It's not a matter of who started it. The rockets red glare is ongoing. The Gaza incursion's purpose was to stop the rockets, not to say "he started it".
So then their entire mission was a failure and all those civilians killed was for nothing.... good to know.
OK so lets say it was six thousand, or five thousand, or even a "measly" four thousand. It's still excessive. Tell you what, why don't you brew up your favorite beverage, sit in your favorite chair, make yourself comfortable, and count from one to four thousand.
Based on how many years again? Shall we start tallying up the number of bullets, missiles, thank shells, cluster bombs, white Phos. bombs and the sort that Israel has used over that same period of time?
I think you'd find the numbers sway towards Israel in that same logic..... therefore isn't much of an argument.
And you ask if I'm kidding you? lol There's been lots of damage and lots of casualties. The fact that there haven't been more casualties is a testament to the Israeli's ability to organize themselves defensively with warning sirens and constructing bomb shelters in every building. There haven't been more casualties, because, as I stated in my previous post, Israeli's are planing their lives around being more than 15 seconds away from a bomb shelter as little as possible.
Funny I thought you were talking about the casualties in Gaza which are a hell of a lot more.... but I guess they don't matter because they're not human.... just lowly terrorists.
Again, are you kidding me? There's lots of photos and lots of videos. Eyes wide shut?
No, I have seen photos and videos of rocket launches
during conflicts, yet every source you or anybody else has ever provided outside of the conflicts never shows any photos or video of the impact zones, other then stock footage. In fact, not too long ago someone (maybe it was you, I can't remember) supplied a few links to these types of reports.... one was about a mortar attack..... and they showed a spent rocket.... another was a rocket attack and they showed a spent mortar round. In both cases, the photos were clearly marked "Stock"
All the other reports were just text and nothing else...... so where's the beef?
Actually, it has come out that they actually didn't target that school that was all over the headlines in early January. Funny how the retraction gets no attention at all. Must be that zionist controlled media. :-?
Funny, I never heard of this.... and since they claimed they targeted those compounds because of "attacks from those locations" ~ Then suddenly, as you said, retract those claims..... that shows they lie their ass off to cover their own asses.
To be honest, I don't trust a thing the Israeli government says anymore then I trust what Hamas says. What I do trust are independant reports, reporters on the ground witnessing it and showing the video of what they see, and I trust what the civilians have to say..... they're there.... we are not.
To kill civilians or kill militants that were shooting from those compunds? Huge difference. Funny thing about urban warfare....most battles do take place in civilian installations.
Once again.... where's the proof?
I could shell the hell out of an entire city block, so long as I claim there was one gunman.... and that's enough justification?
There is no evidence of that. If I recall correctly, even the highly
palestinian favouring HRW admitted such.
Once again, are you kidding me?
They showed civilians in the hospitals wrapped up and being treated from burns specifically made by those types of weapons.... they even shown still smoldering chunks from the weapons still laying in the streets that burned for days.
Here.... fill your boots:
Israel 'using white phosphorus'
Israel 'using white phosphorus'
Group accuses Israel of firing white phosphorus into Gaza
Group accuses Israel of firing white phosphorus into Gaza -
^ See that cluster of burning things heading towards the ground? Guess what that is?
Israeli use of white phosphorus a war crime: Amnesty
Israeli use of white phosphorus a war crime: Amnesty
Israel admits using white phosphorus
Green Left - LEBANON: Israel admits using white phosphorus
^ And this was during the Lebanon war.... when they also used Cluster Bombs.
The pale blue 155mm rounds are clearly marked with the designation M825A1, an American-made white phosphorus munition
Gaza victims' burns increase concern over phosphorus
Gaza victims' burns increase concern over phosphorus - Times Online
Evidence of white phosphorus use on Gazan civilians (Video)
Evidence of white phosphorus use on Gazan civilians | International Solidarity Movement
^ Video showing injuries consistent with the use of white phosphorus shells has been filmed inside hospitals treating Palestinian wounded in Gaza City.
Contact with the shell remnants causes severe burns, sometimes burning the skin to the bone, consistent with descriptions by Ahmed Almi, an Egyptian doctor at the al-Nasser hospital in Khan Younis.
Almi said the entire body of one victim was burned within an hour. It was the first time he had seen the effects of what he called a “chemical weapon”.
Want some more?
UN pictures show what appears to be white phosphorus 'wedges' raining down on one of its compounds in Gaza.
UN pictures show what appears to be white phosphorus 'wedges' raining down on one of its compounds in Gaza. on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
No Evidence?
Next time look some of this up and get educated on what's actually happening.
Jesus, you really didn't pay any attention to what happened did you?
Israel 'shelled civilian shelter'
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel 'shelled civilian shelter'
.....The OCHA report said: "According to several testimonies, on 4 January Israeli foot soldiers evacuated approximately 110 Palestinians into a single-residence house in Zeitoun (half of whom were children) warning them to stay indoors.
"Twenty-four hours later, Israeli forces shelled the home repeatedly, killing approximately 30."
The UN said those who survived were able walked 2km to the main north-south road to be transported to hospital in civilian vehicles.
"Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital," the report said......
Maybe so, but it doesn't look like you're going to be my informant.
I just did.