HANDGUNS!!!!.......YIKES!!!!....in canada


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Modern pot can indeed hurt people, usually teenagers, who can now OD on it. Its alot different than it used to be.
More bull**** I see. So you are either a liar or an idiot that will believe that you can od on Pot. You can't. It's physically impossible to do. Even if you set out to prove me wrong, have ten pounds of "killer weed" you could not OD. Not a chance. Not even close.

2. No, if I stab you, your dead.
No like I said, I would simple take your little knife away from you, slap you around a little and then march you down the street with your pants down so everyone could have a laugh.

2 reasons - 1, Im ex military

2, Im not going to tell you

Yeah and? So you did laundry in the Navy, do you get an apron to hang above the mantle or something? Exmilitary what?

Now I don't know you, maybe you've also got more than enough skill to hold your own.
So the better question is: If you decide to hurt or stab someone smaller and weaker than you.
What are they going to do to defend themselves? I hope your not implying small frail people are always criminals and big burly handsome gentlemen are always the heroes?

A smart man never has to.

The old saying goes along the lines of "the constitution said all men are equal, smith and wesson made it true". Thats for a reason.

Typical gun nut talk. I submit that America still has a problem with equality. Guns aside.

Guns protect the weak and vulnerable from the strong and powerful.
No they don't. They kill millions of people a year simply for greed and some imagined sense of power.

I agree banning pot is stupid. Because you can't ban things people want. Alls you can do is reduce who wants them.

Pot kills no one. It's a wast of time to attempt to prohibit something that is harmless.
Handguns kill people each day. And we don't need them for anything.

The end of the line is, if people want them, they will have them. You prove that as a criminal yourself. You know its illegal what you do, but you do it anyways under self justification, even though you also know and admit your funding the very criminals who hurt people with guns.

Wrong again. I don't buy pot from gangs. It's illegal for the sole reason of political gain. No other reason what so ever.

When you accept that people are pretty much equal in their capabilities, you can see easily the flaws in your view.

After all, if the US can spend Billions and billions to try and keep pot out of the US from Canada and fails when its illegal in Canada,

How on earth do you think you can spend less and keep guns from the US (where its legal) from Coming to Canada. Its non-sensical,

Even if you used magic wizard powers to succeed, then people will just build guns here.

Hand guns don't grow out of the ground if you don't take steps to prevent that. If there is no want for guns then there is no money in providing them. You might call it a multilevel elimination program.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Talk about gun nuts, this guy must be someone's hero. You said it yourself, they can convert these weapons with reletive ease. Ban the lot of them and enforce it.

They aren't weapons, they are toys. And as stated, you don't even need the toy, its there purely for looks. I don't know why you think something made by blacksmiths 150+ years ago (Revolvers and handguns) requires alot of infrastructure. None was available when they were invented.

You really don't understand how guns work or how they are made. I mean, seriously. Not to be offensive here, but your like a virgin giving bad sex advice.

Maybe it's not as difficult in the back hills of Pakistan but not one is churning out thousands of guns from their back sheds in Britian. Those who do manage to make a gun should be made example of.
Manage to make a gun? Ok, first off, you drastically over-arch the scale of the problem. Hundreds of guns? There are a few dozen gun deaths from a few dozen guns. Thats it. Contrary to media opinion, there is no epidemic of shootings or waves of gun violence. Thats been shown.

Grow ops are run by (more often than not) asians either smuggled into the country or so poor they are unable to make a liveable wage on their own and so, put to work for promises and a place to live in the grow op. No one would be smuggling drugs into Canada if it wasn't for the huge amount of money you can get from selling pot. Pull that from the equation and the whole thing crumbles.

Wait, so someone points out most gun Crime is done by Jamaicans and they are racist, but you spout off crap about all grow ops are run by Asians and its not?

You're mixing the two countries together. Though I know that's a bit of a wet dream for you, it's not factual. Those who use coke, heroin are a small number of people. Pot is the cash crop in Canada. In the US, there is a huge market for hard drugs. There it's profitable to send a plane load after plane load of coke that cost you little to grow refine and package for export. The Canadian market can't support that.

1. Pot is the cash crop in the USA too, thats why we export it there.
2. There is still a massive hard drug problem in Canada, I know, because I've seen it first hand.

How many people in North America do you think smoke Pot compared to Coke and Heroin on a regular basis?

Almost Identical to the US actually.

Nope they just can't make enough money off it to support organized crime. Small dealers have a niche but in the end it's still a niche and not worth the effort of a cartel. Miami isn't Vancouver.

Which is bull, because they do. You can sell less if its for 10-100 times the amount. As you said, alot of people just grow their own pot.

This is just bull****.

BELLEVUE -- A woman rented a handgun at a gun range, exchanged it for a smaller weapon, then used it to shoot herself in the head -- the second fatal shooting at Wade's Gun Shop in six days.

There is zero chance of killing yourself by smoking a joint. No one ever has. Deal with it.
Now you are talking about willing suicide. One, get your damn hands off other peoples right to choose to live or die, two If I wanted to commit suicide I can stick a joint down my throat and choke to death.

And it wasn't an accident, it was suicide.

"She was standing in the booth, took a couple glances behind her, then deliberately shot herself in the head," he said. The woman died at the scene.

Both shootings were. I understand, you are a indulging in a pointless criminal behaviour that only indirectly and marginally harms people and brings no real positive benefits beyond your own enjoyment.

And you feel defensive when people compare your hounding of their pointless behaviour that also only indirectly and marginally harms people and bring a few positive benefits (few) beyond their own enjoyment.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
And seriously, you are stupid and obviously have never been in a serious altercation if you think your going to "slap around" some knife armed individual and take his knife away.

If someone wants you dead, you are going to feel a sharp pain in your pack and then bleed to death. Fights aren't like on the movies.

Perhaps if some 15 year old punk kid comes screaming at you with a kitchen knife you'll be fine. The better question is what is a 15 year old kid supposed to do when an adult comes to lay the beat down and or other things a burly and disturbed adult should do to a 15 year old kid?

Seriously, I understand you don't have alot of security background, but all your tall talk about "slapping people" around with a knife shows you really don't know what your talking about. There is a reason police shoot you if you run at them with a knife and they don't just "slap you around and march you downtown".

Have you ever been stabbed? I Have, It isn't a joke

You really need to learn some humility about the frailty of a human being. You come across as more concerned that gun ownership prevents you from assaulting your victims rather than being concerned with actual safety of people.

And pot is dangerous, thats what happens when you let an industry go unregulated. Just like moonshiners added pen ink to booze for that extra kick, the pot of Today is often laced with all kinds of extra addictive narcotics to keep kids coming back from more, Meth was a favourite at my highschool when I was growing up, it was cheap and back then none of the kids knew how to make their own yet.


Time Out
Sep 19, 2008
I thought it was already against the law north of the border since the '30s to have a handgun that is not registered in your possession, and since crooks and dopers have never bothered to register anything: I fail to see the logic in making more laws that the bad guys will never follow, or even absolute bans that they won't obey. That just takes away from honest folks their means of defence. Don't make much sense to me:(


New Member
Apr 19, 2006
I emailed Allan Rock and told him I held him totally responsible for home invasions because they didn't come smashing through the door before they knew the guns were locked up in a metal cabinet

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I thought it was already against the law north of the border since the '30s to have a handgun that is not registered in your possession, and since crooks and dopers have never bothered to register anything: I fail to see the logic in making more laws that the bad guys will never follow, or even absolute bans that they won't obey. That just takes away from honest folks their means of defence. Don't make much sense to me:(

Canadian law is written by Canadian lawyers to conflict with Canadian rights and other Canadian laws all in the order of making Canadian lawyers rich. It doesn't make much sense to anybody. They just negotiate a fine and give up.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
So was going to the Moon and non-invasive angioplasty. Now it's reality. There are no secret machine shops turning out guns for all the criminals in Canada. While I accept that there are a few about that produce some poor quality replicas, and restricted collectors items, the vast majority come from the US, sold at gun shows and stores and legal guns reported stolen in Canada.
Harry Pope turned out some awfully nice barrels from his backyard, I myself have made a stock from a piece of beautiful maple, and actions are readily available if you know how to get them. I know of 3 people that could actually replicate actions with high degrees of accuracy.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I thought it was already against the law north of the border since the '30s to have a handgun that is not registered in your possession, and since crooks and dopers have never bothered to register anything: I fail to see the logic in making more laws that the bad guys will never follow, or even absolute bans that they won't obey. That just takes away from honest folks their means of defence. Don't make much sense to me:(
Of course it doesn't make sense. That's the way politicians think, though. Any good sense they might have had falls off them onto the doormats of legislature buildings.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Hey I've changed my mind. You guys are alright after all.

So ah, where can I get a few of these guns, or even better, what do I need to make a few myself.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
I love these high and mighty disussions on Guns, usually by people how never seen one..never lived near them..and frankly have no idea what they are talking about.

Handguns are not banned in this country but so tightly regulated that they might as well be. With that said, there are handguns on the streets of every major (and some minor) Canadian cites.

Once upon a time I lived at Jane and Finch in Toronto, saw these kids, saw their guns and at times saw the results. A kid there would do drug deals, get himself $4-600 bucks and buy a gun from a local known gun runner. These would be cheap $200-250 buck guns sold in Ohio as lonfg as you show a drivers licence.

This trade has nothing to do with our laws and will have no effect on the amount of street guns...but it sure makes good coverage on the 6:00 news. If handguns are totally banned, then markersman will not have handguns...That will be it..and how much will this cost?

Is there any decline in Big city gun crimes since the long gun registery? But it did make criminals out of farmers who have one to protect their livestock..and out of that guy who has his dad's old hunting rifle that doesn't work but looks good over the mantle.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
So you figure Jane and FInch would be a good place to start looking for a hand gun? Or is it just as easy to drive over the border and pick a couple up? I want something with a lot of stopping power. So name some brands I should look for that way.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
You'll need basic machine shop tools, for milling, grinding, a lathe. Basic hand tools and things like a vice will be required. From there it depends on the type and sophistication and method of gun construction. Many colleges have classes in becoming a gunsmith, or you could work in an armoury. There are many DIY guides from various reputable and disreputable sources but that is a surefire way to blow a hand off from not knowing what your doing.

Though I doubt you seriously want a career as a gunsmith.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
In my disreputable youth, I knew a fellow that made half a dozen .38 caliber single shot pistols in his Dad's basement.......none of them blew up, that I know of.....I was 15 or 16 at the time, he was a year or two older .....funny, the gun builder went on to become an MD.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
So with so many things in this country..why is it if your not for banning and burning all guns..then you must be a Texan gun happy shooter?..Same with the talk of healthcare or privatizing anything. The fact is the Candain Gov. has no control whatsoever in regards to illegal guns, and good or bad..has effectively controlled legal guns for years.

btw you can place any gun order on the street and have it today..as long as you have the funds..Few years back the Toronto star tried just that ..I beleive it took 31 mins to find what they were looking for. If we just ban everything and keep Harper out of office we will live in the perfect place right??..right??


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I was just talking with a good old boy on the phone about getting a restricted license and he said it's to problem at all. He could set me up for the exam and give me a run through of the stuff they ask and have you do in the exam. $80 for both exams and we'll talk about the cost for the run through.

Plus he will set me up with all the guns I want once I've passed the exam. heh heh heh

I like the Ohio gun show thing though. Any DL will do?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I was just talking with a good old boy on the phone about getting a restricted license and he said it's to problem at all. He could set me up for the exam and give me a run through of the stuff they ask and have you do in the exam. $80 for both exams and we'll talk about the cost for the run through.

Plus he will set me up with all the guns I want once I've passed the exam. heh heh heh

I like the Ohio gun show thing though. Any DL will do?

I'm sure buddy can fix you up with a convincing enough Ohio DL


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
What and pay high prices!?

Crooks target New Westminster gun store
Updated: Tue Aug. 12 2008 12:35:01

A owner of a New Westminster, B.C. gun store was in hospital Monday night after two men tied him up and took off with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.

Two men walked into the Lock Stock and Barrell gun store at about 3:00 p.m.

Owner Gary Allwood thought they were ordinary customers until they took out a weapon of their own.

"They managed to get behind the counter, tied him down and beat him with a club,'' said Geoff Allwood, the owner's son. The men then grabbed all the guns they could carry - including 20 handguns and rifles, and fled.

When police arrived, they found Allwood on the floor.

"There were guns around but it's not something you can do in Canada defend yourself with a firearm,'' said Geoff Allwood. "It's unfortunate. Otherwise there'd be two criminals in the hospital versus my dad."

One of the suspects is an older white man, between 55 and 65 years old, standing about 5 feet 8 inches tall, with short grey hair.

The second man is described as being in his twenties and has short black hair.

Finding the crooks won't be easy for police because they also made off with the store's security tapes.

With a report by CTV British Columbia's Jon Woodward.