God will burn them if they burn His book


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Gerry give me a break, Pakistan is there to pay lip service and take our money while
they look the other way as Taliban drift back and forth across their boarder.
They are our enemy, as the saying goes wolves in sheep's clothing. I wouldn't give
a dime for this cause. Some other areas I would but not here. They are a fair
weather friend at best certainly a ally in name only. If you think these people are our
friends you are dreaming. At one time they were when the Bhutto's were in power,
but they were corrupt too and since then they are gutter snipes. The war on terror,
they are our friends? We are worse off than I thought. Even the government of
Afghanistan is our enemy. We wouldn't know friends in the Middle East if we had
to point them out. Even Iraq, has elected most of the remnants that America
routed. Oh they are not called the Baath Party, but they are former members just the
same. I have a knowledge of the Middle East, enough to know you can't trust the
Muslims, they will stab you in the back so fast you won't have time to blink.

To answer the question, am I joining the fanatical Christians in calling for war? No
I realize that there are over a billion Muslims and no they are not all violent.
The majority are probably peace loving but when all hell breaks loose that won't
count for much. Religion, all faiths in the Middle East are to blame, and those who
stick their nose in a book hundreds if not thousands of years old, that tells them how
to live, what they can and cannot do, and how to deprive others of their right to
chose are a danger to the evolution of human society. The Muslims are not alone,
I have issues with others as well who preach violence. I am not talking about violence I am talking about an escalating war that will boil over. The Muslims need some
form of centralized control like the other flawed religions on planet earth.
All I am saying is, we are on a collision course and people around the world are
not willing to put up with their threats and demands anymore, when that happens
the choice will no longer exist like it or not. A war holy or unholy is inevitable if
something doesn't happen soon.
Yeah, but they have to deal with Americans of the sort not to be allowed to do business their way within their nation's borders.

It's not all Muslims. It's just the jerks. Like how America (and *blush* Canada) has its jerks, the jerks just get big and violent. They are holders on to the neanderthal genes.

Taliban are a bunch of mutton-heads, and eastern Pakistani could be offered help if they cut off objections to attacks against Taliban hiding in western Pakistan, and...

... and ...

Hmm... that's what they're already doing....

Hmm. I need to think. Gwyn Dyer already told me how there's going to be a war between Pakistan and India over water...

Lord God... can anybody explain to the typical Canadian why this is a place worth maintaining?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Omicron they wanted to do business with America and everybody gets screwed by
America they'll get over it. Funny you mention it though, the elements of the Taliban
were America's allies during the Afghan war with Russia. You are right the jerks are the one who get things started, all I am saying is, my grand kids are going to have to
fight it, because everyone's jerks are heading in that direction. Pakistan and India
will go at it no doubt. But we have millions of them in our midst. It has been said
brother will fight brother etc. that seems more likely everyday. What bothers me
is that we are following down the same road the allies did prior to world war two.
I am not in favour of war at the best of times, but if we have to fight it do it before
they are unified or any better armed. Why are we there? We need to keep tabs
on these violent religious fanatics and keep a lid on things. The new world order,
is really a word game, for economic colonization. Where a vast neoconservative
power base will rule the world. Its already a case of fight them over there so we
don't fight them here. Two diverse groups are afraid of each other and fear leads
to war in almost every case. The Cuban Missile Crisis is one of the few cases where
fear did not win out.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States

There was a time when Terry Jones, the pastor at the center of the Koran-burning storm, might have felt right at home in Gainesville. A generation ago, the north Florida college town was comprised of a conservative Bible Belt community best known for the invention of Gatorade. The University of Florida (UF) football team didn't field its first black player until 1970. Ideas like interfaith dialogue and homosexual rights were as far away as the Sodom and Gomorrah of Miami.

Read more:



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The response of people to burning the book of the Quran

First of all I don't give any personal threat to this pastor and his group.

Second: Muslims particularly in America and Europe are afraid lest anything should be against their position and circumstances of living there, so almost they are silent.

Other fanatic people belonging to Christians or Jews agree to the act of this pastor.

The most majority of people in America and Europe condemn the act of this man, but say he is free to do whatever he likes: because this is the democracy.

Atheists, the adversaries of God, take it an opportunity to fortify their opinions against God and all religions as do they claim. Some atheists who are in origin from the East, are more cursive than others in this field.

Unfortunately, I have not found anyone who says: The act of this pastor to burn the Quran is unacceptable and has to be stopped.

Because a large number of them are atheists, fanatics belonging to Jews and Christians and the best men among them who say: this is democracy and this man has the right to do whatever he likes.

To the outcome of such blasphemy against God and His revealed Quran, many people don't think that God may do anything, and if anything happens then it is a natural thing like the storms and floods and earthquakes ...etc.

Moreover, if anything is done badly to the Quran of God and people agree, then all of them will be sinners and deserve God's punishment: whether He hastens to that or postpone their punishment to some later time.

But if people condemn such an act of this pastor, then they will be saved of God's dealing with the criminal and guilty people.

So I invite people, in order to be saved of God's punishment (which is at hand maybe), to condemn the work of this pastor, and to declare they don't agree about his work and they disown him and quit themselves from his crime.
Or else none may give guaranty that God Himself will not punish such guilty people.

As it is in the Quran 6: 65

قُلْ هُوَ الْقَادِرُ عَلَى أَن يَبْعَثَ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابًا مِّن فَوْقِكُمْ أَوْ مِن تَحْتِ أَرْجُلِكُمْ أَوْ يَلْبِسَكُمْ شِيَعاً وَيُذِيقَ بَعْضَكُم بَأْسَ بَعْضٍ انظُرْ كَيْفَ نُصَرِّفُ الآيَاتِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَفْقَهُونَ

The explanation:
(Say: He is All-Able to send forth upon you, [associaters,] chastisement

>> from above you [like hurricanes, epidemics, comets ..etc]
>> or from under your feet, [like floods, earthquakes and volcanoes …etc]
>> or to confuse you in sects and to make you suffer of the violence of one another [wars and fighting.]

Behold [O Mohammed] how We turn about the revelations; haply that they may understand.)



Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Omicron they wanted to do business with America and everybody gets screwed by
America they'll get over it.
No they won't. When you're left poor you are poor, with wives and kids not being cheep.
Funny you mention it though, the elements of the Taliban
were America's allies during the Afghan war with Russia.
I know... which means *if* American politics were to sustain its experienced... perhaps under the Justice Department... then they could stop forgetting what they used to know.
You are right the jerks are the one who get things started, all I am saying is, my grand kids are going to have to
fight it, because everyone's jerks are heading in that direction.
Indeed and correct, and I'd like to say more, but I can't, because (one of) my kids is in that evil gestapo part of the system telling your kids where to go to statistically die. You can't believe what a model of wonder he is to me and his mom. I knew she was the right one for a sharp kid.

It is all so wrong, when I know for a fact that when allowed to I can trade and make a profit with Muslims any time, whereupon they are happy, their kids are happy, their wives are happy, and nobody is complaining.

Seriously... what was the problem with Grenada?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I have always believed that raising the standard of living of those in the third world
will diminish tensions. The problem is the Muslim world of the believer is a lot
different than the power mongers, they are the ones squeezing every last dime out
of oil, the international chemical companies are gaining control of the food
supply, and the medical medicines and the people are watching entertainment tonight. I could be said the clash might well come as a left right situation but I
still think the world will divide on a contrived issue more about religion to hide
the little issue of money. Our Muslim friend on the board said the government
has to prevent the preacher from burning the holy book, and that the Christians
and Jews support the burning. Wrong, most people of the faith do not condone
the burning of books, and the Jews are not crazy about it either for the same
reason. I suggest our Muslim friend is sniffing the propaganda pipe a little bit
here. The Muslims still don't understand democracy, he has a right to criticize
and burn any book he likes, we have freedom here. Not only that but much of
the real world has moved on, religion in an educated society does not hold the
same place it used to, for better or worse. I don't want people burning books,
Cd's each others houses of worship or anything else. I also don't thing we should
back down in the face of threats or actions by tyrants. If Muslims want to live
amongst us they had better understand our culture as well. Coming here and
attempting to dictate the terms of democracy does more harm than good.
The one thing I do see coming is a clamp down in western countries on what is
perceived as a Muslim threat to western civilization. While the Muslim world angers
me at times because they cannot rise above their religious self interest, I personally
wish them no ill will. I find it difficult to hate people I don't know. I do think however
it is time we stood up and said we are not bending anymore. If you want to live here
side by side accept democracy and get on with it or go back to religious tyranny.
There is two choices democracy and then there is dictatorship, I prefer democracy
even as flawed as it is.
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
So I invite people, in order to be saved of God's punishment (which is at hand maybe), to condemn the work of this pastor, and to declare they don't agree about his work and they disown him and quit themselves from his crime.
Or else none may give guaranty that God Himself will not punish such guilty people.
I don't for a second believe god's going to punish anyone for this, but I do condemn this pastor's action. It's an act of deliberately extreme provocation and plays into the hands of other extremists, it can't be anything but divisive, and if I could I would try to dissuade him. But I wouldn't forcibly stop him, nor would I impose sanctions on him afterwards. The laws protecting free expression allow him to do this, however dumb it may be. Free expression does extend to allowing people to show themselves to be ignorant idiots. The proper response is mockery.
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Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I have always believed that raising the standard of living of those in the third world
will diminish tensions. The problem is the Muslim world of the believer is a lot
different than the power mongers, they are the ones squeezing every last dime out
of oil,
Did you know that there used to be twice as many countries around Arabia?

A feast was called, and then out of the curtains came assassins to kill half the guests.

The other half already knew who's territory who was going to take over.
the international chemical companies are gaining control of the food
supply, and the medical medicines and the people are watching entertainment tonight. I could be said the clash might well come as a left right situation but I
still think the world will divide on a contrived issue more about religion to hide
the little issue of money. Our Muslim friend on the board said the government
has to prevent the preacher from burning the holy book, and that the Christians
and Jews support the burning. Wrong, most people of the faith do not condone
the burning of books, and the Jews are not crazy about it either for the same
reason. I suggest our Muslim friend is sniffing the propaganda pipe a little bit
The Muslims still don't understand democracy,
As have neither Russians nor Chinese... which means they have an extremely refined sense of factionalism and all I ever heard them say was how they want stable order to have families. They just want happy kids.

Am I going to tell you what Canada did after that time when some Chechyn rebels took that theater and killed some Russian kids?

No, I'm not going to tell you how all governments in the west suspended all talks until Russia cleaned it up.

Am I going to tell you about how sometimes the Russians asked to cross into foreign borders in order to clean out some Chechyn hideouts there, and were granted passage?

No, of course I'm not going to. In case you hadn't noticed, we've been very peaceful with Russians lately, because it turns out we agree on kids.
he has a right to criticize
and burn any book he likes, we have freedom here.
Yeah, right... but retards still get thrown into a nut-house.
Not only that but much of
the real world has moved on, religion in an educated society does not hold the
same place it used to, for better or worse. I don't want people burning books,
Cd's each others houses of worship or anything else. I also don't thing we should
back down in the face of threats or actions by tyrants. If Muslims want to live
amongst us they had better understand our culture as well.
Trust me pal... educated Muslims think Sharia law in Canada is as stupid as walking into a home and demanding to re-arrange the furniture as a guest.
Coming here and
attempting to dictate the terms of democracy does more harm than good.
The one thing I do see coming is a clamp down in western countries on what is
perceived as a Muslim threat to western civilization. While the Muslim world angers
me at times because they cannot rise above their religious self interest, I personally
wish them no ill will. I find it difficult to hate people I don't know. I do think however
it is time we stood up and said we are not bending anymore. If you want to live here
side by side accept democracy and get on with it or go back to religious tyranny.
There is two choices democracy and then there is dictatorship, I prefer democracy
even as flawed as it is.
Yeah... and I know you know there are jerks here who would use all that as a form of McCarthyism to hammer down on anyone capable of thinking better than them.

One day I offered a grandchild of an old-money billionaire family the option of investing her money in science to make an isolation tank with 3D visors and ear-buds to give her the experience of having conquered the world in order to be worshiped like a queen, and she hit me.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
God will burn them if they burn His book

I don't know how this will be: hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, internal wars, epidemics ...etc.

This is because they pretend not agreeing about burning the book of the Quran, while they in fact do not prevent such men from committing their transgression on the book of God: the Glorious Quran.

If some persons intend to burn the Gospel, will Muslims allow this in their countries? No, of course; because Muslims believe in the Torah and the Gospel as do they believe in the Quran.

Therefore, if the American government is truly against this act of this clergy, then they have to prevent him or else they will share in the wrath of God that they will incur.

The Quran is the book of God and He Himself will defend His book.

The Ten Commandments In The Quran

I don't get overly wound up over any religion, but the guy who wants to burn the books is a real nut case, just as if he wanted to burn all Goldilocks books. They say religion is the cause of most wars but actually it's the nut jobs who try to translate what they (in their demented minds) think "the message" is.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The importance of the Quran

The Quran is the word of God word by word and letter by letter; in this respect the Quran is comparable only to the Ten Words of God which God Himself inscribed on the tablets of stone for His servant Moses.

In the past, there was a tree: an olive tree on the Mount Hor; from that tree, God spoke to His servant Moses; God from above His throne sent the voice to that tree over ether waves, and Moses heard the voice from the olive tree, but God was not in that tree.

Then when that tree died, its spirit :) every tree has a spirit) went to heaven; so God sent His revelations of the Quran to that tree spirit, and Gabriel the angel heard God's voice from that ethereal olive tree, then he brought it down to Prophet Mohammed who conveyed it to people and ordered them to write it on the parchment or on broad wood pieces ...etc.

This is in the Quran 26: 192-213

وَإِنَّهُ لَتَنزِيلُ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ .نَزَلَ بِهِ الرُّوحُ الْأَمِينُ .عَلَى قَلْبِكَ لِتَكُونَ مِنَ الْمُنذِرِينَ ...الخ

The explanation:
(And the [Quran] is the revealing of the Lord of the worlds.
The 'Trustworthy Ghost' [Gabriel] came down with it,
Upon your heart [Mohammed], that you should become [one] of those who warn.

In a fluent Arabic language.

[The tales of the prophets in the Quran] is [even written] in the scriptures of the ancients.
Was it not a sign for them [to the truthfulness of Mohammed] that the doctors [of Law] of the Children of Israel have acknowledged it [like Abullah son of Salam who converted]?

But had We revealed [the Quran] to one of the non-Arab.
And [this man] had rehearsed it to them, they would not have believed in it.
[As if the Quran was non-Arabic]; as such have We made it traverse the hearts of the guilty.

[Who] will not believe in [the Quran] until they see the painful chastisement.
And the [death] will come upon them suddenly, while they are not aware.
They will – then – say: "Shall we be respited?"
Do they [wish to] hasten on Our torment?
See [Mohammed] that if We give them enjoyment [of life in this World] for years.
Then [the torment], that they are threatened with, will befall them.
It will not avail them, whatever [time long or short] they [tarry] for enjoyment.

And never did We destroy any city[-population], but it had its warners.
As a reminder; and We never were wrong-doers.

The devils have not brought it [: the Quran] down.
It is not meet for them, nor is it in their power.
Truly, they are banished from the hearing.

Therefore invoke not, [together] with God, another god, lest you [Mohammed] be one of the doomed.)

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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The response of people to burning the book of the Quran

First of all I don't give any personal threat to this pastor and his group.

Second: Muslims particularly in America and Europe are afraid lest anything should be against their position and circumstances of living there, so almost they are silent.

Other fanatic people belonging to Christians or Jews agree to the act of this pastor.

The most majority of people in America and Europe condemn the act of this man, but say he is free to do whatever he likes: because this is the democracy.

Atheists, the adversaries of God, take it an opportunity to fortify their opinions against God and all religions as do they claim. Some atheists who are in origin from the East, are more cursive than others in this field.

Unfortunately, I have not found anyone who says: The act of this pastor to burn the Quran is unacceptable and has to be stopped.

Because a large number of them are atheists, fanatics belonging to Jews and Christians and the best men among them who say: this is democracy and this man has the right to do whatever he likes.

To the outcome of such blasphemy against God and His revealed Quran, many people don't think that God may do anything, and if anything happens then it is a natural thing like the storms and floods and earthquakes ...etc.

Moreover, if anything is done badly to the Quran of God and people agree, then all of them will be sinners and deserve God's punishment: whether He hastens to that or postpone their punishment to some later time.

But if people condemn such an act of this pastor, then they will be saved of God's dealing with the criminal and guilty people.

So I invite people, in order to be saved of God's punishment (which is at hand maybe), to condemn the work of this pastor, and to declare they don't agree about his work and they disown him and quit themselves from his crime.
Or else none may give guaranty that God Himself will not punish such guilty people.

As it is in the Quran 6: 65

قُلْ هُوَ الْقَادِرُ عَلَى أَن يَبْعَثَ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابًا مِّن فَوْقِكُمْ أَوْ مِن تَحْتِ أَرْجُلِكُمْ أَوْ يَلْبِسَكُمْ شِيَعاً وَيُذِيقَ بَعْضَكُم بَأْسَ بَعْضٍ انظُرْ كَيْفَ نُصَرِّفُ الآيَاتِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَفْقَهُونَ

The explanation:
(Say: He is All-Able to send forth upon you, [associaters,] chastisement

>> from above you [like hurricanes, epidemics, comets ..etc]
>> or from under your feet, [like floods, earthquakes and volcanoes …etc]
>> or to confuse you in sects and to make you suffer of the violence of one another [wars and fighting.]

Behold [O Mohammed] how We turn about the revelations; haply that they may understand.)

Your first point probably surprises and confuses a few Islamaphobes on this forum.

BTW, I'm agnostic, not an atheist. There is a difference. Atheists believe there is no God, even though they can't prove it. I am only skeptical about God's existence and claims that a specific religion is the one true religion. I am not against any religion. On the contrary, I respect your beliefs, defend your right to believe what you want and be devoutly religious without interference, until one person's actions limit another person's rights and freedoms.

I see the Quran the book as being relatively insignificant compared to its message. If you destroy the book, the message will not be lost. The Quran is a replaceable object. An exception would be any Quran which is unique or significant in some way that can't be reproduced. Burning a 500 year old Quran for example should be a punishable offense.

Burning a newly printed Quran is disrespectful, but ultimately the book is replaceable. I classify this act in the same category as an insult or being rude. For me it doesn't cross a line where I would demand punitive action, but I can understand how devout Muslims would feel some action should be taken.

The right to free speech includes the right to be rude and symbolic acts like burning religious books and flags. No one is physically harmed. It does not limit anyone's rights or freedoms. I see burning a religious book as a symbolic act and different from actions which limit people's rights, for example the right to build a cultural/religious building on private property. For me, that action crosses a line.

Ironically these people will have to buy a Quran in order to burn it. In a way they are supporting the Quran printing industry. The more Qurans people burn, the more profitable printing Qurans becomes. If Quran burning became common, it would create jobs and Qurans would become more affordable for the devout. Also its possible a few people who would normally never see a Quran, might actually take the time to read it out of curiosity and possibly change their mind about Islam.
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Is this the democracy?

This is not correct; because the transgression on the Quran is not allowed as part of freedom. This is not the freedom.

If such pastor does not believe in the Quran (and he will receive his punishment from his Lord), then no one may force him to believe, but to go and shout before other people and burn the Quran: this is unacceptable.

If one reviles you, is this the freedom, and you accept it?
So if one reviles our Lord and our Quran revealed from God, will it be acceptable?
No, this is not the freedom and such democracy, if this is the democracy, is not accepted.

I think such democracy is a trick, by which the enemy of God and the Quran have been successful in preventing the word of God.

Example: Once I saw some youths with microphones in their hands, and they belonged to some TV channels, and they made some discussion with people from the street about their opinions; so I came and said: Excuse me, can I say some words? He said: Yes.

I said: This democracy as you describe is only a [Zionist] trick; because by means of such democracy they will disable the word of God in the Quran: because they will tell you that there are Christians, Jews and atheists who do not believe in the Quran; therefore [by such pretext] they will put the Quran aside.

And even if the democracy is said to be the rule for the majority, they will with their trickery avoid such majority of Muslims in their countries: that is by dividing them into Sunni and Shiaa, then they will divide each sect into minor divisions until they reach to their purpose of putting the Quran and its statements aside and bring their laws and their opinions instead.

This is not the correct thing; the democracy is between us in the minor branches to consult each other about some proposals and some projects and some public plans: to build a hospital or school or a market place …etc. While the Quran statements are the fact and no consultation concerning the judgment of God.

This is in the Quran 3: 159

فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لاَنفَضُّواْ مِنْ حَوْلِكَ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الأَمْرِ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللّهِ إِنَّ اللّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ

The explanation:
(It is by some mercy of God that you [Mohammed] deal gently with them.

If you had been harsh and hard-hearted, they would have scattered from about you;

so pardon them, and ask [God's] forgiveness for them,

and discuss their opinions in some [public] matters, then – when you have decided [a matter] – rely on God;

for God loves those who rely [on Him.])

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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
I am only skeptical about God's existence and claims that a specific religion is the one true religion.

The reason why Palestinians is on the loss and decline is because of this skepticism and atheism and the more important factor is their enthusiasm about the Prophet and his companions in addition to the innovations and the fabricated traditions which they follow instead of the Quran.

So if you want the Palestinian people to be victorious and dignified, then leave all such atheism, skepticism and enthusiasm + the false traditions; or else your ways will not succeed with your democracy and documentation of things; because - exactly like Satan - your enemy knows the truth and work contrary to it.

Moreover, if you are skeptic and don't want to observe the Quran, then what will the difference be between you and Zionists? It may be some of them knows God better than you. So who will be to my side: you or Zionists?

Therefore you cannot lead the Palestinian people or defend them unless you leave all this and in stead you should hold fast with the Glorious Quran and the devotion to God alone without any enthusiasm and to fight the false traditions --> and only then you will be victorious and triumphant. :faroah:

If you destroy the book, the message will not be lost.
I see burning a religious book as a symbolic act and different from actions which limit people's rights, for example the right to build a cultural/religious building on private property.

So it is a symbolic act expressing the detest and hatred in addition to be the blasphemy agaisnt God and His revealed book: the Glorious Quran.

Ironically these people will have to buy a Quran in order to burn it. In a way they are supporting the Quran printing industry. The more Qurans people burn, the more profitable printing Qurans becomes. If Quran burning became common, it would create jobs and Qurans would become more affordable for the devout.

So is everything to you money and business? and you consider such act as so trivial according to your evaluation of things? :confused3: So certainly you will liberate the Karmal mountain when Jews and Christians will be pleased with you ;-)
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Is this the democracy?

This is not correct; because the transgression on the Quran is not allowed as part of freedom. This is not the freedom.

If such pastor does not believe in the Quran (and he will receive his punishment from his Lord), then no one may force him to believe, but to go and shout before other people and burn the Quran: this is unacceptable.

If one reviles you, is this the freedom, and you accept it?
So if one reviles our Lord and our Quran revealed from God, will it be acceptable?
No, this is not the freedom and such democracy, if this is the democracy, is not accepted.

I think such democracy is a trick, by which the enemy of God and the Quran have been successful in preventing the word of God.

And thank you for proving my point:

Islam and western concepts of freedom are incompatible.

We need to defend our culture from being poisoned by Islam.

And there it is, in the rough.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Where is that priest or cleric of some kind from Sudbury that used to be a member of this forum......;-)

We need some kind of balance here


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
And thank you for proving my point:

Islam and western concepts of freedom are incompatible.

We need to defend our culture from being poisoned by Islam.

And there it is, in the rough.

The Quran is not any poison, and the Western man will discover the truth, and you will not confound him with some words like you said.

Quran Interpretation
Arberry Quran translation

Where is that priest or cleric of some kind from Sudbury that used to be a member of this forum......;-)

We need some kind of balance here

DaSleeper, go to sleep :sleepy2:


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
God will burn them if they burn His book

I don't know how this will be: hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, internal wars, epidemics ...etc.

This is because they pretend not agreeing about burning the book of the Quran, while they in fact do not prevent such men from committing their transgression on the book of God: the Glorious Quran.

If some persons intend to burn the Gospel, will Muslims allow this in their countries? No, of course; because Muslims believe in the Torah and the Gospel as do they believe in the Quran.

Therefore, if the American government is truly against this act of this clergy, then they have to prevent him or else they will share in the wrath of God that they will incur.

The Quran is the book of God and He Himself will defend His book.

The Ten Commandments In The Quran
It is all over, he has seen the light.