Americans are much smarter than everyone thinks.
what's funny are people who believe global warming is a scam think others who believe 9/11 was an inside job are the crazy people. reality is these people are both bat**** insane.
Some people believe in One conspiracy....
Some people believe in One conspiracy....
The real nuts see just about everything as a conspiracy.... and the real extreme nut jobs blame it all on the Joos.....
The left doesn't like facts but here they are anyway as laid out beautifully by Roy Spencer.
Roy Spencer, PhD
Vehicular and human flatulence are a cause among many. To deny humans have any impact is just plain stupid. That they are the main cause is also stupid. I still believe that this whole debate is a smoke screen to keep our attention from the real problem: we are poisoning our life support system and well on our way to self annihilation. People have a natural tendency to bury their heads up their butts when the truth becomes too painful, they see that they are the cause and should actually do something about it. In our society, taking responsibility for our actions is discouraged. It is all the corporations fault. Well, corporations wouldn't be poisoning our life support system if we didn't buy their crap. But hoping the sheeple will wake up before it is too late is like buying a loto ticket. Your chances are slim to none. Nothing short of a 2X4 upside the head will accomplish that. This thread is proof that people will resist responsibility to their very last breath.Upon discovering this thread has been going for almost two years and over 600 posts I don't think we are getting close to a satisfactory conclusion. Upon mulling the topic over at length, there's only a couple of things I can conclude: we don't know the main cause and we don't know how long it's going to continue. I have no doubt the human animal and all other animals contribute to it. With 7 billion people breathing things are bound to warm up. I also doubt if there is much we can do to change it significantly. I think drastically curtailing vehicle use will help minimally. I have no doubt it's a cycle that might fluctuate.
Of course the sky isn't falling. That is stupid. The air you breath, the soil and the water is poisoned. Pull you head out of your butt. The proof is all around you. Or do you prefer the smell of your own excrement?The sky isn't falling ya crazy anarchistic hippy.
Of course the sky isn't falling. That is stupid. The air you breath, the soil and the water is poisoned. Pull you head out of your butt. The proof is all around you. Or do you prefer the smell of your own excrement?
Of course the sky isn't falling. That is stupid. The air you breath, the soil and the water is poisoned. Pull you head out of your butt. The proof is all around you. Or do you prefer the smell of your own excrement?
It would be interesting to know what life expectancy is in Las Angeles compared to say Laramie Wyoming!
It would be interesting to know what life expectancy is in Los Angeles compared to say Laramie Wyoming![/
Ah, excrement it is. As you were..Soil and water are in great shape. Never been better.
Life expectancy is irrelevant. It is quality of life that is important: what percentage of the population is being kept alive by artificial means through chemistry. Big Pharma is in the business of keeping their cash cows alive to maximize profits.It would be interesting to know what life expectancy is in Las Angeles compared to say Laramie Wyoming!
Ah, excrement it is. As you were..