How the GW myth is perpetuated


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
27 years isnt an example acceleration. Its a pathetic attempt at trying to claim a win in a game you have in your head that only you are playing.

There are only 3 geological processes that happen "instantly". Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and planet smashers.

Sea level rise isnt one of them.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
27 years isnt an example acceleration. Its a pathetic attempt at trying to argue a win in a game you have in your head that only you are playing.

The data you told me to look at confirms what I have been saying.

Sea levels have been rising and have recently accelerated.

I'd ask you for the why but you wont answer so I think we are done here.

Anyone else?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I think Mamma is pissed...


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
….& then we where distracted from the Climate Change Debate by a real crisis being the Global Pandemic that we called COVID 19…which has come & gone in waves for the last year or more….& that brings us to the current time.

Ah, the Glasgow Times. My second favourite newspaper (the ultimate must remain unnamed). Getting close to the hive gathering known as COP26, the Glasgow Times passed on glad tidings that the 30,000 attending from all over God’s plague-pocked world (the number has jumped from 25,000) “will not need to use the Scottish government’s vaccine passport system to enter the conference.”

“And why should they?” the whole woke world, maybe even Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (see below), responds in chorus. The Scottish government is very like the Canadian government(s) in these moments of high choice and fraught decisions. It will lock down the corner store, demand passports to go to the coffee shop, bring ruin to local restaurants, but wave a welcome hand and drop all the rules for 30,000 strangers coming to town.

Does anyone think it is going to impose health mandates and vaccine passports on a multitude of people from almost every single country of the world when they jam themselves into Glasgow to exchange invocations against the sky god of global warming? And find all sorts of specious rationalizations when they do so. When they join in their thousands to mingle, meet, hug and celebrate under the immunity-granting, virus-defying, to-hell-with-social-distancing prophylactic of the global warming minstrelsy?

Anyway, more at the link above….
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Interesting Walter but we already know he will be shunned by his peers and called a sell out
Of course he will just as actual climatologists before him who have been cancelled. I don't understand why people don't get the fact that climate has ALWAYS changed and nothing we do will change that. We can improve air, ground & water quality but not climate. Silly people!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Of course he will just as actual climatologists before him who have been cancelled. I don't understand why people don't get the fact that climate has ALWAYS changed and nothing we do will change that. We can improve air, ground & water quality but not climate. Silly people!!
From my perspective the climate is improving. A winter without snow would be a glorious thing.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
We had many tropical plants started in the house in the winter that we moved to our deck & back yard in the spring that thrived this year. Some where 6’ tall & still flowering in late August!! There’s still pepper plants in the raised garden that are flowering (again!) since the last frost. Others (the portable ones) have already come indoors for the season.