Thats odd,every geologist I have worked with knows what a rock stringer is,what it represents and how important it is concerning what was actually happening when it was deposited.
Petros says horizon. That I've heard of.
Thats odd,every geologist I have worked with knows what a rock stringer is,what it represents and how important it is concerning what was actually happening when it was deposited.
A coal seam was deposited during warm climes,so a sandstone stringer in the middle of it means one of a few things,either a huge dust storm,a flood or some other environmental anomaly.A bentonite stringer usually is because of a volcanic eruption somewhere.I'm appealing my grade
Doesn't have to be a mineral, it can simply be from turbidity.yes but there is a differance between a rock stringer and a mineral horizon,mostly with deposition.
Why do I need a link?
How do I link to a magazine I read 10 years ago?You don't need it, I do because I'm not in the habit of believing something just because someone says so. But you're not exactly accustomed to providing evidence for your claims. I didn't actually expect you to post a link, thought I would ask anyways though.
Are you lazy?You don't need it, I do because I'm not in the habit of believing something just because someone says so. But you're not exactly accustomed to providing evidence for your claims. I didn't actually expect you to post a link, thought I would ask anyways though.
How do I link to a magazine I read 10 years ago?
Roughly 56 percent of all scientists and engineers in the U.S. Army are employed by the Army Research and Development Command.
A coal seam was deposited during warm climes,so a sandstone stringer in the middle of it means one of a few things,either a huge dust storm,a flood or some other environmental anomaly.A bentonite stringer usually is because of a volcanic eruption somewhere.
Stringers are environmental anomalies.
Universities carry out the bulk of research correct? How many work at them and how many scientist are cranked out ea year and go off to find jobs in military and private sector? Use you head for once.Hah! You deleted the bunch of text you just posted...which said:
That's a far cry from saying 56% of all scientists are employed by the military.
The point im trying to make is a stringer can represent a huge weather anomaly that occured at the time of deposition,it could have been a meteor impact or some other disaster like a volcanic eruption.I know my answer was BS - I was just having a bit of fun and giving Flossy a chance to holler Eureka (followed by finger stabs into the air).
The point im trying to make is a stringer can represent a huge weather anomaly that occured at the time of deposition,it could have been a meteor impact or some other disaster like a volcanic eruption.
The point im trying to make is a stringer can represent a huge weather anomaly that occured at the time of deposition,it could have been a meteor impact or some other disaster like a volcanic eruption.
The rocks don't lie. I still want to know how atmospheric water vapour is measured from ice cores.I completely agree with the statement. The geologic record is a statement of fact (on an after the fact basis).
The stringer alone represents dramatic climate change at the time of deposition,no need to get into graphs or charts when its all right there in front of you to see right?That's not really a controversial claim at all. Why do you think that would invalidate radiative physics?
Universities carry out the bulk of research correct?
How many work at them and how many scientist are cranked out ea year and go off to find jobs in military and private sector?
The stringer alone represents dramatic climate change at the time of deposition
Well i'm from an era that predates google and rely on memory. Are you saying my memory is ****ty?Oh I don't know about that. University researchers publish more, for certain. The research a company like mine works on isn't published, because it's proprietary business information. Militaries doesn't publish much of their R&D, because it has national security implications.
I have no idea, but I wouldn't make specific claims about how many, or what proportion of the the total number of active researchers work in which sectors without some kind of evidence.
Well i'm from an era that predates google and rely on memory. Are you saying my memory is ****ty?