Mike's "nature trick would not have survived peer review in any journal I would publish in"
of course, Goddard absolutely knows this is a specious misrepresentation... and perhaps you do too. That "trick" was not a part of a formal journal publication (it was a magazine cover)... nor was it a "trick" in the way deniers presume to present it, to denigrate with reference to it... nor was there any, per your referenced video, "hiding of a decline". In fact, the decline aspect has absolutely nothing to do with the the "trick". It never fails to amaze just how far denier parrots will go without actually realizing the nature/basis of the points they presume to fallaciously present..... or... they know, and are quite willing to purposely perpetuate falsehoods! And point in fact, the speaker within your referenced video makes the same mistake of improperly conflating "decline" and "trick".
the decline speaks to tree rings and the well known aspect of dendrochronology, the so-called 'divergence problem'. As was fully described and even conveyed on the cover graphic, the "trick" was nothing more than applying the instrumental record to the tail-end of a paleo-reconstruction. Standard denier BS!