Talk about gun nuts, this guy must be someone's hero. You said it yourself, they can convert these weapons with reletive ease. Ban the lot of them and enforce it.
They aren't weapons, they are toys. And as stated, you don't even need the toy, its there purely for looks. I don't know why you think something made by blacksmiths 150+ years ago (Revolvers and handguns) requires alot of infrastructure. None was available when they were invented.
You really don't understand how guns work or how they are made. I mean, seriously. Not to be offensive here, but your like a virgin giving bad sex advice.
Maybe it's not as difficult in the back hills of Pakistan but not one is churning out thousands of guns from their back sheds in Britian. Those who do manage to make a gun should be made example of.
Manage to make a gun? Ok, first off, you drastically over-arch the scale of the problem. Hundreds of guns? There are a few dozen gun deaths from a few dozen guns. Thats it. Contrary to media opinion, there is no epidemic of shootings or waves of gun violence. Thats been shown.
Grow ops are run by (more often than not) asians either smuggled into the country or so poor they are unable to make a liveable wage on their own and so, put to work for promises and a place to live in the grow op. No one would be smuggling drugs into Canada if it wasn't for the huge amount of money you can get from selling pot. Pull that from the equation and the whole thing crumbles.
Wait, so someone points out most gun Crime is done by Jamaicans and they are racist, but you spout off crap about all grow ops are run by Asians and its not?
You're mixing the two countries together. Though I know that's a bit of a wet dream for you, it's not factual. Those who use coke, heroin are a small number of people. Pot is the cash crop in Canada. In the US, there is a huge market for hard drugs. There it's profitable to send a plane load after plane load of coke that cost you little to grow refine and package for export. The Canadian market can't support that.
1. Pot is the cash crop in the USA too, thats why we export it there.
2. There is still a massive hard drug problem in Canada, I know, because I've seen it first hand.
How many people in North America do you think smoke Pot compared to Coke and Heroin on a regular basis?
Almost Identical to the US actually.
Nope they just can't make enough money off it to support organized crime. Small dealers have a niche but in the end it's still a niche and not worth the effort of a cartel. Miami isn't Vancouver.
Which is bull, because they do. You can sell less if its for 10-100 times the amount. As you said, alot of people just grow their own pot.
This is just bull****.
BELLEVUE -- A woman rented a handgun at a gun range, exchanged it for a smaller weapon, then used it to shoot herself in the head -- the second fatal shooting at Wade's Gun Shop in six days.
There is zero chance of killing yourself by smoking a joint. No one ever has. Deal with it.
Now you are talking about willing suicide. One, get your damn hands off other peoples right to choose to live or die, two If I wanted to commit suicide I can stick a joint down my throat and choke to death.
And it wasn't an accident, it was suicide.
"She was standing in the booth, took a couple glances behind her, then deliberately shot herself in the head," he said. The woman died at the scene.
Both shootings were. I understand, you are a indulging in a pointless criminal behaviour that only indirectly and marginally harms people and brings no real positive benefits beyond your own enjoyment.
And you feel defensive when people compare your hounding of their pointless behaviour that also only indirectly and marginally harms people and bring a few positive benefits (few) beyond their own enjoyment.