of changes the CPC wants. If you haven't watched 'yes minister' before go take in a few episodes (not from season one - it got better after that).
The Trudeau/Singh policies affect us all, but some people and regions more than others. Those people & regions existed & functioned before Trudeau (both the 1st & 2.0) & will do the same afterwards.
With more violence, more church burnings, more prejudice and hatred than before, and no sign it'll go away. It's like telling the jews "hitler is no big deal, jews were around before and will be around after". Yeah - technically true but that sure didn't make it a good thing or that he had no impact.
If you were hoping that the day trudeau got thrown out of power Canada would suddenly snap back to what it was and everything would go back to normal overnight, i'm afraid you're going to have to prepare for disappointment. And while we're waiting, we're missing the boat others will be happy to board.