Is it okay to be white?

Is it okay to be white?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Other answer.

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gunpowder >> Chinese
Before its invention, many incendiary and burning devices had been used, including Greek fire. The invention of gunpowder is usually attributed to experimentation in Chinese alchemy by Taoists in the pursuit of immortality, and is popularly listed as one of the "Four Great Inventions" of China.

The potato was first domesticated in the region of modern-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia[1] between 8000 and 5000 BC.[2] It has since spread around the world and b

Use it much??

Nice of you to prove TB's point, and highlight your ignorance.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Often whenever you see an E Indian in a grocery store, their cart will be filled with jugs of white milk, ever wonder what they do with all this milk??

Why do Indians buy lots of milk

"Indians buy lots of milk because of the following reasons:

1) We have the money to buy it
2) We drink loads of tea/ chai
3) In case there's a time when milk runs out, we can make big bucks by selling the extra milk we've got

I am a Punjabi girl and I am saying all this from personal experience."


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Wrong on all counts. The "noble savage" was and is a myth.

Head smashed in buffalo jump is a prime example of waste. They would stampede an entire heard over a cliff, take what they could process and carry and leave the rest to picked over by scavengers or rot.

They warred on each other regularly and I can give you more examples of waste from the above to clear cutting and draining swamps.

Gerry, Gerry, know better than to come up with shit like that. I've said a thousand times there's an exception to every rule. How many things do you think I could come up with where the white man's been wasteful. How many antlers do they take out of the bush while they leave the carcass to rot? Smarten Up! :) :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
You do not have any clue about the Indigenous peoples and your understanding of their history is based solely on colonialist propaganda.

Ever think you could be wrong, Cliffy and maybe he, such as I have done, read the diaries of Canadian and American explorers and their encounters with your Noble Savage. Should you care to inform yourself best be quick though as others of your ilk would see the truth about some Indians in Canada stricken from the pages of history. It would be so refreshing if natives and other such as yourself would just admit that certain tribes were warlike, did take slaves, did not treat Mother Earth kindly and were just as voracious in their killing of her creatures both human and animal as all the rest of mankind.

Through colonization and empire building, Europeans slaughtered many millions all over the world for a sustained period of time like no other group. Warring tribes only did their thing in a small area over a short period of time.

"The advent of agriculture was a prerequisite to long-term human settlements – cities – of any significant size. It gave rise to larger societies, capable of bigger and more elaborate wars. For the dynasties of ancient China, the empires of Mesopotamia and, centuries later, the kingdoms of Europe, waging war was one of their reasons for being. Frederick William founded and built Prussia to wage war against its many hostile neighbours. Prussia’s clashes with regional rivals during the 17th and 18th centuries made the nation we know today as Germany. Across the Atlantic, in the mid-18th century, the Seven Years’ War helped to galvanize American colonists against the British, setting them on the path to form a nation of their own."

Might be worth a read, Clffy. If nothing else, it will open your eyes to the fact that throughout mankind's history, people have warred with each other.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gerry, Gerry, know better than to come up with shit like that. I've said a thousand times there's an exception to every rule. How many things do you think I could come up with where the white man's been wasteful. How many antlers do they take out of the bush while they leave the carcass to rot? Smarten Up! :) :) :)

Not talking about whitey, JLM. Talking about MY ancestors. My Mothers Grandparents, Great Grandparents, etc, etc, etc. Unlike you, I don't spout bullshyte that some wannabe has told me. I have done my research into my heritage. I know what tribes did what, obviously, you don't have a fu cking clue. Why would you think that humans on this continent would be any different than humans on another continent? We are ALL the same, or are you another racist that thinks one "race" is better than another?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Care to point out what he said which was incorrect? Oh, it might be rudely put, but it was also true.

They made war on each other all the time, and they had no wheels, no scientists, nor concept of science, no art or music, except for drawing a few pictures on cave walls, no written language, and thus no real history or memory. Everything they didn't understand was controlled by various gods, and they didn't understand much of anything.

And they had made no real progress towards scientific advancement in ten thousand years.

I'd like to believe that you aren't that ignorant, but sheesh.

By today's standards, I know an engineer from Pakistan. An architect from Iran. And my doctor came from India.

Ever seen this masterpiece of architecture? Do you understand the mathematics it took to design it?

Here's a tidbit for you: The earliest archeological evidence of an animal drawnn plough dates back to 2500 BCE in the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan.

Getting back to math:

The word algebra comes from the title of a Persian mathematician's famous 9th century treatise "Kitab al-Jabr Wa l-Mugabala" which translates roughly as "The Book of Reasoning and Balancing." Built on the roots of Greek and Hindu systems, the new algebraic order was a unifying system for rational numbers, irrational numbers and geometrical magnitudes. The same mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi, was also the first to introduce the concept of raising a number to a power.

Ever seen these? People still haven't figure out how guys with no cranes and helicopter and machines managed to build these babies.

Popular Mechanics: Many of the basics of modern automatics were first put to use in the Muslim world, including the revolutionary crank-connecting rod system. By converting rotary motion to linear motion, the crank enables the lifting of heavy objects with relative ease. This technology, discovered by Al-Jazari in the 12th century, exploded across the globe, leading to everything from the bicycle to the internal combustion engine.

The earliest use of a form of concrete dates back to 6500 B.C. It was found in a ruin near northern Jordan and southern Syria.

Have a Timmies, but remember, it was those cave dwellers that introduced us to it.

I'd dig up abut a zillion other facts for you, but I'm guessing you'll just blow this of as Brown propaganda.

Care to point out what he said which was incorrect? Oh, it might be rudely put, but it was also true.

Durry's racism is so blatant that only a individual of like mind could miss it.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Ever think you could be wrong, Cliffy and maybe he, such as I have done, read the diaries of Canadian and American explorers and their encounters with your Noble Savage.
I've never referred to indigenous people as noble savages. They were people who found a different path from the Europeans (who were the savages). Yes, there were wars, there was cannibalism and slavery. I have spent 40 years studying anthropology, archaeology and ethnography. I spent a years or so studying everything I could find on the Smithsonian site and in National Geographic archives. I have read many of the Archives of the Hudson Bay Company and the records of the early Jesuit missionaries who came to the west. I keep up to date on recent discoveries. Perhaps you should read 1941 as Bones suggested. I have read hundreds of books and have read both sides of history.
I look at the population of the Americas, the vast areas of old growth forests, the huge populations and varieties of animal and plant life that existed before the arrival of the Europeans and the devastation they have brought to this continent and I can only come to the conclusion that the indigenous populations were good stewards of this land and we have turned it into a garbage dump.
And idiots who keep bringing up Buffalo Jump think that all those skeletons ended up there in one fell swoop. That pile of bones represents 10 thousand years of killing. Millions of people over that time were fed by those animals. But the billions of animals that have been raised on factory farms in the last 100 years or so and slaughtered in our abattoirs is more civilized. History was written by the white man in this country and most of it is a lie to justify the genocide of our indigenous peoples.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Its to bad it was that easy to wipe out the aboriginal people. You would think they were some kind of gods when you listen to Cliffy Cannuck and Tec talk about their beloved aboriginals.

I bet you my carbon foot print would be very small as well if i still lived like a animal. Maybe its time we all become stewards of the earth be living like animals again.

:roll: some people are just so innocent.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Not talking about whitey, JLM. Talking about MY ancestors. My Mothers Grandparents, Great Grandparents, etc, etc, etc. Unlike you, I don't spout bullshyte that some wannabe has told me. I have done my research into my heritage. I know what tribes did what, obviously, you don't have a fu cking clue. Why would you think that humans on this continent would be any different than humans on another continent? We are ALL the same, or are you another racist that thinks one "race" is better than another?

I think you are getting mixed up, Gerry, I never said better, I said less wasteful. As soon as you start telling someone they don't have a fu cking clue, you are not debating sensibly, you are entering the same "arena" as Cannucklehead (the only way he thinks he can win an argument is by bullying someone, which in turn leads me to telling him to go f**k himself. You guys should quit this shit. Now tell me is there anyone more wasteful than the 21st century Caucasian of European extraction.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
A professional group near Atlanta is inviting white people to "Come Meet a Black Person."

That's the title of a networking event planned for Thursday in suburban Lawrenceville by Urban Mediamakers, a consortium of content creators.

"If white folks don't have none of us in their lives, they're the ones missing out," said Cheryle Moses, president and founder of the organization, which hosts an annual film festival in October and also holds a contest for middle school and high school filmmakers.

Moses said she was inspired by research she'd read about that showed that three quarters of white people don't count any non-white people among their friends. She didn't mean for the title of the event to be provocative, she said, but instead wants to build relationships of trust and understanding.

As a black woman, she said, she deals with racism on a daily basis. Rather than sitting around with her friends complaining about the way things are in the country or the world, she wanted to do something about it, she said.

"My question is why do a lot of white folks get offended when anyone brings up race or racism?" she said. "Let's walk through it, talk about it. If we are friends, you can sit down with friends and agree to disagree."

She wants to offer an opportunity for white people who are open to the idea to come and become friends with non-white people in hopes that they will then talk to their white friends about it, she said

"Woke white folks gotta talk to white folks," she said. "They gotta take care of that."

She wasn't sure Tuesday how many people had signed up for the event, which is meant to celebrate the organization's 16th anniversary, but said she's gotten a lot of positive feedback after it was featured by several news outlets.

People who are angered by the event's theme don't understand what she's trying to do, she said.

Group invites white people to Come Meet a Black Person | WSB-TV


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Wrong on all counts. The "noble savage" was and is a myth.

Head smashed in buffalo jump is a prime example of waste. They would stampede an entire heard over a cliff, take what they could process and carry and leave the rest to picked over by scavengers or rot.

They warred on each other regularly and I can give you more examples of waste from the above to clear cutting and draining swamps.
And Cahokia. Until 1830 (when it was surpassed by Philadelphia) Cahokia, near the site of present-day St. Louis, was the largest city in the Americas. And it was all native.

But this is one example among many of Indian "failures," if you insist on being judgmental about it. Cahokia was not wiped out by the whites, it was wiped out by soil depletion. Cahokia was supported by gigantic cornfields, and anybody who has even a passing knowledge of farming knows that corn depletes the soil very quickly. Cahokia practiced crop rotation rather than the milpa, for the same reasons the whites do. But they got it wrong. Even with crop rotation, the corn depleted the soil until Cahokia could no longer feed itself. So the city emptied out and fell to ruin.

I'm sure racists will trumpet this as conclusive evidence of Indian inferiority, completely ignoring all the European cities that failed for a variety of reasons. But my point here is to agree that Indians are no better, and no worse, than anybody else. And any stereotype is necessarily wrong.

20,000 years. Two continents. 3000 nations. One-fifth of the world's population. We tried everything. Political systems ranging from pure democracy to the most rigid, god-king fascism imaginable, and everything in between. Religions from absolute monotheism to piddling reference to thousands of gods just as a casual way of referring to everyday objects (the pot had a "spirit". Each pot had a "spirit"). Redeemer stories. Original sin. No original sin. Religions that stated that "we" (whichever tribe was pursuing it) were the only pure ones, and everyone else were the spawn of demons. Religions that stated that all people were equally God's children. Economic systems from pure communism to trade-based capitalism so extensive that pipeclay, which is only found in upper Midwest of the U.S., was traded as far as Tierra del Fuego and corn, developed in Central America, was planted everywhere on the two continents (and offshore islands). Metalworking in gold, silver, and copper. We were clearly on the road to bronze when the Europeans showed up, and given that the highest-quality iron ores in the world are in North America, that no doubt would have followed. Maybe even steel, which the Europeans didn't invent either (they got the idea from the Arabs), so you never know.

What we didn't have was beasts of burden. Of the 14 beast-of-burden species, only one is indigenous to the Americas, the llama. And the llama is of limited utility, good for carrying some cargo, but not large enough to ride.

Other stuff was hit-or-miss, catch-as-catch-can invention and discovery. We vastly outpaced the Europeans in plant biology. They were ahead of us in metallurgy and animal breeding. And that last was our ultimate downfall. The Europeans (and the middle Easterners and Asians, and to a lesser extent the Africans) lived with their animals. So they got the crossover diseases (for those of you who didn't know, just about every epidemic disease came from animals and adapted over time until they could attack humans), and spent a couple thousand years developing defenses. We got all those diseases at once, and had no opportunity to develop defenses. The epidemics that wiped out 75-80% of us were immediately followed by wars of extermination.

Of course we never had a chance. C'est la vie. The Etruscans had a nice little gig going, until the Romans showed up. The Central Asians had some very nice cultures going until the Mongols roared through. We move on as best we can.