France Wants To Ban Full Head Covering On Muslim Women


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The simple solution is to try to get France to ban France.

I would settle for them to ban speaking french. Especially in Canada. Tough enough figuring out what the frenchies from Quebec are saying but the European ones are impossible. Especially when you tie one hand down. Makes them stutttter.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Set up a day and time for your g/God/dess to do something I can see and judge. I am a thinking person, this shouldn't be too hard to do.

And what has nationalism achieved besides cultural genocide of its minorities?

Nations are real. France is real. Japan is real. Ethiopia is real. Languages are real. Borders are real, people make countries and they create huge amounts of evidence to enforce their existence. It is what people decide, and sure, boundaries can and do change but they are real where they are.

Thanks for the confirmation. You yourself are confirming that the nation is but a creation of the human imagination.

Every country has codes of behaviour for dress and socializing. You have to live in another country to find out what we do here if is often considered quaint or useless in another country. Numbers are important, if I see many women wear burkas I will protest much more strongly.

So if something doesn't conform to your conditioned imagination of what ought to be, you must protest? By the way, I don't profess islam myself, but I'm just pointing out that we cannot even prove the existence of the nation based on science, only on the figment of our collective imagination, and so make it such. How is that belief any different from religious belief?

Good for France. We are permitted to make rules and decide on immigration, it is not a holy subject that any dissent is considered racism. This furthers my idea people consider the federal gov't the new Roman Catholic Church and any dissent which used to be heresy is now bigotry. This limits intelligent discussion on an important topic of the day. You won't be censoring me.

Like I said, Algerians prior to independence were not immigrants, since Algeria was a department of france, similar to a Canadian province in a sence, so those born in Algeria weren't immigrants when they'd gone to France. Just as you'd confirmed above, nations are defined by us, and so if Algerias was defined as a part of france at the time, then guess what, it was a part of France.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
My good man, I hereby challenge you to visit Saudi Arabia, a fully Muslim state, and wear a Christian cross openly. Do not come crying to me when some Arab asshole beats the living crap out of you. Tell me, do you get my point? You will the moment the Arab bastards are caving in your skull with their boots.

The solution is simple. Ban all religion immediately!
So if I go to Church in Suadi Arabia I'll be beaten? Does it matter which denomination?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I would settle for them to ban speaking french. Especially in Canada. Tough enough figuring out what the frenchies from Quebec are saying but the European ones are impossible. Especially when you tie one hand down. Makes them stutttter.
You really aren't paranoid about what people are saying in their language are you? Would it be the same sort of things you say in your language when others are around who don't speak your language?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Purdy ain't it?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Ah, believers are so thick. There were several christian sects when Constantine decided to put the bible together in his own image and create the Roman catholic church. He left out all the other christian writings of the time to suit his own political motivations (to keep the christians that followed Paul - Paulianity) from tearing his empire apart. He also translated the writings to suit himself so most of the none sense about Peter being the foundation of the church is as nonsensical as the rest. Even Constantine did not become a christian until his death bed. When are you going to stop believing in fairy tales?

Oh leave the Christians out of it for once, we don't need outlaws running around with their faces covered.
Off with their heads. oops Burka's


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Well one thing for sure about the French, they like France.

The French tend to take holidays at home in France.
They prefer France to other places.
People from other countries, on the other hand, tend to differ and leave their home countries to visit France.
That says something about France right there.

The French feel that they have very good wine, food, fashion, arts, architecture, entertainment ,climate and so forth and so on right at home.
Their medical system is reckoned to be one of the best and the French are famous for "working to live as versus living to work"
In other words they like short workdays and lots and lots of holidays and time off.

Now I am not French so its not really for me to say but all in all the French seem to have worked out a fairly good arrangement for themselves.

Others in this thread have pointed out how a very large cohort of Muslims came to residing in France.
Cities like Marseilles for example have huge Muslim populations.
By far the vast majority of these Muslim residents have adapted extremely well and are happy residents of France.
The religious extremists however are not happy and are not adapting well.
They of course feel that France should change and adopt fundamental Muslim religious and cultural norms.

The Burka is not historically associated with the Muslim religion, it is however a reasonably new piece of clothing designed and insisted upon by the Muslim far religious right.

The French feel it is disruptive in school and university as it prevents the teachers from really seeing who they are talking to.
By hiding facial expressions you hide one of humankind's most effective non verbal forms of communication.

The police and security forces hate it as they have no idea who they are dealing with.

Customs and immigration hate it as they have no idea who they are dealing with.

It totally invalidates the French CCV security systems as nobody has any clue who they are looking at and so on.

On top of that the average Frenchman has no interest whatsoever in changing how France operates.
The French feel the Burka is a symbol of an unbending religious extremism.
And the French have no plans at all of changing their secular society.

Thus the Burka is not that popular with Joe sixpack in France.



House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
To me, this is a security could hide a lot of explosives under such a loose fitting garment like this. But,if the ladies can't be bothered to shave their hairy legs and armpits,let them cover everything up:lol:


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
The issue is about forcing women to wear them. If these people are forced to do it then it would be just as wrong. Another issue is identification. A woman could wear a babushka when her drivers license picture was taken and it could still be used as a reasonable source of identification.

You are absolutely right. You know, don't you, that they make you take off your sunglasses when you have your driver's license made in Texas? In one of those severe black getups (our Texas name for it) - you couldn't tell one person from another - even men from women. wouldn't have to worry about that zit, that you needed to wash your hair, or that you needed to shave your legs. Man, I can think of a thousand reasons to wear one, but none of them good.:lol:



House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Canada prevented the introduction of Sharia law in Canada a few years back, that was a major victory. The burka now are small potatoes in comparison.

Yet we have signs here immigrants are getting too aggressive in bringing their culture to Canada. Why come to Canada if you don't want to become Canadian? And becoming Canadian should be changed from 3 years to five to ten years to get citizenship.