*raises hand* I don't.
Especially you.
since you quoted me, I respond and suggest I have no idea what you're saying here.
*raises hand* I don't.
Especially you.
He really mad at people that don't constantly have globul warming on their mind........typical one trick pony!
Green Fraud Daily is out!
he's gonna blow :lol:
I was taken by the pop-up that arrived when I tried your link... the one saying "anyone can create an online newspaper... it's easy and free"! :mrgreen: (I kid you not member Locutus)...
thanks for moderating the discussion
If you feel I'm singling you out, it is because I am.
The argument over the hottest year isn't significant. What is significant is the warming trend, which continues. What is significant is that 2014 was so warm despite it being an ENSO neutral year (no El Nino). 2010 and 1998 were moderate to strong El Nino years. We also had a positive Pacific Decadal Oscialltion. If the PDO is coming out of its negative phase, we can expect a few warmer years.
If we wait a few years we'll find even more, older elk sh¡t in glacial plateaus and ponder how they got there?http://forums.canadiancontent.net/climate-change/65196-how-gw-myth-perpetuated-65.html#post2028093
Now I won't say 'told you so', but have you noticed how the argument changed slightly? They are actually talking about statistical tests now. :smile:
I heard one today that makes even waldo look somewhat smart. .
You ain't exactly no intellectual giant yourself tehre, buddy. :lol: