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Sounds like someone here enjoys Kool Aid .Climate change denial, Anti-vaxxer, Covid hoaxer, Anti-masker, you have an extensive resume Dan, it must keep you busy.
Climate change denial, Anti-vaxxer, Covid hoaxer, Anti-masker, you have an extensive resume Dan, it must keep you busy.
IMHO, Those all fine honorable pursuits in a system that has integrity, but I don't think we have that integrity in our systems at this time, and THAT has to be properly diagnosed AND properly dealt with. I think the fact that Canadian doctors are under a gag order is proof enough of that.I've done okay working within the system, such as it is. But I still like to make a little noise in favour of a better system, and I try to spend my vote responsibly. What else is there ?
The Senate unanimously passed a bill that would require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information about the origins of the 2020 crisis.The Senate passed a bill that would require intelligence on the origins of COVID-19 to be declassified.
The legislation requires the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to declassify information “related to any potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the origins of the Covid pandemic,” per the press release. The bill was introduced by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and co-sponsored by Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.).
Well Spam, if they decide to set the PCR test cycles at the rates they generally use which give up to 96% false positive test results, we will however much lockdown the tyrants care to inflict upon us.LILLEY: If Canada faces a fourth wave, there will be only one person to blame
One-third of air travellers aren’t submitting their second test and yet still aren’t followed up on by quarantine officers
Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Publishing date:May 28, 2021 • 16 hours ago • 3 minute read • 89 Comments
A man at Pearson Airport in Toronto. A report revealed some shocking new information that confirms concerns about our current border measures and quarantine system being leaky, writes Brian Lilley.
A man at Pearson Airport in Toronto. A report revealed some shocking new information that confirms concerns about our current border measures and quarantine system being leaky, writes Brian Lilley. PHOTO BY CARLOS OSORIO /Reuters
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Summer is so close you can taste it, and not a summer like last year, a real one. In Alberta, the government has announced they will lift all restrictions in time for the Stampede, in Quebec, restaurant patios are opening up again and Ontario has just announced their plans for a two-dose summer.
Summer is there for the taking but could easily slip away due to a persistent problem that the Trudeau government in Ottawa refuses to deal with — variants coming across the border.
Physician pardoned after growing weed for dying wife
This isn’t the latest salvo from Ontario Premier Doug Ford, it’s all in a report from a task force assigned by the Trudeau government to advise on testing and screening measures.
You may have heard of one part of the report, the call to end the three-day hotel quarantine which the report finds is applied inconsistently and ineffectively.
That same report raises the possibility of variants of concern taking hold in coming months as they did previously. The report cites concerns about vaccines being less effective against variants and that testing methods may need to adjust along with border measures as new variants emerge.
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Despite the Trudeau government’s ongoing claim that travel, especially international travel, is not an issue, the report notes that border measures didn’t stop the variant of concern (VoC) first found in the United Kingdom.
“Previous border measures were insufficient to prevent the importation of the B.1.1.7 VoC, which is now the dominant strain in Ontario and British Columbia,” the report states.
The report also revealed some shocking new information that confirms concerns about our current border measures and quarantine system being leaky.
“For example, air travellers submitted 31,616 arrival samples for testing from February 22 to March 6, 2021. However, only 21,100 samples for day 10 quarantine exit tests had been received by March 20,” the report states.
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That is 33% of air travellers not submitting their second required test during quarantine.
This isn’t information that the Public Health Agency of Canada has released previously when asked about testing but they have confirmed that 27% of air travellers who test positive don’t test positive until that second test. How is it that one-third of air travellers aren’t submitting their second test and yet still aren’t followed up on by quarantine officers?
Now to bring this back to the newest variant to have officials worried, the B.1.617 first found in India.
Public Health Ontario has confirmed that between May 12 and May 19 the number of B.1.617 cases grew from 45 to 260, nearly a six-fold increase. That’s only part of the story because across Canada there is not mass screening for this variant. Ontario only screens 5% of positive cases meaning the actual case count could be as high as 5,200 in Ontario alone.
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In the United Kingdom, a country well ahead of Canada in the vaccination race, this variant has spiked in recent weeks. Cases are up 20%, hospitalizations are up 20% and the B.1.617 variant now accounts for 75% of new infections. This could soon be what Canada is dealing with.
Yet the Trudeau government still says that the border isn’t an issue.
During a call with premiers on Thursday night, Trudeau got into a heated discussion with Ford on the issue of the border demanding that the premier tell him what he wants done on the border. According to sources familiar with the call, Ford pointed out that he has sent three detailed letters with requests and that the federal government is responsible for border security.
Trudeau’s only response was to raise the issue of banning international students.
Every single provincial reopening plan hinges on keeping case counts and more importantly hospitalizations down. The UK is now dealing with a new wave driven by an imported variant, it’s not wrong to worry that Canada could be dealing with the same thing shortly.
Trudeau refused to act on the border ahead of the first wave and the third wave — both driven by imported cases — if Canada faces a fourth wave, there will be only one person to blame.
LILLEY: If Canada faces a fourth wave, there will be only one person to blame
LILLEY: Trudeau task force report states border measures might need to be adjusted because of
Look, I have posted the math - current STUDIES - and also examples of places with no mandates that are doing far better than the mandated places in ALL their numbers; medical, and financial. and also testimony from the creator of the PCR tests and a current CANADIAN Dr/Manufacturer of the PCR tests where they explain why the tests are invalid for the task assigned - there are those and just so many more reasons why we are SKEPTICAL.Isn't the elephant in the room in this whole mess the resistance at the individual level to simple precautionary measures like masking and distancing? The government can only acheive so much without widespread cooperation of the masses.
Of course you have a right to your opinion, but as long as you keep backing it up with highly questionable sources (like Bitchute) I reserve my right to ignore it. The vast majority of sources within the medical and academic sectors say that simple precautions like masking and distancing do help prevent the spread of Covid-19, and the vast majority of sources claiming otherwise are dwelling at or past the fringe of real science and put political or personal agendas ahead of the general safety of ourselves and those around us. More than that, I spend half my time living in an environment where these same simple precautions are followed by everyone all the time, and the benefits are obvious in that the case count is pretty close to negligible. I'm more inclined to put my trust in experts and visible evidence than go with something that shows up on facebook.Look, I have posted the math - current STUDIES - and also examples of places with no mandates that are doing far better than the mandated places in ALL their numbers; medical, and financial. and also testimony from the creator of the PCR tests and a current CANADIAN Dr/Manufacturer of the PCR tests where they explain why the tests are invalid for the task assigned - there are those and just so many more reasons why we are SKEPTICAL.
TBH: If I saw real science, I would on it like slime on a swamp.
For example: NOW they are saying people who have had covid ( I had it in February ) are now lifetime immune and people without symptoms are NON spreaders.