Well he wants to import 500,000 truck and taxi drivers annually what would you expect ?Recent months have seen a massive spike in the price of gas, housing, beef and telecommunications, among others. Not wanting to be left out, Canada’s dairy farmers recently called for milk prices to rise an incredible 8.4 per cent. Wait, isn’t it illegal for an industry to collude on the price of a commodity? Didn’t Loblaws get into trouble for doing that exact thing with bread? Yes, it is illegal – for every other agricultural sector in Canada except the one that produces dairy.
FIRST READING: U.S. calls for more foreign oil (so long as it's not Canadian) — National Post
The dairy cartel jacks up prices (because they're a cartel, you see)apple.news
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau kicked off his appearance at the COP26 UN climate conference by repeating his election promise that Canada would “cap” emissions from its oil and gas industry. It’s not quite a promise to cap production, as Trudeau is only counting the emissions required to produce oil and gas (ie: the natural gas burned to power an oil sands operation in Athasbasca), and not the much higher emissions that result when that oil and gas is eventually burned. So, if Alberta just ran all its oilfields on nuclear power or something, we’d be in the clear.
Trudeau said that Canada’s voluntary emissions cap would be an inspiration to the world’s other oil and gas producers?
Meanwhile, U.S. President Joe Biden told those exact same oil producers over the weekend to start emitting more. More specifically, he urged the likes of Saudi Arabia and Russia to produce more oil and ultimately bring down the price of gasoline?
If there was any doubt that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will pursue his climate goals at the expense of the Canadian economy, it was put to rest by his remarks at the COP26 conference in Glasgow on Monday, when he used the international forum to openly declare war on Alberta’s oil and gas industry.
Jesse Kline: Trudeau declares war on Alberta oil — National Post
COP26: Capping emissions and ensuring the limit decreases over time will box the energy industry into a cornerapple.news
Despite being upfront about their intention to make the energy industry do all the heavy lifting to achieve Canada’s climate commitments — after all, GHG emissions from the transportation sector are roughly equal to the energy industry, but Trudeau has no plans to limit the number of planes in the sky or trucks on the road — it is nevertheless shocking that the Liberals would look to hamper an industry that, in 2019, accounted for 10 per cent of Canadian gross domestic product and supported over 832,500 direct and indirect jobs.
Actually, that is false. The seas are not rising nor have they been. It's misinformation as usual by the extremists who insist the world is going to end soon. It's disgusting!The data you told me to look at confirms what I have been saying.
Sea levels have been rising and have recently accelerated.
I'd ask you for the why but you wont answer so I think we are done here.
Anyone else?
Lytton proudly proclaims it is Canada’s hot spot .Lytton... Lit on.
Odd how Church arsons screeched to a halt after Lit on.
But it isn't.Lytton proudly proclaims it is Canada’s hot spot .
The sign at the entrance to what used to be a town says so .But it isn't.
It’s been a while since we have heard any “climate emergency” declarations. In case you’ve forgotten, they were all the rage before COVID hit. Now we are hearing about a different emergency, namely soaring fuel prices, in response to which governments are demanding the fossil fuel sector do what they spent the last 20 years ordering it not to do: increase capacity and output.….& then we where distracted from the Climate Change Debate by a real crisis being the Global Pandemic that we called COVID 19…which has come & gone in waves for the last year or more….& that brings us to the current time.
Rex Murphy: It's a miracle! Apparently climate crusaders are immune to COVID! — National Post
COP26 climate summit delegates won't be required to have vaccine passports, unlike the rest of usapple.news
Ah, the Glasgow Times. My second favourite newspaper (the ultimate must remain unnamed). Getting close to the hive gathering known as COP26, the Glasgow Times passed on glad tidings that the 30,000 attending from all over God’s plague-pocked world (the number has jumped from 25,000) “will not need to use the Scottish government’s vaccine passport system to enter the conference.”
“And why should they?” the whole woke world, maybe even Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (see below), responds in chorus. The Scottish government is very like the Canadian government(s) in these moments of high choice and fraught decisions. It will lock down the corner store, demand passports to go to the coffee shop, bring ruin to local restaurants, but wave a welcome hand and drop all the rules for 30,000 strangers coming to town.
Does anyone think it is going to impose health mandates and vaccine passports on a multitude of people from almost every single country of the world when they jam themselves into Glasgow to exchange invocations against the sky god of global warming? And find all sorts of specious rationalizations when they do so. When they join in their thousands to mingle, meet, hug and celebrate under the immunity-granting, virus-defying, to-hell-with-social-distancing prophylactic of the global warming minstrelsy?
Anyway, more at the link above….
Good advice!!It’s been a while since we have heard any “climate emergency” declarations. In case you’ve forgotten, they were all the rage before COVID hit. Now we are hearing about a different emergency, namely soaring fuel prices, in response to which governments are demanding the fossil fuel sector do what they spent the last 20 years ordering it not to do: increase capacity and output.
Many other observers have discussed, vented, ranted and raved about the inane contradictions of policymakers who have made it effectively impossible for the private sector to keep up with consumer demands for fossil fuel products, and who are now blaming the private sector for the inevitable price hikes. As we contemplate the inconsistent views of policy makers it is helpful to trace them to the inconsistent views of the people who presumed to advise them.
Rhetoric about climate change being an “existential threat,” a “crisis,” an “emergency” and even an “extinction-level event” has come, not just from overheated activists, but also from corporate leaders, bankers, bureaucrats, politicians, United Nations officials and more than a few scientists.
Missing from that list? Economists.
Junk Science Week: Net-Zero Edition — Ross McKitrick: Junk science has led to junk policies — Financial Post
The way out of this mess begins by getting back to mainstream economicsapple.news
…In the years before COVID, however, this view was effectively squelched as decidedly non-mainstream activists and agitators took over the public discussion and convinced naïve politicians and ill-informed corporate leaders to declare climate emergencies and block the development of energy infrastructure. These no doubt well-intentioned decision-makers were told they would be acting in the name of science, though not that the science in question was junk. But junk science has led to junk policies, which are now doing much harm to many people.
The way out of this mess begins by getting back to mainstream economics, mainstream science and the more than occasional exercise of common sense.