Did Bill Morneau get tired of the bull shit?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well, that's the third (important) minister to go! Does Justin understand what three strikes (never mind a multitude of errors) generally means?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Well, that's the third (important) minister to go! Does Justin understand what three strikes (never mind a multitude of errors) generally means?

In answer to the topic question - yes. Not defending Morneau but I do believe that he felt the little potato's spending sprees were getting out of control and tried to put the breaks on. The end of the line was when Justy thought it would be a great idea to to throw millions of dollars towards unspecified 'green projects' in the midst of a pandemic.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In answer to the topic question - yes. Not defending Morneau but I do believe that he felt the little potato's spending sprees were getting out of control and tried to put the breaks on. The end of the line was when Justy thought it would be a great idea to to throw millions of dollars towards unspecified 'green projects' in the midst of a pandemic.

I think we just witnessed Bill not having full confidence in Justin.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
In answer to the topic question - yes. Not defending Morneau but I do believe that he felt the little potato's spending sprees were getting out of control and tried to put the breaks on. The end of the line was when Justy thought it would be a great idea to to throw millions of dollars towards unspecified 'green projects' in the midst of a pandemic.
It had more to do with him and his family being owned by WE. No worse than turdOWE mind you, but someone had to get thrown under the bus to protect the Prime Moron.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Pretty interesting analysis Tax revenues were recorded breaking

William Watson: The line on Bill Morneau

Scrolling through the numbers, what stands out about Bill Morneau is not his deficits but his taxes. (Bill Nye may be the science guy but Bill Morneau was the taxing pro.) Real income taxes per Canadian rose from $5,691 in 2016 to $6,084 in 2019, an all-time high. Same thing for personal income taxes, which hit their all-time high of $4,437 per Canadian in 2019.

The new taxes were to finance government spending, where Morneau also holds the record. Per capita program expenditure rose from $8,078 in 2016 to $8,725 in 2019, an increase of eight per cent real (inflation-adjusted) per person.

OK, if per capita incomes rise in real terms, it’s not such a shock — not in this day and age, at least — if real public spending rises, too. There’s no law of economics or nature that says it has to be that way, however. In the 1920s, Liberal finance minister James Robb responded to rapid GDP growth by making major-league cuts in income and other taxes. As a matter of logic rather than modern political habit, you might suppose that as people’s real incomes went up they would be able to do more things for themselves, rather than have the government move into even more areas of their lives.

But despite Bill Morneau having brought real per capita income taxes and real per capita program spending to all-time highs, his manager apparently feels the Brave New Re-Built Canada he has been envisioning while sitting by the barbecue at Rideau Cottage needs much more program spending — NDP levels of program spending, in fact, packaged in bold new initiatives, even though the NDP has never come close to winning a federal political pennant......More

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Gone but not forgotten I see and a nomination to a world economic forum. Thanks for taking that WE bullet Bill.

That will set him up for triple dipping nicely.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Well, that's the third (important) minister to go! Does Justin understand what three strikes (never mind a multitude of errors) generally means?
When my MP resigned from the Harper cabinet in 2013 he was the fifth minister to do so.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
When my MP resigned from the Harper cabinet in 2013 he was the fifth minister to do so.
Lying again, huh? Harper only had one. You do realize there's a difference between merely being an MP and being a cabinet minister, right?

Since Confederation, almost 700 people have served in federal cabinet — only 26, or around four per cent, have resigned over disagreements with the government. This type of resignation has become even rarer over time — Stephen Harper only had one, Paul Martin had one, Jean Chretien endured no resignations of this type and Brian Mulroney experienced two, most notably Lucien Bouchard’s departure over the Meech Lake accord, which led to the creation of the Bloc Québecois.

In fact, Prince Groper has the dubious distinction of being only the 4th PM in Canadian history to lose multiple cabinet members over a single decision/incident.

Funny how non-elected Gerry "Gonna F*ck All Our" Butts is back though.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Well off the top of my head: There was Bernier resigning over taking classified documents to his girl friends place. He was a top minister. There was Guergis resigning over the Charlottetown "hell-hole" incident. She was also in cabinet. There was John Baird getting paid off for whatever he did. There was John Duncan who tried to fix something for someone and got caught. there was Bev Oda who I think ended up in jail or something.

How many is that?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well off the top of my head: There was Bernier resigning over taking classified documents to his girl friends place. He was a top minister. There was Guergis resigning over the Charlottetown "hell-hole" incident. She was also in cabinet. There was John Baird getting paid off for whatever he did. There was John Duncan who tried to fix something for someone and got caught. there was Bev Oda who I think ended up in jail or something.

How many is that?
Really Bev Oda , minority women cabinet minister . When and where did she go to jail ? It is assholes like you that keep hard working intelligent women from running for political office .
Fing misogynist.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well off the top of my head: There was Bernier resigning over taking classified documents to his girl friends place. He was a top minister. There was Guergis resigning over the Charlottetown "hell-hole" incident. She was also in cabinet. There was John Baird getting paid off for whatever he did. There was John Duncan who tried to fix something for someone and got caught. there was Bev Oda who I think ended up in jail or something.

How many is that?

As Odorous as Oda was and freely spending taxers' money to her own benefit, I was unable to find any mention of her being jailed. You should quit your verbal diarrhea before you end up being charged with libel.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
As Odorous as Oda was and freely spending taxers' money to her own benefit, I was unable to find any mention of her being jailed. You should quit your verbal diarrhea before you end up being charged with libel.
Yes she had the unmitigated gall to order room service breakfast including a glass of orange juice .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
As Odorous as Oda was and freely spending taxers' money to her own benefit, I was unable to find any mention of her being jailed. You should quit your verbal diarrhea before you end up being charged with libel.
I guess you never hear about current crown Ministers riding limousines from Ottawant to Montreal return . Or others hiring personal camera crews , proper diligent use of tax dollars .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes she had the unmitigated gall to order room service breakfast including a glass of orange juice .

That was just the straw that broke the camel's back and even that took a lot of gall. When does a glass of orange juice cost you or I $16 except when she's drinking it?