Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island

Y2Kyoto: I'll Miss The Moose The Most

During a $750,000 research effort to blame "global warming"...
In response to the dramatic decline of moose in northeastern Minnesota, over 100 moose were equipped with radio-collars that could alert biologists to the moose's impending death, allowing biologists to account for the deaths of 35 calves and 19 adults. [...] 13 calves (37%) calves died due to mother abandonment. Eleven were caused when the mothers abandoned the calve during the act of attaching the collars, 2 were abandoned later.

Y2Kyoto: I'll Miss The Moose The Most - Small Dead Animals

See proof that globull warming is killing animals.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This used to be a pretty hot subjects, seems to be cooling off.
In one of the playlists I watched on the mini ice-age said the temps from the ocean were all gathered at 2,000 ft and above. The mixing lower levels would be done by the time the warm water rose that high. Right?? after all magma to liquid water is a cooling process. Melted starfish would then be victims of being boiled alive as water at boiling temp (at that level) could be ejected, . . . and then hug the floor for 100 miles. No, perhaps gas coming out at that depth is expanding and that is cooling and it become a 'fog' that races down ravines in the floor and that is the path of death, frostbite and when thawed the flesh turns to mush, just like up here.
That 'cold rain' would have the effect of making it appear that the spreading of the rift was slower than it's actual expansion rate. Currents and such would dilute the gasses by the time they broke the surfaces so good luck in tracking down specific bubbles.
If you could find the shadows where the hydrates remain that would show if more is falling than is evaporating. Mining it would be like opening an ice-cube only store at the North Pole. Why would you?

Rumor has it that in hollywierd, that an actor's whose face has failed because of the weight of all the make-up they had to wear for years can forgo the skin stretching knife by having an area exposed to explosive heat of varying degrees. Based on the explosion some kid was in while looking for the boiling point of gasoline. The explosion threw him into Frog Pond's icy water and a zippity trip to the hospital and a lot of morphine and two weeks later he was two layers less in skin. At 60+ the sagging and fine lines had yet to appear, nor is it stretched. Boiling gas works better in turbines than the lawn mower btw.

See proof that globull warming is killing animals.
Boiled in icy lava, man what a fate.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
2014: The Most Dishonest Year On Record

Daily Mail;
The Nasa climate scientists who claimed 2014 set a new record for global warmth last night admitted they were only 38 per cent sure this was true.

In a press release on Friday, Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) claimed its analysis of world temperatures showed '2014 was the warmest year on record'.

The claim made headlines around the world, but yesterday it emerged that GISS's analysis - based on readings from more than 3,000 measuring stations worldwide - is subject to a margin of error. Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all.

Yet the Nasa press release failed to mention this, as well as the fact that the alleged 'record' amounted to an increase over 2010, the previous 'warmest year', of just two-hundredths of a degree - or 0.02C. The margin of error is said by scientists to be approximately 0.1C - several times as much.

Y2Kyoto: Horse, Barn - Small Dead Animals


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
2014: The Most Dishonest Year On Record

Daily Mail;
The Nasa climate scientists who claimed 2014 set a new record for global warmth last night admitted they were only 38 per cent sure this was true.

In a press release on Friday, Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) claimed its analysis of world temperatures showed '2014 was the warmest year on record'.

The claim made headlines around the world, but yesterday it emerged that GISS's analysis - based on readings from more than 3,000 measuring stations worldwide - is subject to a margin of error. Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all.

Yet the Nasa press release failed to mention this, as well as the fact that the alleged 'record' amounted to an increase over 2010, the previous 'warmest year', of just two-hundredths of a degree - or 0.02C. The margin of error is said by scientists to be approximately 0.1C - several times as much.

Y2Kyoto: Horse, Barn - Small Dead Animals

1998, 2005 and 2010 were all moderate to strong El Nino seasons, whereas 2014 was a neutral to weak El Nino year, which makes it more remarkakable that 2014 would have the highest global temperature on the instrumental record.

The bounds of uncertainty in estimates is nothing new. Well I guess to the deniers it is. They are in full spin mode.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
2014: The Most Dishonest Year On Record

Daily Mail;
The Nasa climate scientists who claimed 2014 set a new record for global warmth last night admitted they were only 38 per cent sure this was true.

In a press release on Friday, Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) claimed its analysis of world temperatures showed '2014 was the warmest year on record'.

The claim made headlines around the world, but yesterday it emerged that GISS's analysis - based on readings from more than 3,000 measuring stations worldwide - is subject to a margin of error. Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all.

Of course it is BS. But we know alarmism by now and all they need to do is get out and say it once and the flock will believe it forever.

1998, 2005 and 2010 were all moderate to strong El Nino seasons, whereas 2014 was a neutral to weak El Nino year, which makes it more remarkakable that 2014 would have the highest global temperature on the instrumental record.

The bounds of uncertainty in estimates is nothing new. Well I guess to the deniers it is. They are in full spin mode.

And this is a perfect example!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Of course it is BS. But we know alarmism by now and all they need to do is get out and say it once and the flock will believe it forever.

I don't think I'm particularly alarmist myself. The flock should believe it, since it is, in fact, getting warmer, and it is very likely to be partially due to the additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The funny thing is even the so-called skeptic scientists readily admit this. Roy Spencer, one of the more respectable skeptic scientists (and who is one of the folks running the UAH satellite temperature program).

2014 as the Mildest Year: Why You are Being Misled on Global Temperatures « Roy Spencer, PhD

In his screed against the 2014 temperatures he writes:

I will admit the science has always supported the view that slowly increasing
carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere from burning of fossil fuels should
cause some warming,

Or there's Richard Lindzen, another skeptic heavyweight sho calls people who don't believe that CO2 is a greenhouse gas "nutty." Anthony Watts: "Now I'm in the camp of we have some global warming."


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I don't think I'm particularly alarmist myself. T
It's the new codeword as 'conspiracy theorist' now means you ask questions about 'things' and that is not such a bad thing. Not being an alarmist is worse than needing to being one and you remain silent on the subject. Cursed if you do and cursed if you don't, free choice that option. The good news is if you do 'talk' nobody will believe you so only the label has changed and your ability do know that **** is the important part of being hit rather than if it came from somebodies left or right hand.


rigid member
May 31, 2007

and this is what passes nowadays as 'science'

arbitrary and subjective

scientists are a lot like doctors : educated guessers, maybe not as educated though

note the placement of the line.

funny thing is, though, when I look at that graph I see the line beginning on the left at 0.1 and ending on the right at 0.15

swallowing such subjective analysis is a faithful gulp of koolaid.

the thing that's certain is it doesn't matter which way we believe the line is going, but that we can never really be positive about it, especially when it comes to making predictions.

it's all bogus.

have you met my friend, darkbeliever?



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

and this is what passes nowadays as 'science'

arbitrary and subjective

scientists are a lot like doctors : educated guessers, maybe not as educated though

note the placement of the line.

funny thing is, though, when I look at that graph I see the line beginning on the left at 0.1 and ending on the right at 0.15

swallowing such subjective analysis is a faithful gulp of koolaid.

the thing that's certain is it doesn't matter which way we believe the line is going, but that we can never really be positive about it, especially when it comes to making predictions.

it's all bogus.

have you met my friend, darkbeliever?


You should see it when they stretch out the X-Y Axis!

F*ing Free Fall!

Optics baby ...Optics!