Fuel has nothing to do with Climate Change
Fuel has nothing to do with Climate Change,
Climate Change is the direct consequence of
the combustion (a process) of fuel, which exacerbates
Environmental Degradation.
Climate Changes all the time, particularly during changing seasons. However, the
Environmental Degradation is exacerbated by the
ABUSE of Fuel, & it has more far-reaching consequences, than so called Climate Change.
USE of fuel can be defined as where fuel is used as source of mechanical power to satisfy a Human Need. Example: burning fossil fuel to run a school, a hospital, or to keep people in a house hold warm, …….
ABUSE of fuel can be defined as where fuel is used as source of mechanical power to satisfy needs which cannot be considered as a Human Need. Example: manufacturing of a an
Aircraft Carries , & use fuel to send them to war with other manufactured war machineries like: Aircrafts, Tanks, Ammunitions etc. Or using fuel in internal combustion engines for Motor Racing – Formula 1, or using fuel for manufacturing automobile to be used in chaotic transportation system, or using fuel to run automobile with full knowledge of knowing that, the problem with the automobile is, they are the central component of a
fuel wasting, environment-spoiling, chaotic transportation system, & knowing that, each gallon of gasoline (petrol) burned by a car’s engine produces about 9 kg (20 lb) of CO2.
Internal-combustion engines operate on the principle of compressing the fuel & air, burning it at a pressure above that of the atmosphere, & then expanding the products of combustion into the atmosphere. Cars, locomotives and aircraft are propelled in this way. It is therefore important for the engineer to know the properties of available FUELS and of their combustion products, & to be able to calculate the temperature which can be reached in the combustion chamber & the maximum work that can be obtained from a given quantity of fuel. To this end, the thoughts has to turn into chemical thermodynamics.
To be able to understand the
Environmental Degradation understanding of basic
thermodynamics, &
Chemical Thermodynamics is the prerequisite:
The Chemical Thermodynamics is the subject which is vital to other branches of engineering also. For example, the operations of the metallurgical industry can be understood only through knowledge of the interactions between the fuel used in smelting the metal-bearing ores, and the various metals which make up an alloy.
The Chemical Thermodynamics is even more important for chemical engineers, who design the processes with the aid of quantitative knowledge 7 try to find out, what are the possible reactions; how pressure, temperature; changes in the material composition, & the Energy Changes for a process can effect environment.
The phrase
Climate Change is a phrase devised by so called “Renewable Energy” industry with prime objective of selling manufactured Wind Turbines & Photovoltaic cells….. etc.