Impending War On Iran


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
``We have to defend ourselves, no matter what offenses we have committed in the past...``

And it was John Negroponte who directed all Republican financed terrorist activity in Central America - since there is no statute of limitations on murder perhaps you as the do-gooder right winger would like to have him extradited in order to face a murder trial.

''We have to defend ourselves''

Yeah, great job there in attacking Iraq which never posed a threat to the USA. And now you think the idea of attacking Iran which also poses no threat is acceptible??


There's something about these Republicans ....:roll:

Sorry Gopher, I'm not a Republican, I'm a Canadian (thank God!).....and I have every intention of staying that way!

As for the aforementioned guy you accuse of murdering somebody somewhere.....I never heard of I can't really argue the point. I know the Sandinistas proved the legitamacy of their revolution when they acknowledged the will of the people and ceded power to the partythat defeated them in fair elections. The Contra thing was simply wrong.
And Saddam only tried to send assasination squads against the US President, and was a severe threat to US interests in the ME, and a hard-core supporter of Palestinian terror. AND Saddam himself did his best to convince the world he had WMD. So.....the invasion.

Don't expect me to shed any tears over the demise of Saddam's Iraq.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
~~ Don't expect me to shed any tears over the demise of Saddam's Iraq. ~~

One million dead Iraqis and over 2 million refugees surviving under incredibly harsh conditions and you refuse to shed a tear.
No surprise.;-)


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
Let's see now.....It has not been proven that Iran has nuclear capabilities at this time. Pakistan, however, does have run by a military junta, is home to both Al-Qaeda and the Taliban...... yet it's Iran that "we're" worried about? Oh ya....that makes sense.8O

In fact, as I have pointed out twice now, it has been proven that Iran does not have nuclear weapons capabilities at this time. Ignoring the possibility that they have some uranium that nobody knows about in a plant that nobody knows about. Everything you need to know is here.

There are warmongers and there are diplomats in this world. I don't know about Saddam Hussein sending assassins after US presidents but I do know the reverse is true. I also know that the first rounds of "weapons inspections" in Iraq failed when Iraq correctly accused weapons inspectors of being spies for the US and UK and using the pretext of weapons inspections to transfer information about military locations. Iraq did not expel the inspectors, instead the US and UK suggested that they leave as they were about to start an extensive bombing about the locations that the spies had pinpointed. You can read all about it here.

Subsequent to that, Iraq repeatedly requested that weapons inspections renew under safeguards to ensure that further spying did not take place. Their requests were refused by the UN security council. It is not true that Iraq tried to maintain an image of possessing chemical weapons and missiles capable of deploying them, the weapons of mass destruction, instead they were honest in the fact that they had possessed them but destroyed them.

The true pretext of the war cannot possibly have been weapons, if Scott Ritter knew that 90-95% of the chemical weapons capabilities and 100% of the nuclear facilities had been destroyed when he left Iraq in 1998 and subsequent inspectors confirmed further destruction of the weapons, that pretext could only be true if US military intelligence were the only people unaware of actual purposes and accomplishments of weapons inspections.

True Saddam Hussein was a despot, but hegemonic regime change cannot justify the continuing violence in Iraq with no end in sight. Nor can it justify the revisions of history such as statements like 'Iraq expelled weapons inspectors' when in fact the UN ordered them to leave, or 'Iraq did not cooperate on disarmament' when in fact they fully cooperated up to 5% of complete disarmament when the inspectors were withdrawn by the UN to make way for US and UK bombing runs.

If you desire more corroborating evidence of the above history, read the first and second articles at Zmag: "Iraq and arms inspections", and read their sources, they are well cited.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Hi, All!

Having just finished reading all your posts, watching with one eye the Fifth Estate about the two crooks... Mulroony/Schreiber, I feel compelled to add my little bit of mustard as well.

I recently read about the enormous gas und oil deposits under and around the Caspean Sea. Therein lies the real reason for an invasion of Iran or to bring it under US control. America, the greatest user/waster of nat. resources has to strongly assert itself against the other big competitors like China, Russia and Europe.

Then, I also read that Israel is simply and urgently calling for the elimination of the Iranian threat, which is understandable, being such a small state in the midst of an Arab sea. They naturally use Ahmedineshad's threat, to wipe them off the map, as their very legitimate excuse.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It's amazing after all this time people still believe that Ahamidinejad said what he didn't. You'd think with all our media we could get that straight? It is our media isn't it?


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Hi, you two;

thanks for correcting me! I believe I read such, either here or in a german forum, but I wanted to play it safe and not offend any jewish posters... I'm still new here you have to remember.

Just did a quick google search...
here the result:

"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," said Ahmadinejad, referring to Iran's
revolutionary leader Ayat Allah Khomeini."

So, in essence he only stated Khomeini? But the Israelis are using it as a real threat, coming from Ahmadinejad, aren't they?
Btw., isn't Khomeini dead already?

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
The mental gymnastics people will perform to villify America and sanctify her enemies fascinates me.

I guess if all things are equal, there must have been government sponsored "Death to Iran" banners all over the thanksgiving day parades today, right? Right?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
``mental gymnastics``

A very apt description to illustrate the Islamophobic and Iranophobic hysteria that the warmongering reich wing media has been promoting. Those are the real enemies of America.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

Help me with a problem I ran into today if you would...

A woman was driving me to the pharmacy when we were involved in an automobile accident. The gentleman driving the vehicle we ran into was named I wonder where he was from....

He refused to talk to the woman who was driving and wouldn't talk to the female police officer who showed up at the scene.

I've been as strong supporter of equality across gender and ethnic lines for the majority of my adult life, and when someone comes to this country and brings his prejudices with him, I'm through with lattitude to ethincs who are obviously prepared to "transplant" their prejudices here.

If you can't demonstrate respect for women because that's what you "believe", I think it's time to send these folk packing back to where they came from.

No more nice guy from Mikey.....


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I watched Richard Pearle interviewed on the BBC this afternoon, he didn't want to invade Iraq and he dosn't want to invade Iran, he favours diplomatic avenus, however he would like to see the people of Iran get the government they deserve. What's that mean? Has Iraq gotten the government it deserves? Has Pakistan? Has Afghanistan? Has America? God help us all if we get what we deserve.:lol:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Help me with a problem I ran into today if you would...

A woman was driving me to the pharmacy when we were involved in an automobile accident. The gentleman driving the vehicle we ran into was named I wonder where he was from....

He refused to talk to the woman who was driving and wouldn't talk to the female police officer who showed up at the scene.

I've been as strong supporter of equality across gender and ethnic lines for the majority of my adult life, and when someone comes to this country and brings his prejudices with him, I'm through with lattitude to ethincs who are obviously prepared to "transplant" their prejudices here.

If you can't demonstrate respect for women because that's what you "believe", I think it's time to send these folk packing back to where they came from.

No more nice guy from Mikey.....

I'll help you Mickey, you're dead wrong? Hows that? If that apple's going to make you turf the whole lot how's it ever going to change? Why didn't you just punch him in the head till he cooperated?


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
How do you recommend we deal with immigrants who decide that their "beliefs" and their religious ritual dress...(Mountie uniform issue) and their attitude about women is the appropriate way to interface with the country that's now their home?

I'm tired of hearing about the injustice of the regimes in Saudi Arabia that punish rape victims and my heart goes out to that woman. It's time for Canadians to assert their rights and whether an Arab likes it or not, women in Canada have rights and that includes the requirement under Canadian law to the exchange of insurance info when an accident occurs.

Get the hell out of my country if you're not prepared to integrate into our society.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

Whoops I think I hear common sense calling....

No more lattitude for them and no more respect for your views either.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
I'm with you Colpy.

Bearing grievances against the people who've done you harm and killed your family is to be expected. It appears to me that the people who've come to Canada and have made a life for themselves here want to retain their prejudices and have managed to convince some Darkbeaver for instance...that expecting immigrants to integrate into their new society and their new home is an egregious burden that brings even greater suffering to them than living where the "rule of law" that they've decided better meets their patriarchal and bigotted world-view.

We don't need more hatred and when a Canadian thinks they don't have to abide by our rules and our law...that's the harbinger of hatred that's been imported with them when they came, not something that started here.

Bomb Iran back to the stone age.


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
How do you recommend we deal with immigrants who decide that their "beliefs" and their religious ritual dress...(Mountie uniform issue) and their attitude about women is the appropriate way to interface with the country that's now their home?

I'm tired of hearing about the injustice of the regimes in Saudi Arabia that punish rape victims and my heart goes out to that woman. It's time for Canadians to assert their rights and whether an Arab likes it or not, women in Canada have rights and that includes the requirement under Canadian law to the exchange of insurance info when an accident occurs.

Get the hell out of my country if you're not prepared to integrate into our society.

Lovely Mikey;
WHO do you think you are??? Ever thought who's country this was in the first place??? Change your tune, and thank the Natives for tolerating you!!:p


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

I'm a native of Canada, with a family heritage that goes back to the Mohawks, among whom I was born.

Who do you think you are?