U.S. climate change bill could side-swipe oilsands- U.S Climate change Bill 2010 - Always a year away..
Critics blast draft plan on climate change-
Harper denies Canada isolated on climate change at Commonwealth meeting
So let me get this right..Power hungry ,Grey Conservatives/republicans abuse, trash and cause chaos across the world for 10 yrs + call it a Crisis..Then go on to use/create irrelevant arguements, saying an economic recovery is more important then sustainability , the people, and the living breathing environment.
Do people really believe the same ol' style of leadership , by the same ol leaders that brought us to "crisis", can be trusted to run the world into the future?
Lead us into a sustainable/prosperous future..?
They will only succeed at running us into the ground..!
Grey Leaders who only think in short term gains ,only look inward to themselves and to out of touch backers/lobbyists for support.They were the ones largely responsible for creating and manufacturing our current problems.
Lest we forget..
Canadian( enviroment?)minister, Jim Prentise and "Gang green"(Clement,Baird,Harper,... )are totally out of touch with what Canada(canadians)and the global communtiee should really be striving/aspiring towards.Right Now.What the world needs more than ever before..- Global Cooperation/A sustainable ,realistic future that includes all .Represented by honest / passionate /future looking/strong leaders, able to listen ,learn,discuss to resolution /to a Solution.Put it Into action.Not just in principle,but in reality ..Without the broken promises and empty excuses..
Grey leaders seem to be under the alurring power and control of easy,dirty $$..
Let the Global World know ..Canadian Conservatives / Republicans, DO NOT speak for the majority of Canadians,Or the rest of the world/ Planet Earth.On climate change / environmental / humanitarian or related revelant issues that speak toward respect for all ..They speak for $$..
They'll neglect and ignore all that is needed ,necessary,asked and hoped for .Like clean air ,food ,water,shelter ,Global cooperation.They will Risk it all for more $$ .More dirty energy.Seemingly even if it's at the expense of a sustainable future and a fairer profit system.
Grey Leaders/market profiteers /Big biz should be prevented from acting in their own self absorbed , greedy pursuit of instant gratification and Dirty $$. If it is proven ,that their actions will negatively affect the majority, and the future of this planet..For they seem to be Ignorant to the fact ,that along with ecological sustainabilty , global respect, and the peoples backing . Money/prosperity will follow.
The quest for $$ alone, is not sustainable ,or necessary, without a livable environment.
No Earth + No life = No $$..
It's all B.S.(Bailout/stimulus?) games for monetary gains.All at the reluctant expense of the passionate public, and blinded slave drone followers..
The future looks bleak /dirty grey at best, as long as Big Biz Polluters and Greedy Grey Politicians are allowed, and not prevented from, further ignoring the real concerns and problems that are facing/continue to plague this world..
Mostly having to do with them, at the expense to us all !
Few gain now. So All will suffer later..Seems to be their slogan.
Green/Clean tech holds the best options/choices along with the most sustainable /prosperous /brightest future. For the betterment of all..
Don't let the smog,smoke and mirrors cloud your mind or vision of the future.
(Mr.Harper and like minded politicians )..The Global economic markets will have to change to the realities of this Global World/Earth. This World/Earth will not bend to them ..That is certain .Change will come ,the future will evolve.With or without consent.
$$, to few, may rule the world.But their short sightedness will not buy us another Planet Earth, or facsimile.
Without a sustainable plan for the future.One that repects this Earth ,and its people .All will be lost .It will be All for nothing .
I do have faith in the future and all the possibilites it holds for us ,as humans, as a living species ...
I do not have faith in the future of Shady Grey Biz Politics..!
Time to get with the times ..Time to Look toward the future .So we know what direction we should be heading in..
Green/clean tech, can/will lead the way..
.......If global leaders all agreed to go into deficit .Create/manufacture a crisis.For whatever reason($?)...
Dick Cheney - Deficits don't matter -
Dick Cheney on Budget & Economy
Where does the real "0" balance lie?
When it comes to Big Grey Biz /Politicians .There will always be an excuse for not accomplishing anything of relevance, when it comes to issues that truly matter, to the majority of others..
Peace ..