How has the Economy treated you ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Governments should learn that:lol:
To use Obama's car analogy...especially for health care fix the old don't buy a cadillac;-)

The problem is "salesmen"- they don't have much for brains, just appeal to the emotions, not reason. :smile:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
What I can't get over is how people can say we are at the bottom of the downturn?
I don't think we are going to be saying that by the spring. This thing internationally
is not looking good at all. The stock market is doing all right, but that is because of
speculation. Speculation is what has got us into this kind of trouble. I should say
unbridled speculation. From what I have been seeing, we are following the path of
the thirties. 1929 saw a downturn, and a surge in the first couple of years in the 30's
In 1933 all hell broke loose and it was a worse downturn than anyone expected. I
hope we are not heading there but I am very concerned we are not taking things as
seriously as we should.
As for how are we doing? I am alright, I have a farm and I have an agri services
company, that does custom pruning and so on.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What I can't get over is how people can say we are at the bottom of the downturn?
I don't think we are going to be saying that by the spring. This thing internationally
is not looking good at all. The stock market is doing all right, but that is because of
speculation. Speculation is what has got us into this kind of trouble. I should say
unbridled speculation. From what I have been seeing, we are following the path of
the thirties. 1929 saw a downturn, and a surge in the first couple of years in the 30's
In 1933 all hell broke loose and it was a worse downturn than anyone expected. I
hope we are not heading there but I am very concerned we are not taking things as
seriously as we should.
As for how are we doing? I am alright, I have a farm and I have an agri services
company, that does custom pruning and so on.

And while we are on the stock market subject, it's time to lock in profit on equities, transfer to fixed income like mortgages as the interest rates are headed upward.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Seems to depend on where you are. I know loggers that barely got enough weeks in for Ei and yet last year was one of my better years and this one is even better.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
I was given notice on Friday. Our new mayor is slashing the budgets, and my position was slashed. It was a smart move in the sense that my position was pretty screwy. The assignments I was given were very vague and had next to nothing to do with my job description. I wasn't enjoying the job at all, and had already sent out a resume earlier in the week in the hopes of finding something more suitable. I'm not sure what to do next ... I have mixed feelings about this change.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Yeah damngrumpy, I don't think we've hit bottom yet either. I think there's still another "hurricane" to hit. There's too much financial instability in the world; the US situation is grave, (as are some European countries) but, as Canada's biggest trading partner, their situation will affect us. Politically, the US sucks and will likely not make any of the moves it needs to (i.e. reduce spending/borrowing). So far, our family is doing okay and we've weathered the storm but I'm not overly optimistic about the near future unless something drastic happens and the politico's get their "poop" together. In the meantime, we'll ALL have to brace ourselves for what's to come. Hopefully, I'm wrong.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The #1 rule of sales is people buy emotionally then justify logically.

Yep, I think you are onto something. I think part of the logical justification is the knee jerk reaction to the feeling of regret immediately after they realize they've been "had". :smile:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It's the reason not all cars are black. It would be much cheaper if cars only had to be made in one color but "red" has an emotional appeal.

Just one example...

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This has been a weird ride for me....this economic downturn thing. The company I
was with for 1/2 a decade scaled back hugely (I was the very last employee laid
off) as it was reliant on the U.S. economy and suffered from the protectionism
that was always an undercurrent, but became very blatant.

I changed trades, and had a blast for 10 months or so doing something completely
new, and learned a whole lot, with awesome people to work with, & it was great!!!

That slowed down...and to keep those folks from encountering a financial hardship,
I recently changed trades again. Very hard work with piles of hours, and much more
new skills to learn, and I've landed on my feet once more. I'll be just fine.

Renewed my mortgage this year, as my home has almost doubled in value in the
last six years, pulling a small part of the equity out for some reno's and such, and
locked in for the next ten years at a much lower interest rate than I was paying
originally. Landed on my feet again....

The reno's are a significant investment, and should offset the inevitable increases
in the cost of utilities that I'm sure will be coming, as they always seem to do. That
should help to keep me in front of that curve for a while.....

During all of this, I replaced my old-old car with a much newer old car, paid for in
cash outright. That newer (to me) used car will (or should) last me for years with
some TLC and basic attention. Landed on my feet once more there too....


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
I can't complain. Since I came to Canada in 1957 I was unemployed for only a few months, so I gave my best to the system. In that time I managed to elevate myself from a language-deficient immigrant labourer to a highly succesful computer programmer.

I had the guts to rid myself of any and all union association. I had the brains and the courage to speak for myself. I may not have gone as high as some of my contemporaries, but at least anything I achieved, I did it on my own merit.

I was lucky to work for a company that provided excellent health coverage and pension to all of its non-bargaining employees. So, now, retired, I am comfortable enough to enjoy my life.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
I got laid off at the beginning went back to school and got re hired again elsewhere for more money than what i was getting before the recession. Ive been promoted since ive been back to work and if the recession hits again i know which mining stock to buy when it gets cheap again :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I worked a total of just over a month this year,the wells they had planned to drill got put on hold,pipelines that were ready to put in the ground were cut up and shipped to another location,a lot of the construction projects planned with govt. money havent even started yet,and the gold exploration camps in the Arctic are also waiting before they throw any money into this summers drill programs.
I own my own bussiness so even though I have to pay EI it's not available to me.
I know lots of owners of huge construction outfits throught Alberta and BC,not much going on but Sask does have work and I just may go there.

Have not read thru the whole thread but as an owner of a business you cannot pay EI as you cannot draw it - Lots of paperwork to do or companies can do it for you - Farthest back you can go is 3 years.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Business is down but that has little to do with the 'recession' but more with HST (Harper's Standardized Tax)