How to improve the emotion when broken up with bf?


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Hi Judy

I guess you are asking for yourself and if you are I am sorry you have hit one of those "bumps" life throws at us every once in a while.

Something to think about however...

If you are very sad, you can know it will eventually pass and you will find other things to enjoy and soon another person to give your heart to - it's all about
finding what suits you best in life and you are learning.

Although losing someone you care about is awful, be glad you have loved and have
the courage now to get on with your life - but don't let your unhappiness discourage you from looking forward to your next special guy.

Even worse is being stuck with a guy who never loved you and probably never will in the future... I think that is more painful than breaking off the relationship.

While you are passing time - there are some sweet guys here who flirt and will treat you like a princess.

You will be feeling better soon! Curio


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Rebound sex with random dudes
That works for guys but I'm not sure about the girls (not being one and all).

If you take one day at a time, the next day is always better. Life is about cycles of ups and downs. Breaking up is usually a deeper down cycle than normal but that usually means the next up cycle will be higher than normal.

Emotions are funny things. We tend to be slaves to them, but I don't think that is their purpose. Emotions are usually deeply buried hurts from our childhood and the triggering event has very little to do with how we feel. The emotion has surfaced to be healed. The intensity of it indicates how deeply hidden and serious it is. Try to view what you are going through as a healing process instead of a loss.

In my experience, the more pain involved, the more codependent the relationship was. The old saying, "you can't love someone unless you can love yourself first" is true. Most of us get into relationships to fill the void in our hearts that is ours to fill. We can share our love with another, but we cannot expect them to give us what we need. Expectation always breeds disappointment.

Love yourself. Be kind and gentle and forgiving. It takes two to make a relationship and two to tear it down. Ask yourself why you didn't want to be in it anymore. That, to me, is the most useful question to ask, not "why did they leave me".


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
There's not much one can do (guy or girl) except move past the issue, take it as a lesson in life in what to avoid in the future and be glad that you're no longer in that situation anymore.

My first serious relationship was a difficult one and I put myself through more crap then I should have.... everybody continually told me to end the relationship, including my parents.... yet this is one of those things an individual needs to learn on their own and figure out for themselves.... otherwise, they'll just end up falling for a similar person and doing it all over again.

There may have been good times, in fact of course there were, or else you wouldn't have gotten into the relationship in the first place, let alone allow it to last as long as it did..... not to mention, there was good in the relationship, or else it wouldn't be so hard to breakup and you wouldn't be asking the question.

... But there was also a lot of bad, which is why it ended.

Time will allow you to move forward and seek another relationship, but for the time being, take the time for yourself, do what you want.... take a break from relationships and figure out not only who you are now after the relationship, but figure out what you want in your life in the future.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
How to improve the bad emotion when broken up with boyfriend?
Get busy doing things that take your mind off it, have a good cry, and then do more stuff to divert your mind.

Suggestions by guys to a girl about what to do about a girl's emotions? Funny.


New Member
Apr 13, 2010
Jiangsu ,China
Hi Judy

I guess you are asking for yourself and if you are I am sorry you have hit one of those "bumps" life throws at us every once in a while.

Something to think about however...

If you are very sad, you can know it will eventually pass and you will find other things to enjoy and soon another person to give your heart to - it's all about
finding what suits you best in life and you are learning.

Although losing someone you care about is awful, be glad you have loved and have
the courage now to get on with your life - but don't let your unhappiness discourage you from looking forward to your next special guy.

Even worse is being stuck with a guy who never loved you and probably never will in the future... I think that is more painful than breaking off the relationship.

While you are passing time - there are some sweet guys here who flirt and will treat you like a princess.

You will be feeling better soon! Curio


Thanks for your comfort .
I think i should be myself .
We two ,are in 2 different cities .It is really hard to continue the relationship with each other .He rarely have time to accompany with me .So even he is my boyfriend ,i also feel unhappy .Because he cares me very little .
Now we have broken up ,maybe ,for me ,although I still was very sad ,but I think I was set free .As you said ,I need time to take myself from the past relationship and to persuit the new life .

i will be myself and make myself happy ."You can't love others unless you love yourself first ",100% true .

Thanks a lot ,dear .I wish you happy every moment .

I believe I will be better soon !

Recently ,I am preparing to open an international online shop .When I was in college , I have had this dream .Now I think I will divert my full attention on this .

Let the unhappy things pass ,now and future are the most important !


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009

Thanks for your comfort .
I think i should be myself .
We two ,are in 2 different cities .It is really hard to continue the relationship with each other .He rarely have time to accompany with me .So even he is my boyfriend ,i also feel unhappy .Because he cares me very little .
Now we have broken up ,maybe ,for me ,although I still was very sad ,but I think I was set free .As you said ,I need time to take myself from the past relationship and to persuit the new life .

i will be myself and make myself happy ."You can't love others unless you love yourself first ",100% true .

Thanks a lot ,dear .I wish you happy every moment .

I believe I will be better soon !

Recently ,I am preparing to open an international online shop .When I was in college , I have had this dream .Now I think I will divert my full attention on this .

Let the unhappy things pass ,now and future are the most important !
You go, girl. :)


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
First of all just be sad for a short period, we all go through the phases of loss.
Whether its a death in the family, a lost love, suddenly finding yourself without
a job, and the list goes on. Just live in the moment understanding the sense of
loss will change. Every person finds the right time to move onto the next step.
Also never force it, If you rush things, you mess yourself up. You will move on
in time and looking back you will wonder what the fuss was about.