I still don't see a refutation. The life expectancy 150 years ago was considerably shorter than it is today:
Life Expectancy by Age, 1850–2004 — Infoplease.com
Ah ha, so you agree with me that we can judge the past by our standards.We know that they were wrong but they thought they were right.
In how many cases was a virgin girl sold into marriage at a price where the family (of the bride)received a dowry?Why would women get married at a younger age when their life expectancy was shorter?
By examining the various answers to the questions above could that be used to 'profile' a persons moral standards. Once you look deeper than a 'public outrage' that is how a predator would act, well ..... publicly. The aspect that shows a deeper part is how they viewed at the beginning, married mean intercourse, even if the bride is 6 years old. Does that initial reaction indicate 'tendencies'. (ie 100 peds would have said that sex would happen before 3 years are up. If any of John Q. Public thought along the same lines then their answers would also have been the same. Even men who have fantasies (to the point of full erection) about babysitters and girls about the age they first become fertile, not much better than a ped really if that is who they actually seek out.Ah ha, so you agree with me that we can judge the past by our standards.
In how many cases was a virgin girl sold into marriage at a price where the family (of the bride)received a dowry?
In how many cases was the mother the one who made the arrangements (when it was the father who was the head of the household)?
If the mother is making the arrangements was she a 'widow' and as such making sure the boys survived by selling off the girls earlier than normal?
When in dire poverty would the girls have been abandoned (killed) as they were the least important to the family (after the frail and elderly) so the rest of the family could survive? (as in the not-to-long-ago-China)
What molester would wait 3 years or so from attacking a victim (when she is right there 25/7 and you are the boss of there whole area)?
By examining the various answers to the questions above could that be used to 'profile' a persons moral standards. Once you look deeper than a 'public outrage' that is how a predator would act, well ..... publicly. The aspect that shows a deeper part is how they viewed at the beginning, married mean intercourse, even if the bride is 6 years old. Does that initial reaction indicate 'tendencies'. (ie 100 peds would have said that sex would happen before 3 years are up. If any of John Q. Public thought along the same lines then their answers would also have been the same. Even men who have fantasies (to the point of full erection) about babysitters and girls about the age they first become fertile, not much better than a ped really if that is who they actually seek out.
The same applies to the Bible also, some assume when a virgin girl was taken captive she was most likely raped even before she was back in the camp. Even when given an alternative outcome is given that is 'gentler' that is rejected and the old vision is held onto. That should also be taken as a moral indicator of the person doing the 'judging'. For the record in the Bible I didn't have a gentler solution to even offer, it was seeing how the old view held onto that made me wonder about any such connection. Irregardless if I had a young daughter that needed a new father I sure as hell would put them at the bottom of the list rather than at the top.
Try not leaving any ?? marks in your posts. Sorry the questions were too difficult for you, there goes that last sliver of hope.I've asked you before, when you feel like free writing please don't do it by replying to my posts. I end up reading them because I think you might have something to say to me.
Not that I can find in the NT, a Church that doesn't shed the leaven in her means the whole groups gets condemned. A rather stupid move on the ones who just twiddled their thumbs.MHz, of course the books revealed from God give a different way of dealing than the barbaric heathen or idolaters like the Mongols and Tatar.![]()
Try not leaving any ?? marks in your posts. Sorry the questions were too difficult for you, there goes that last sliver of hope.
We are applying today's standards to yesterdays history. I agree Mohammad was perhaps
everything you say he was. but back then it was mainstream and in some societies it was
In case the man (and woman) delays the marriage say to 30 years of age; then the man (and woman) will suffer much for about 10-15 years or more - in case he and she is chaste.
So the people who support the delayed marriage almost they allow the relation and the adultery.
Not that I can find in the NT, a Church that doesn't shed the leaven in her means the whole groups gets condemned. A rather stupid move on the ones who just twiddled their thumbs.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Back when I was trying to decide if you were an innernet stalker. Other than little entanglements like this one you will notice I pass them all by, as far as replies, I'm pretty sure I did still read them though, is that now a no, no? (no need to reply)The question wasn't directed at you. Though I'm fine with other people answering the question, have I not said to you before that I'm not interested in dealing with your arguments from free association?
When Paul was covering that 'topic' a believer should distance himself at least as far away as not eating with the 'un-repented sinner' in a Church. A Church that does not expell that same person will be judged to be sinners alsoPeople of Mecca knows best about its ways and subways - a parable.
well i guess i could go that.. but saying so.. you have to admit he was anything but a Prophet, in fact, nothing more than another psychotic lunatic, raving on some street corner, or in some cave. Read the violent, confused and contradictory epistles of the Koran and you would come to the same conclusion.
Certainly delaying the marriage and allowing the adultery is a very bad thing, under any circumstances.
You mean the moral standard that has allowed over 3 million children to be murdered in Canada since 1969?
Shyte! Doesn't anyone remember the Beverly Hillbillies? In some of those places, twelve was ripe, thirteen was spinster....
You are just jealous that you can't get away with that sort of fun and frivolity in your country.It will lead to the lineage be unknown: none may recognize his father, neither a father may recognize his son. This leads to breakdown of the family ties.
And another thing you may not believe: The marriage is the sexual acts (and other things) according to God's religion; while the adultery is unlawful because it is not according to God's religion. I.e. it is according to God's allowance that he and she are wife and husband and their offspring and their inheritance from their fathers and to their sons.
Moreover, it is God that makes their father lawful for their mother and the children grow know their lawful father and mother, and their rights and their duties.
E.g. I saw an American movie![]()
The mother is divorced or her husband died, then she had a boyfriend (actually a man-friend about 50 years: he lives with the family: he is not their father but the adulterer of their mother)
The girl came back home: she was not married yet about 30 years: she had a date with a boy-friend: the date means the relation in bed: the adultery, then each one left his partner, the girl returned to her family: the man-friend of her mother asked her: Haven't you yet gotten a boyfriend ? the girl answered : Yes I have just had a date.
The mother was glad that her daughter was fu****, the man-friend was glad and they congratulated her.
Then the new adulterer was discovered to have other relations ... and so on![]()
You are just jealous that you can't get away with that sort of fun and frivolity in your country.![]()