Donald Trump says NAFTA 'destroyed' U.S. at rally near Canadian border


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Canada was great and getting greater before we got the Libs back in, now its debt, deficit, refugees galore, Mexicans starting to line up for free vacations and refugee claims, no jobs, lots of selfies, etc etc, it's all down hill now.

MEXICO: Prepares Nation for a Massive U.S. deportation of undocumented and Bare the Financial Brunt that Taxation on Remittances may mean to the Mexicans who Receive them.

The Mummy Vs. Trump

Oh my Gosh!

The advent of Donald Trump as U.S. presidential candidate is forcing Enrique Peña Nieto to appeal to long forgotten Mexican politicos to confront the nasty gringo entrepreneur-turned-politician with equally nasty Mexican ones.

Suddenly on Wednesday, once infamous Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) career politician Humberto Roque Villanueva reappeared on the scene to defend the nation in his role as undersecretary of Population, Migration and Religious Matters.

Villanueva has held this position at the Interior Secretariat for over a year, but his tenure has been one of keeping a low profile, leaving secretary Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong to do the talking on all subjects related to Gobernación.

Yet, Roque Villanueva reappeared to publicly announce that Mexico is readying for a potential victory by Trump come the November elections and it is taking actions on two fronts.

One, which is under Villanueva’s duties as Migration undersecretary, is to ready the nation for a potential massive deportation of undocumented workers and bear the financial brunt that the application of taxation to remittances may mean to the finances of Mexicans who receive them.

Also, Villanueva says that President Peña already made abrupt but radical changes at the Mexican Embassy in Washington by removing his buddy and former mentor Miguel Basañez Ebergenyi and replacing him with Carlos Sada Solana, a man who knows the ropes in the consulates.

This is all fine and dandy except for the fact that it was Roque Villanueva who was announcing the new official anti-Trump preventive strategy. Villanueva’s presence indeed has a double-entendre meaning and a warning to U.S. diplomacy of the shape of things to come should there be a Roque versus Donald clash.

Indeed, when Roque Villanueva was appointed to his new post in 2015, the announcement went unnoticed. In fact, he had been out of political sight for nearly 20 years. Many political observers are still trying to find an explanation as to why this political mummy was pulled out of the Pantheon of the Cursed and revived.

In case you’re wondering about who this formerly revived politician is, well, his most infamous stint came on March 17, 1995, when as the head of the PRI at the Chamber of Deputies he shoved a 50 percent increase down the throats of Mexicans on the value added tax on most merchandise.

And the way of celebrating was a mockingly nasty gesture — for years known as the Roque Sign or roqueseñal — in which then Deputy Villanueva told the rest of his peer in Congress, with the obscene sign, we’ve just screwed you.

This gesture, typical of lewd Mexico, is carried out by bending your arms, clenching your fists, and pull backwards several times. It means a male has done sexual intercourse with a female.

The one difference is that the sign was aimed at the non-PRI deputies who voted against the VAT increase.

The citizenry was finally to pay for the broken dishes left behind by the Carlos Salinas de Gortari administration which ended on November 1994 and left the nation bankrupt.

The increase on the VAT was adding insult to injury to an economically battered population and on top, there was Roque Villanueva, on behalf of then President Ernesto Zedillo and the PRI, telling the Mexican people “we’ve screwed you again,” literally.

To many of us who have a good memory, the revival of Roque Villanueva is definitely a sign that Peña Nieto has run out of talented and trustworthy people within the PRI and is resorting to reviving some of the old ones.

Who ever said the old PRI was on the way out? Definitely not Roque Villanueva or, for that matter, President Peña Nieto who disinterred Roque from political oblivion.

One virtue Roque has in this new role is that he is nastier than Donald Trump, and that’s something!

The Mummy Vs. Trump |


I think Canada better get ready too.. I think our borders could be over run by Mexicans and US Citizens..


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
School OKs Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts

9 May 2016
Newport Beach, CA

A California high school has agreed to allow Hispanic students to wear their “Dump Trump” t-shirts on campus despite a dress code that seems to prohibit them.

Sean Boulton, the principal of Newport Harbor High School in Newport Beach, a town south of Los Angeles, agreed to let a group of Hispanic students wear shirts denigrating GOP front runner Donald Trump.

The school’s dress code for the 2015/16 school year puts a ban on clothing with “inappropriate graphics” and clothing with a message that “denigrates others on account of gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap or disadvantage.”

Despite those rules, school authorities are now allowing students to wear shirts attacking Trump and his voters.

One of the girls who requested the bending of the rules said her shirt made her “feel equal,” and that wearing the shirt was an expression of her free speech.

“I feel like they’re saying that we can wear the shirt makes me feel equal with them now. That I have the same privileges as they do. I didn’t feel that before,” student Angelina Alvarez told the media.

A district spokesperson said the shirts were allowed because the district allows political speech.

“Regardless of what side you’re on, we do allow students to wear their political attire as long as safety and security of our students is not compromised and that we maintain focus on learning,” spokesperson Annette Franco said.

The school also said it was looking into punishing students who were reportedly unhappy about the shirts and who “bullied” the Hispanic students for their anti-Trump garb.

The school’s decision comes after the Ninth Circuit Court upheld another California school district’s ban on students wearing U.S. Flag T-Shirts on the American/Mexican holiday Cinco De Mayo.

The case arose when a group of American students wanted to wear their U.S. flag shirts while other students draped themselves in Mexico’s national colors. The American-boosting students, though, were told to go home and change their clothes, and that they would not be allowed to wear the U.S. flag-themed garb because it might upset the Mexican students.

The students took the district to court and lost their case and their appeal to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court.

When the decision was handed down, American Freedom Law Center Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise said, “It is truly a sad day when government officials are permitted to ban the American flag on a public high school campus for any reason. Here, school officials feared that our clients would offend ‘Mexican’ students if they wore their flag shirts to school on Cinco de Mayo, so they ordered the students to either remove their shirts or leave school in direct violation of their First Amendment rights.”

In contrast, authorities at Newport Harbor High School seem to have ruled that shirts attacking Donald Trump do not contain “triggering” messages but anyone speaking against the shirts may be punished.

Source: School OKs Hispanic Students Wearing 'Dump Trump' Shirts


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
School OKs Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts

9 May 2016
Newport Beach, CA

A California high school has agreed to allow Hispanic students to wear their “Dump Trump” t-shirts on campus despite a dress code that seems to prohibit them.

Sean Boulton, the principal of Newport Harbor High School in Newport Beach, a town south of Los Angeles, agreed to let a group of Hispanic students wear shirts denigrating GOP front runner Donald Trump.

The school’s dress code for the 2015/16 school year puts a ban on clothing with “inappropriate graphics” and clothing with a message that “denigrates others on account of gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, handicap or disadvantage.”

Despite those rules, school authorities are now allowing students to wear shirts attacking Trump and his voters.

One of the girls who requested the bending of the rules said her shirt made her “feel equal,” and that wearing the shirt was an expression of her free speech.

“I feel like they’re saying that we can wear the shirt makes me feel equal with them now. That I have the same privileges as they do. I didn’t feel that before,” student Angelina Alvarez told the media.

A district spokesperson said the shirts were allowed because the district allows political speech.

“Regardless of what side you’re on, we do allow students to wear their political attire as long as safety and security of our students is not compromised and that we maintain focus on learning,” spokesperson Annette Franco said.

The school also said it was looking into punishing students who were reportedly unhappy about the shirts and who “bullied” the Hispanic students for their anti-Trump garb.

The school’s decision comes after the Ninth Circuit Court upheld another California school district’s ban on students wearing U.S. Flag T-Shirts on the American/Mexican holiday Cinco De Mayo.

The case arose when a group of American students wanted to wear their U.S. flag shirts while other students draped themselves in Mexico’s national colors. The American-boosting students, though, were told to go home and change their clothes, and that they would not be allowed to wear the U.S. flag-themed garb because it might upset the Mexican students.

The students took the district to court and lost their case and their appeal to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court.

When the decision was handed down, American Freedom Law Center Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise said, “It is truly a sad day when government officials are permitted to ban the American flag on a public high school campus for any reason. Here, school officials feared that our clients would offend ‘Mexican’ students if they wore their flag shirts to school on Cinco de Mayo, so they ordered the students to either remove their shirts or leave school in direct violation of their First Amendment rights.”

In contrast, authorities at Newport Harbor High School seem to have ruled that shirts attacking Donald Trump do not contain “triggering” messages but anyone speaking against the shirts may be punished.

Source: School OKs Hispanic Students Wearing 'Dump Trump' Shirts
Of course they did , but will they allow crooked HILLARY shirts ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Back in the Autopact days, if you wanted to sell a car in Canada, it had to be made in Canada. If NAFTA fails, it is back to that situation. The thing is, there aren't very many NA cars on the roads, anymore. There are still a fair number of Ford products driving around, not gobs of them. Chrysler is still represented by minivans, mostly. I play a little game while driving on the highways .."spot the GM" . It's amazing, but I can drive for fifteen, twenty minutes along a busy 400 level highway before I see one GM car. They're all gone! Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Pickup trucks are still mostly NA brands but even then Toyota has made huge inroads.

Anyway, Toyota, Honda and Suzuki are already building cars, here. Maybe Mazda, Hyundai and Kia will buy up the idled Ford, Chrysler and GM lines after they have been Trumped and finish the process.

No chance of that happening. Aside from the plants being outdated they come with a militant union that would rather starve than take a cut.

Well Mexico was certainly a big winner with NAFTA - if you don't count the fact that they basically extort their own people with criminally low wages in manufacturing.

As opposed to the abject poverty of no jobs they had before.

You will have to ask Chrysta about that......

We at the Council of Canadians have also been asking for full consultations, an independent analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Officer and also analysis that would include impacts on the environment and human rights. It is not enough to put up 6,000 pages of legal text or get department cheerleaders to brag about it. We need to have an impact analysis from independent sources so we can weigh the pros and cons of the agreement.

In the meantime, we will be consulting you. And we will let the government hear your opinion. With Open Media and other groups, we are participating in a creating a tool that will send your comments to the Parliamentary Committee on Trade and to your MP. We will also keep your comments online so that we also can keep track of your comments.

Use the tool to send your comments, register for the committee on trade’s process and talk to your local MP: many all over the world have questions about how the deal damages our public interest, the environment, health care and our democracy. We are more numerous, and we deserve a hearing.

Chrystia Freeland's 'Public' TPP Consultations Are Anything ButÂ*|Â*Sujata Dey

Council of Canadians is nothing but an NDP glee club. They do not represent Canadians.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
We definitely want to make our own underwear, Canadians have Balls and we need the underwear to accommodate that.

Their company was innovative and sold many products in the form of shrink-proof heavy woolen underwear that were used by workers during the Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1890s. In 1898, they developed Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear and in 1915 they introduced an adjustable two-piece design patented on 7 December 1915.

To this day. Stanfield's is widely known as "The Underwear Company."'s

Stanfield's Wool Long Underwear


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
So what will the Trudeau Libs give up to allow the USA to be the winners...........?

Anthony Scaramucci, a senior adviser on the Trump transition team, told a group of business leaders convened at a bipartisan meeting by the group No Labels that President-elect Trump is a free-trader who is looking to make trade deals more fair, not scrap them.

“I don’t think anybody in the administration is looking for quote-unquote tariffs, but I think they are a cudgel if you will to lay out there if we can’t get the trade deals to be right-sided to now benefit the American people.”

Scaramucci said trade officials failed to use the “regulatory process or the review process” created under NAFTA to ensure fair compliance and said the United States as lost about 70,000 factories since NAFTA.

He also said the United States has pursued a policy of signing trade deals that made it easier for foreign partners to export goods to American consumer than for U.S. manufacturers to penetrate foreign markets.

He added that deals signed since World War II were designed to promote global peace and stability, but sometimes came at the expense of American workers.

Transition official: Trump will not rip up NAFTA | TheHill


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Their company was innovative and sold many products in the form of shrink-proof heavy woolen underwear that were used by workers during the Klondike Gold Rush in the late 1890s. In 1898, they developed Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear and in 1915 they introduced an adjustable two-piece design patented on 7 December 1915.

To this day. Stanfield's is widely known as "The Underwear Company."'s

Stanfield's Wool Long Underwear

I still wear the last pair I bought, they are twenty-five years old and still servicable if not presentable,

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
I can remember the glee in Washington when the FTA was signed. One Congressman even when so far as to state that it was now only a matter of time before Canada became a part of the US. It didn't work out that way, but one of the problems with the FTA has always been the US ignoring the rules whenever some lobby group pressured the government due to competition from Canada.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
A true lefty.

Donald Trump says NAFTA 'destroyed' U.S. at rally near Canadian border

Donald Trump held a rally minutes away from B.C.'s border on Saturday where he touched on lumber and international trade.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee hosted a 3 p.m. PT rally in Lynden, Wash. — a city less than 15 minutes south of Aldergrove, B.C. Earlier in the day, at noon, he held another event in Spokane, Wash.

During his 45 minute speech in Lynden, he meandered from topic to topic — from his love of his evangelical supporters to attacking Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton by calling her "crooked."

He called NAFTA "one of the great economic disasters" that's "destroyed" the U.S., a message he first shared back in September 2015.

Donald Trump says NAFTA 'destroyed' U.S. at rally near Canadian border - British Columbia - CBC News

Trump did not speak a word of truth during the campaign but his lies and emotionalism sure sparked a lot of interest and sympathy and won him the election:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Just giving the Devil his due!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
We definitely want to make our own underwear, Canadians have Balls and we need the underwear to accommodate that.

Not only that but it gets so damn cold in places we risk testicular shattering, so we need a climate appropriate undergarment.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The Trump administration is signaling Canada could face the same retaliatory trade measures as Mexico, in what would be an even bigger disruption to automakers such as Toyota Motor Corp. and Fiat Chrysler .

Asked whether an auto border tax could impact Canada, President-elect Donald Trump’s spokesman, Sean Spicer, told reporters their policy isn’t specific to any one country. “When a company that’s in the U.S. moves to a place, whether it’s Canada or Mexico, or any other country seeking to put U.S. workers at a disadvantage,” Spicer said on a conference call Friday, then Trump “is going to do everything he can to deter that.”

Any move to thwart imports from Canada would be a more severe impediment to the North American auto sector than sanctions against Mexico, since the industry’s links with the U.S.’s northern neighbor run deeper. Assembly in Canada, which along with the U.S. is a higher-cost producer than Mexico, is also focused on the more profitable and faster growing light-truck and sports vehicle segment of the market.

“Canada is building a lot of vehicles that are in demand,” said Kevin Tynan, a senior auto analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence.

Border taxes would hurt both nations, according to Linda Hasenfratz, chief executive officer of Guelph, Ontario-based auto-parts maker Linamar Corp. “We are trying to be globally competitive” in North America against overseas rivals, she said Wednesday on Bloomberg TV Canada. The industry is “intertwined” with “parts going back across the border multiple times



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I am very afraid that Trump is going to be bad for Canada in so many ways........very much so on trade.
Even worse, the moron in the White House is going to make our own idiot PM look good in comparison.......and provide him with an excuse for his failures.
We have become idiocracies, on both sides of the border.
The opposite sides of the same coin.