How Low Can They Go?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Really? That’s about 40 years ago and it’s vague but I remember watching the news, & the people being forced from their homes. Some sold early, many didn’t wanna leave and tried to fight it, it was nasty stuff.

Now the Department of national Defence Owns it, & REAL charges by the car for all kinds of events.
Progress. If remember correctly those houses were slapped together by DND during the 2nd war to house officer of of The Regina Rifles aka "The Farmers".

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Progress. If remember correctly those houses were slapped together by DND during the 2nd war to house officer of of The Regina Rifles aka "The Farmers".
Ahhh…ok. It wasn’t Military personnel being evicted and told to take their houses with them though…so those must’ve been been sold off in the following 40 years or so. Much of North Central is still old military housing.

I absolutely hated military housing when I was a young man delivering furniture, because they all had that standard 28 inch doorway. Ugh….’90’s sofas, or modern appliances…& 28” doorways were an evil mix.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Or a succession of conquerors. Shit happens.
View attachment 24403
By the same token, maybe this God isn’t on Team Palestine’s side either if He/She gives a damn one way or the other. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.

Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.

Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.

Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.

Who’s the “We” in “We’re” above? Anyway, coming back to more modern times, after the 1948 war, where Jordan annexed the West Bank and Egypt held the Gaza Strip, you know what wasn’t established in the following two decades? A Palestinian State.

I’ve just listed off about twenty occupations above of the same area. Which one are you referring to? I’m guessing it’s the one I haven’t mentioned yet where in 1967 in that war, the West Bank was taken from Jordan and the Gaza Strip was taken from Egypt (along with the Sinai Peninsula), & the Golan Heights was taken from Syria? Am I hitting it with the lucky 21st-ish occupation? Blackjack!!?

…or the twenty previous ones, but the one you’re specifically citing is different ‘cuz…?
The fact remains Zionists declared independence from Palestine after a shitload of terrorism on the locals. Its fact. Not from Britain, not From Ottoman Turks, not From Egypt, Lebanon or Syria but Palestine.

There isn't a shortage of history books or researched papers about it.

What was once a publically available. US DOJ essay and facts sheet on Zionist terrorism is no longer availabl.on the interweb. Why are they hiding it?



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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
It's the illegal settlements and the Far right Jew Klux Klan's terrorism that created Hamas.
No, it really isn't. Hamas is a product of every "leadership" group that came before it. Same shit just with modern weapons. And those groups were products of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (which was Palestinian somehow) and (after WW2) Otto Skorzeny. Islamists and jihadis are islamo-nazis. I mean I can't make it any clearer than that. They hate ALL Jews and like to force their bullshit ideology on whomever they can.

After successive attempts at trying to gang-bang Israel since 1948 and getting their asses whooped, several of the Arab-muslim countries decided a different tack was needed. You see, while they actually hate Palestine and Palestinians, they just hate Israel and Jews more. So, they engaged in a media campaign and more recently a social media campaign to paint Israel as the evil bad guys. Note how the rest of the A/M world sends them just enough weapons to use to piss Israel off but not actually give them much chance to do anything else? Then Israel retaliates, civilians get killed and then muslims (and morons) blame Israel. They convinced the PLO and later Hamas to use their civilians as human shields. They will be martyred for the cause while Israel gets labeled as baby killers and the world will turn against Israel. Working pretty good now, eh?

Here's the thing. Israel has F-15s flying combat air patrol over Israel 24/7. On full after-burner they can fly the length or breadth of Palestine-Israel in less than 60 seconds. So when Israel "retaliates", they're not hitting them a couple hours later, they're hitting them less than 2 minutes after. Hamas actually fucked up one day showing a journalist a list of deceased Palestinians from Israeli "terror bombings" (as Hamas called them) covering an entire year. The journalist noticed that a disproportional number of them were males between the ages of 15-35.
Fuck man, even when Israel warns the Palestinians something will be coming their way and to get out of dodge for a bit, Hamas forces them to remain to keep tallying up the death toll.

What's the difference between Putin ordering Ruzzian soldiers to die for him and Hamas forcing civilians to die with and for them? One is a criminal waste of manpower and lives. The other is a crime against humanity.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The fact remains Zionists declared independence from Palestine after a shitload of terrorism on the locals.
Uh huh. And then maybe explain how a 3000 year old Jewish city is somehow "Palestinian" territory and half of it still is. I wonder who chased the bulk of whom from that land. Funny how their precious mosque in Jerusalem is built on top of the ruins of a Jewish temple that the muslims ruined.

And those fucking mosques. Know why those mosques are soooo sacred that bombing them would be a massive offense to them? Because that's where they like to store their weapons, ammo and munitions caches. Got fuck all to do with being sacred.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
And those fucking mosques. Know why those mosques are soooo sacred that bombing them would be a massive offense to them? Because that's where they like to store their weapons, ammo and munitions caches. Got fuck all to do with being sacred.
Or maybe it’s something else, like something along the lines of non-Muslim lands conquered by Muslims are Muslim property in perpetuity? If that’s the case, then that would explain the Israel/Palestine thing where an inch of Israel is too much

“God's will is that Islamic territory should only expand, never contract” type of thing.
Hamas issued its "Covenant," in which it explained its ideology and goals:The Islamic Resistance Movement maintains that the land of Palestine is Waqf land given as endowment for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection.

One should not neglect it or [even] a part of it, nor should one relinquish it or [even] a part of it. No Arab state, or [even] all of the Arab states [together], have [the right] to do this; no king or president has this right nor all the kings and presidents together; no organization, or all the organizations together — be they Palestinian or Arab — [have the right to do this] because Palestine is Islamic Waqf land given to all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection. This is the legal status of the land of Palestine according to Islamic law.

(Under this logic, where would Spain or India fit?)

In this respect, it is like any other land that the Muslims have conquered by force, because the Muslims consecrated it at the time of the conquest as religious endowment for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection…so it doesn’t matter who the last 20 owners where, once it’s Muslim land once…well…

So, non-Muslim lands conquered by Muslims are Muslim property in perpetuity, and Jews as non-Muslims therefore have no right to own or control the land of Palestine.

On that note, it is the duty to wage jihad against non-Muslim invaders of Muslim lands is an individual duty of every Muslim man and woman. Thus, Muslims are obligated to wage war against Israel until the state of Israel is destroyed…so enjoy the two state solution that has been repeatedly rejected for the last century or so.

Waiving the right to Muslim land is not only haram [forbidden by sharia], it is one of the gravest sins, which make those who do them commit the great unbelief [i.e. apostasy]…so back to the original two state solution proposal where Israel was willing to accept a homeland, the size of a tablecloth type rhetoric, & the Arabs rejected it. Oh well.
I’ve just listed off about twenty occupations above of the same area.
(Back a page in post#58)
Which one are you referring to? I’m guessing it’s the one I haven’t mentioned yet where in 1967 in that war, the West Bank was taken from Jordan and the Gaza Strip was taken from Egypt (along with the Sinai Peninsula), & the Golan Heights was taken from Syria? Am I hitting it with the lucky 21st-ish occupation? Blackjack!!?
We're not because of the occupation and refusal to leave but hey why skip on the only remaining sticking point.
…or the twenty previous ones, but the one you’re specifically citing is different ‘cuz…?
‘Cuz Jews?
…in 1967 in that war, the West Bank was taken from Jordan and the Gaza Strip was taken from Egypt (along with the Sinai Peninsula), & the Golan Heights was taken from Syria?
Ahhhh….so the Egyptians & Jordanians where Muslims…but the Israelis where not, & thus the surrender land back based on the 1967 borders type shit? This is starting to make some sense now. Crazy warped sense, but here we are. Because Jews.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Or maybe it’s something else, like something along the lines of non-Muslim lands conquered by Muslims are Muslim property in perpetuity? If that’s the case, then that would explain the Israel/Palestine thing where an inch of Israel is too much

“God's will is that Islamic territory should only expand, never contract” type of thing.
Just a bunch of dirt bag squatters.

As for Egypt and Jordan, they got their land back after they stopped fucking with Israel because Isael was using those lands as buffer zones. Similar to what the settlers are doing. Pushing the Palestinians back so their rockets can't hit major Israeli targets. Not that it matters at this point with Iran and Hezbollah jumping in.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No, it really isn't. Hamas is a product of every "leadership" group that came before it. Same shit just with modern weapons. And those groups were products of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (which was Palestinian somehow) and (after WW2) Otto Skorzeny. Islamists and jihadis are islamo-nazis. I mean I can't make it any clearer than that. They hate ALL Jews and like to force their bullshit ideology on whomever they can.

After successive attempts at trying to gang-bang Israel since 1948 and getting their asses whooped, several of the Arab-muslim countries decided a different tack was needed. You see, while they actually hate Palestine and Palestinians, they just hate Israel and Jews more. So, they engaged in a media campaign and more recently a social media campaign to paint Israel as the evil bad guys. Note how the rest of the A/M world sends them just enough weapons to use to piss Israel off but not actually give them much chance to do anything else? Then Israel retaliates, civilians get killed and then muslims (and morons) blame Israel. They convinced the PLO and later Hamas to use their civilians as human shields. They will be martyred for the cause while Israel gets labeled as baby killers and the world will turn against Israel. Working pretty good now, eh?

Here's the thing. Israel has F-15s flying combat air patrol over Israel 24/7. On full after-burner they can fly the length or breadth of Palestine-Israel in less than 60 seconds. So when Israel "retaliates", they're not hitting them a couple hours later, they're hitting them less than 2 minutes after. Hamas actually fucked up one day showing a journalist a list of deceased Palestinians from Israeli "terror bombings" (as Hamas called them) covering an entire year. The journalist noticed that a disproportional number of them were males between the ages of 15-35.
Fuck man, even when Israel warns the Palestinians something will be coming their way and to get out of dodge for a bit, Hamas forces them to remain to keep tallying up the death toll.

What's the difference between Putin ordering Ruzzian soldiers to die for him and Hamas forcing civilians to die with and for them? One is a criminal waste of manpower and lives. The other is a crime against humanity.
What colour is you Kool-Aid?

I'll another question. What percentage of real Jews. Yes real Jews (not self identifying seculars) who live their religion by sticking to Mosaic law who support Zionism?

Why do atheists call themselves Jews?

What is a secular atheist?

Secularism is overwhelmingly used to describe a political conviction in favour of minimizing religion in the public sphere, that may be advocated regardless of personal religiosity. Yet it is sometimes, especially in the United States, also a synonym for naturalism or atheism.

6100 Jewish terrorism attacks in 4 years in the illegally occupied West Bank backed by the IDF.

They should just take it up the ass and bow to Jews who aren't really Jews?


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
The fact remains Zionists declared independence from Palestine after a shitload of terrorism on the locals. Its fact. Not from Britain, not From Ottoman Turks, not From Egypt, Lebanon or Syria but Palestine.
The fact remains that this land belonged to the Jewish people for centuries before Islam and muslims were invented. All they were doing is reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. Sorta like turdOWE and his ilk would like us to believe native bands are doing with land claims here.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The fact remains that this land belonged to the Jewish people for centuries before Islam and muslims were invented. All they were doing is reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. Sorta like turdOWE and his ilk would like us to believe native bands are doing with land claims here.
They stole it fair and square from the Canaanites!

Gawd gave it to the Jews. Never said it was forever.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They stole it fair and square from the Canaanites!

Gawd gave it to the Jews. Never said it was forever.
God cancelled the "testement" (contract). The New Testement says all bets are off. Why? Because King David's sons split the Kingdom in two. Judea /Samaria and Israel.

After killing his brother the Judean King ruled over Israel. He began to change Mosaic law to his own. That temporarily came to an end thanks to Nebuchadnezzar II Jr. In Babylon the Judeans picked up mysticism and magic drifting even further for Mosaic Israel beliefs.

700 years later they returned in force and wiped out a whole whack of Mosaic Hebrews and gave them a brand new Religion called Judaism based on the teaching of the Babylonian priests. The Talmud and Kabbala were never part of the Mosaic Hebrew Religion so that God guy did his thing by sending a guy down from the Head Office to re-establish what once good along with guidelines on how to apply the laws he gave Moses with compassion.

This was the beginning of The New Testement. Any Judaic who washed off the stench of Talmud and Kabbalitistic Judaism were "born again" under the New Testement. Mosaic Hebrews who never lost God's respect still have God's Nod to any Biblical claim to Israel became Christians.

There are Billions of copies of this book in print in every language all from origin Hebrew and Greek that is still around today.

So no. Jews have no Biblical claim to Israel.

The Bible is book of laws any good contract lawyer would agree. Testements are indeed contracts to this day.

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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The fact remains Zionists declared independence from Palestine…
…& what was “Palestine” in the context that Israel declared independence from?
…after a shitload of terrorism on the locals.
Like this?
Or this:
Etc…to get the ball rolling? Many other examples but everyone’s Google works the same, more or less.
Its fact. Not from Britain, not From Ottoman Turks, not From Egypt, Lebanon or Syria but Palestine.
…& what was Palestine at that time? What did Palestine mean 1947?
On Friday, May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion presided over the declaration of an independent Jewish state. The proceedings were held at the inconspicuous Tel Aviv Museum on leafy Rothschild Boulevard, a two-story building believed to be less susceptible to Egyptian aerial bombardment than the larger and better outfitted Habimah Theatre down the street.
There isn't a shortage of history books or researched papers about it.
You bet! Each with their own slant & bias. Happy Saturday!!
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
…& what was “Palestine” in the context that Israel declared independence from?
View attachment 24408

Like this?
Or this:
Etc…to get the ball rolling? Many other examples but everyone’s Google works the same, more or less.

…& what was Palestine at that time? What did Palestine mean 1947?
View attachment 24409
On Friday, May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion presided over the declaration of an independent Jewish state. The proceedings were held at the inconspicuous Tel Aviv Museum on leafy Rothschild Boulevard, a two-story building believed to be less susceptible to Egyptian aerial bombardment than the larger and better outfitted Habimah Theatre down the street.

You bet! Each with their own slant & bias. Happy Saturday!!
Lol....Ben Gurion the terrorist who waged war against Britain? That Ben Gurion?

He's in at DOJ terrorist essay that we aren't allowed to read.

If you search "Ben Gurion terrorist" in Google the DOJ is the top link but doesn't work.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan