How Low Can They Go?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Evidence is plentiful. Half of Israel is sick and tired of it too. Its in the news.
It is? I've heard that most Israeli's support Bibi but want him to do more in getting the hostages back but if Hamas refuses to negotiate what more can he do? Apparently, the "news" isn't reporting facts. Huh, who knew LOL!!
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Are you sure? You never read the 13 posts detailing Zionist terrorism sponsored by the State of Israel? How did you miss that?
Go to the Hamas Attacks Israel thread. There are 13 lengthy and very detailed pages of State sponsored Zionist terrorism on Palestinians.

What on earth made you think there wasnt?
Zionists caused the Right-wing riots. Zionists were responsible for the gender controversy at the Olympic boxing. Zionists fixed the Venezuelan elections. Zionists ate my hamster. Most of these are real, public accusations. The war of words – and on words – is being won by those who would deliberately twist language in the cause of their own bigotry. The end point of this process is very disturbing indeed.

Students across the US are returning to their anti-Zionist activism and their British counterparts are preparing to do the same, all certain in the knowledge that by fighting Zionism they are fighting fascism and genocide. Some Imams in London, the North East and the Midlands have meanwhile openly blamed recent far-Right riots on Zionists, which is to say Jews. And amid this progressive predisposition to seemingly support literally anyone opposed to Israel – a viewpoint disseminated on social media and not robustly challenged by authorities – the struggle for control of the language is being lost to extremists and the deluded.

A recent flyer for a Finchley Against Fascism event gets to the heart of the problem. The headline read: “Get fascists, racists, Nazis, Zionists & Islamophobes out of Finchley!” As Harry Hill would say, “You get the idea”. Zionists have been casually dropped in after Nazis because, well, they are the same thing. Apart from being ghoulishly provocative, this clearly states that anyone who believes in the state of Israel is evil.

The words Zionism and Zionist have been turned against the people and the country that conspiracy theorists would have you believe possesses an iron grip over the world’s economy and media. Well, some iron grip that turned out to be. As with the history of Israel and Palestine, the facts are apparently irrelevant.

Zionism is the desire to have a Jewish homeland (it doesn’t even denote what kind of homeland that would be). Can you imagine any other minority being thought of as Nazis for wanting self determination and security after a millennia of persecution?

Think about the widely held current assumptions about “Zionists” for a moment, on the basis that this applies to most Jewish people in the UK: they are warmongers, child killers and they support genocide.

How many Jewish people do you think “support” genocide or believe children suffering is no big deal? You’d have to work pretty hard to find a Jewish person in Britain who supports Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, even if they unequivocally support Israel’s right to defend itself. They are distraught about the suffering in Gaza and the majority would favour a secure, peaceful two-state solution (even though that looks a long way off). Yet they are also somehow complicit in mass murder. The sheer absurdity of this idea shows how far the discourse has collapsed from reason.
A common accusation levelled at Israel by its opponents, and at the Jewish community more widely, is that the Holocaust has been weaponised to suppress criticism of its actions. The truth is the opposite.

The Holocaust was the final, dreadful point at which a Jewish state became a necessity. After centuries of oppression and persecution (the kind of experience that would normally afford limitless sympathy and support to other minorities), Jews could no longer be both an eternal minority and survive.

So when anti-Semites say “the Holocaust is always used as an excuse for Israel” they are correct. But to diminish the Holocaust in this way is the real, grotesque, weaponisation.

Anti-Israel activists and anti-Semites have also aligned themselves with the protestors who gathered against the far-Right during recent unrest on Britain’s streets. They are hiding in plain sight amid the anti-racist movement. In Leicester, an Imam proclaimed: “You have Zionists such as Tommy Robinson, paid by, supported by the fathers of all genocides, the Zionist regime, to perpetuate these ideas amongst them.”

What’s key here is not the reference to Robinson, but to Israel as the “father of all genocides”. The appropriation of the word “genocide” is not just casual or organic, but a deliberate tactic.

If the Holocaust made the creation of Israel possible, then accusing the state of perpetuating a genocide of its own delegitimises it in the eyes of the world. In other words, falsely using the word genocide is part of a conscious attempt to undermine Israel’s right to exist.

We celebrated when large numbers of people stood up to the far-Right, collectively patting ourselves on the back and saying “We’re not that kind of country after all”. However, as the dust settles on the actions of those egregious mobs, anti-Jewish activists continue to successfully equate the state of Israel, and any Jew who supports it, with fascism. That’s the agenda of the hard-Left (it always has been) and it’s finally working.

It’s working because Palestinian flags are waved proudly and anti-Israel chants reverberate loudly at anti-fascist marches. But an anti-fascist march full of anti-Semites is not an anti-fascist march. Those two things are a contradiction in terms.

The endgame of this effort to undercut the meaning of words is to undercut the justification for the existence of Israel. Doing so is not only in the interests of those who oppose it, but of those who promote ignorance and propaganda anywhere, from Moscow to Tehran and from New York to London.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Go to the Hamas Attacks Israel thread. There are 13 lengthy and very detailed pages of State sponsored Zionist terrorism on Palestinians.

What on earth made you think there wasnt?
You mean like all the state sponsored naziism the Russians accused Ukraine of? Asswipes like Bedpan, Xinnie the Pooh and islamo-nazis love to accuse others of the very crimes they themselves commit.

I mean it's kind'a weird that between Russia's large Jewish population and Bedpan's whining about Ukraine being a nazi state, he's supporting islamo-nazis in the Missile-East. And no, that wasn't a spelling error, it was intentional.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You mean like all the state sponsored naziism the Russians accused Ukraine of? Asswipes like Bedpan, Xinnie the Pooh and islamo-nazis love to accuse others of the very crimes they themselves commit.

I mean it's kind'a weird that between Russia's large Jewish population and Bedpan's whining about Ukraine being a nazi state, he's supporting islamo-nazis in the Missile-East. And no, that wasn't a spelling error, it was intentional.
Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine invaded back.

Gaza attacked Israel. Israel attacked back.

Maybe I'd be more judgmental if I was Canadian, but as a citizen of the country that lit up nuclear warheads over primarily-civilian cities, I'm not in a great position to play holier-than-thou.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine invaded back.
And yet Russia was all pissed off about the lack of global condemnation for Ukraine's incursion into Kursk Oblast. Guess someone forgot to explain to Bedpan how war works.
Gaza attacked Israel. Israel attacked back.
Palestine has been trying to exterminate the Jews in the Middle East since before WW2. Palestine has also declared multiple wars of extermination against Israel since 1948 but now the world is supposed to be pissed off at Israel for taking the war to Palestine.
Maybe I'd be more judgmental if I was Canadian, but as a citizen of the country that lit up nuclear warheads over primarily-civilian cities, I'm not in a great position to play holier-than-thou.
Don't be a collective guilt simp. You weren't around when that happened. You had no part of it so your position is as good as anyone else's in this matter.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine invaded back.

Gaza attacked Israel. Israel attacked back.

Maybe I'd be more judgmental if I was Canadian, but as a citizen of the country that lit up nuclear warheads over primarily-civilian cities, I'm not in a great position to play holier-than-thou.

I could post 100s of examples. These are from today.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Yep, but t'was not long ago that Israel prosecuted Israeli extremists who caused shit. At this point they have little reason to care anymore. All Palestine has to do is say "we're done", and it would all end. I do agree with freeing Palestine, from islamo-nazi rule.

Ever look into why very few of the neighbouring countries will take in Palestinians by the way?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Well, I admire the Jews for their resilience knowing that it seems the world has always been against them. I hope they'll be successful in their endeavors to eradicate terrorism. Unfortunately, due to the "brainwashing" of Palestinians, terrorism will always be on their doorstep for a while yet. Here's hoping that peace will come to the region when saner heads prevail, if ever.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yep, but t'was not long ago that Israel prosecuted Israeli extremists who caused shit. At this point they have little reason to care anymore. All Palestine has to do is say "we're done", and it would all end. I do agree with freeing Palestine, from islamo-nazi rule.

Ever look into why very few of the neighbouring countries will take in Palestinians by the way?
It's the illegal settlements and the Far right Jew Klux Klan's terrorism that created Hamas. Your right, the Lukid and the Kinesset are openly committing state sponsorship of terrorism. 6100 incidents in the past 4 years.

If some goyim hating Marxist Jew Klux Klan assholes who think I'm not human but just part of nature a pig, a snake, a rat in the granary, a stone in the road road to be removed or used as work animals used IDF D9 cats to bulldoze my home, my olive grove and chick peas and sshot my sheep goats and chickens while holding me and my family at gun point after shit kicking us all?

You bet your ass I'm headed to the farm supply for amonium nitrate and potassium nitrate, a car battery and a roll of chicken wire for electrolysis precipitate the into concentrate and refine up perchlorate which is the key to C4 and rocket fuel gunpowder and a few rolls of aluminum foil to powder for a primer charge.

Booms, big booms. No kibbutzing around.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
It's the illegal settlements and the Far right Jew Klux Klan's terrorism that created Hamas. Your right, the Lukid and the Kinesset are openly committing state sponsorship of terrorism. 6100 incidents in the past 4 years.

If some goyim hating Marxist Jew Klux Klan assholes who think I'm not human but just part of nature a pig, a snake, a rat in the granary, a stone in the road road to be removed or used as work animals used IDF D9 cats to bulldoze my home, my olive grove and chick peas and sshot my sheep goats and chickens while holding me and my family at gun point after shit kicking us all?

You bet your ass I'm headed to the farm supply for amonium nitrate and potassium nitrate, a car battery and a roll of chicken wire for electrolysis precipitate the into concentrate and refine up perchlorate which is the key to C4 and rocket fuel gunpowder and a few rolls of aluminum foil to powder for a primer charge.

Booms, big booms. No kibbutzing around.
You talking about the land that was stolen from the Jews a couple hundred years ago they are finally taking back? Jews were around long before Islam was invented.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You talking about the land that was stolen from the Jews a couple hundred years ago they are finally taking back? Jews were around long before Islam was invented.
War and conquest. Every chunk of ground has changed ownership and nationality (almost all) repeatedly through history. Shit happens. Hell, the Romans held England, on top of the Middle East at the same time. The Mongols, Huns, Saxons, North & South Americans & the stretch between the two of them, etc…

If land never changed hands…we would all have ancestral claims to some chunk of dirt somewhere, & with 8 billion of us now, it would probably be a tiny chunk of dirt.

The Two State solution was proposed many many times in the Levant area & several of those the (what we call Israelis) Jews were willing, but the (what we now call Palestinians) Arabs were not.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yep. Sad but true. Every square centimeter on the planet was stolen by somebody from somebody. The ones who hold it now are the only ones that have a right to it. If it was stolen from you recently, better put in your claim fast. It expires about the same time as bananas.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Yep. Sad but true. Every square centimeter on the planet was stolen by somebody from somebody. The ones who hold it now are the only ones that have a right to it. If it was stolen from you recently, better put in your claim fast. It expires about the same time as bananas.
I have a claim for the 25 foot’ x 125’ chunk of ground that I’m almost 4/5ths done paying for…& exactly zero claim for any of the land holdings my ancestors may have had. I get it. When my direct ancestors were involuntarily shipped to Australia…they didn’t get to sell their holdings and fill the U-Haul in advance of the journey. Sometimes shit happens.

I also know that, even though I’ve been been paying on my chunk of ground for the better part of 20 years so far…it can be taken away from me in several different ways…from debt to government seizure for whatever reason they deem sufficient, & their pockets are deeper than mine.

I think back about 40 years ago, in the city I live in, there is a one block by two block stretch where the city decided that they were taking that land. Many people decided they did not want to leave. Some where bought out at what the city decided was fair market value, and others that didn’t accept the lowball…were eventually kicked out of their houses, the houses put up on blocks…& the land seized from underneath it. At that point, they had a choice of either taking their houses (up on piles) & $5000…or Being charged for the removal of their houses.

Whatever the city was going to do with that chunk of ground (I can’t even remember what it was at this point), they didn’t do and after several years they sold it (the entire parcel of land) to the DND, & it sits empty to this day. On a map it looks like a green space…but it’s not. I remember when it was two blocks of residential houses 40 years ago.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You talking about the land that was stolen from the Jews a couple hundred years ago they are finally taking back? Jews were around long before Islam was invented.
Couple hundred years? Try 72AD. No claim after that long. It's obvious God didn't want them there.

You've been fed a myth.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Couple hundred years? Try 72AD. No claim after that long. It's obvious God didn't want them there.

You've been fed a myth.
Or a succession of conquerors. Shit happens.
By the same token, maybe this God isn’t on Team Palestine’s side either if He/She gives a damn one way or the other. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.

Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.

Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.
We're not because of the occupation and refusal to leave but hey why skip on the only remaining sticking point.
Who’s the “We” in “We’re” above? Anyway, coming back to more modern times, after the 1948 war, where Jordan annexed the West Bank and Egypt held the Gaza Strip, you know what wasn’t established in the following two decades? A Palestinian State.
We're not because of the occupation and refusal to leave but hey why skip on the only remaining sticking point.
I’ve just listed off about twenty occupations above of the same area. Which one are you referring to? I’m guessing it’s the one I haven’t mentioned yet where in 1967 in that war, the West Bank was taken from Jordan and the Gaza Strip was taken from Egypt (along with the Sinai Peninsula), & the Golan Heights was taken from Syria? Am I hitting it with the lucky 21st-ish occupation? Blackjack!!?
…but hey why skip on the only remaining sticking point.
…or the twenty previous ones, but the one you’re specifically citing is different ‘cuz…?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I have a claim for the 25 foot’ x 125’ chunk of ground that I’m almost 4/5ths done paying for…& exactly zero claim for any of the land holdings my ancestors may have had. I get it. When my direct ancestors were involuntarily shipped to Australia…they didn’t get to sell their holdings and fill the U-Haul in advance of the journey. Sometimes shit happens.

I also know that, even though I’ve been been paying on my chunk of ground for the better part of 20 years so far…it can be taken away from me in several different ways…from debt to government seizure for whatever reason they deem sufficient, & their pockets are deeper than mine.

I think back about 40 years ago, in the city I live in, there is a one block by two block stretch where the city decided that they were taking that land. Many people decided they did not want to leave. Some where bought out at what the city decided was fair market value, and others that didn’t accept the lowball…were eventually kicked out of their houses, the houses put up on blocks…& the land seized from underneath it. At that point, they had a choice of either taking their houses (up on piles) & $5000…or Being charged for the removal of their houses.

Whatever the city was going to do with that chunk of ground (I can’t even remember what it was at this point), they didn’t do and after several years they sold it (the entire parcel of land) to the DND, & it sits empty to this day. On a map it looks like a green space…but it’s not. I remember when it was two blocks of residential houses 40 years ago.
View attachment 24401
They did it for Taylor Field parking after the expansion of the west side.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
They did it for Taylor Field parking after the expansion of the west side.
Really? That’s about 40 years ago and it’s vague but I remember watching the news, & the people being forced from their homes. Some sold early, many didn’t wanna leave and tried to fight it, it was nasty stuff.

Now the Department of national Defence Owns it, & REAL charges by the car for all kinds of events.