What mechanism?
Did you look up Chandlers Wobble?Maybe if we experience a sizable shift, Copenhagengate will collapse in on itself and the consensus will end up as just a plain old census.
What mechanism?
I was on a Saskatchewan site called "small dead animals" but ended
up (if not on the link you posted) on an identical site or something
very close to it.
Did you look up Chandlers Wobble?
Our climate is totally a product of the sun...
The science is settled says the beaver. He can't point it out to us if asked, but so sayeth the dark rodent so we must accept his decrees. You've been chewing on bad wood beaver. The methanol is affecting your faculties.
The Global Problem of Turbulence Cooling
Pantineur en Hollande ("Skaters in Holland") by Johan Barthold Jongkind.
The Global Problem of Turbulence Cooling
Dec 11, 2009
Could the widespread use of windmills be responsible for recent observations that the European continent is rapidly cooling?[Chairman] "This session of the Rotterdam Congress on Global Turbulence Cooling in the year of our Lord 1647 will now come to order. [Gavel strikes] Before the initial period of testimony and investigation begins, the chair recognizes brief opening remarks by Mijnheer de Dokter Jut Om Brom, the leading expert on windmill effects in climate change.
"Mijnheer Om Brom has been studying the significant lowering of European temperatures since 1612, and has concluded that the then recent introduction of windmill pumping stations around the Netherlands, with their subsequent adoption in other countries as grain processors and irrigation devices for croplands, has led to an increase in wind turbulence throughout Europe and Western Asia.
"Dutch scientists have been sounding the alarm about global turbulence cooling since it was realized in the last decade that a decline in cereal grain production, as well as the freezing of previously clear winter shipping lanes, is causing food shortages and population shifts to be
It is not even winter yet and places in the mid-west are seeing temps. in the -0 numbers. Cleveland was -12 deg, F yesterday.
You said our climate is totally a product of the sun. Not true. Without an optically thick atmosphere the temperature change daily would be hundreds of degrees from sunlight to darkness, and the average temperature on Earth would be close to zero.
The science is settled says the beaver. He can't point it out to us if asked, but so sayeth the dark rodent so we must accept his decrees. You've been chewing on bad wood beaver. The methanol is affecting your faculties.
Anyone or any group can mishandle data, including those that deny humans having anything to do with pollution.Probably not because what government agency would mishandle data.
Who is denying humans cause pollution?Anyone or any group can mishandle data, including those that deny humans having anything to do with pollution.
Oh, no! Another ice age! Better hoard food, clothing, and heating supplies; or move south:It is not even winter yet and places in the mid-west are seeing temps. in the -0 numbers. Cleveland was -12 deg, F yesterday.
There's virtually no evidence that the mean temperature of the world has been dropping for the last decade. You're just spewing absolute nonsense.Take away the bait of money and power and global warming would instantly be dropped from the human radar. The temperature is going down and has been for a decade. Our climate is totally a product of the sun, there isn't one thing we can do about that except pay the high priests of Global Warming for special dispensations from reality in the vain and stupid belief that we can adjust solar input here on the surface of the earth. We could hope with the same dull religious expectations to turn off a volcano.
Garbage. Our climates are the products of more than just the sun. You just latched onto one of them like a lamprey and totally ignored the other reasons for climate. roflmao Go back to your gnawing on sticks, Beav.So you are going to argue. Our atmosphere is totally a product of the sun. That atmosphere is driven by charge. No charge no atmosphere no weather no nothing.