CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Justin Trudeau Drops FIFTEEN Points In Poll Amid Scandal, Conservatives MIGHT WIN??!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Did Horton tell you that?
Please try to not be stupider than the trolls.

What does the world think??
Trudeau Brownface Scandal Shows to What Extent ‘Madness’ of Political Correctness Reached – Journo

Recently, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has landed in hot water after several pictures and videos from almost twenty years ago emerged online in which he was seen wearing brownface makeup.

Rémi Tremblay, the editor of Le Harfang and a contributor to the Council of European Canadians, expressed his opinion about the brownface makeup scandal surrounding the prime minister.
Sputnik: How is the Liberal party going to be affected by the Trudeau "blackface" scandal? How do you expect the Conservative Party and New Democratic Party (NDP) to use this scandal?
Rémi Tremblay: Well the NDP has accused Trudeau of racism, which is something quite in tune with their agenda. By trying to pass Trudeau on his left, both with respect to social and societal issues, their response was to be expected. They want to be “more Justin” than the original one, so they had to condemn this.
On the right, Andrew Scheer has been raising this scandal like it was a real issue. I think the motivation behind [it] is to take some kind of revenge. Since the beginning of the campaign, several Conservatives have been in the spotlight for some quite mild statements on social media a few years ago. Statements that were somehow critical of a certain aspect of multiculturalism were [cited as] evidence that the candidate was a white supremacist. Now, it's “let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.
Trudeau is not “cleaner” than those Conservative candidates who have been smeared in the media.
That whole controversy tells a lot about our society. It shows how fast political correctness has imposed itself and to what extent this madness has reached. Trudeau has always been a staunch supporter of diversity and equality; he really did not mean any wrong. Back then, it was ok to get costumed like that, but now it can ruin your career.
Trudeau had been judging the past with anachronistic PC glasses and now, it is his turn to see his past judged.
Sputnik: During his last press conference, Justin Trudeau left open the possibility that more blackface photos would surface. Does it mean that this scandal won't go away?
Rémi Tremblay: It is hard to tell, but one thing is sure, it will be hard for him to turn the page. The elections are a month away and [unless] he can impose new subjects, it will stick to him for the next four weeks. On the other hand, he might actually wish for that. While we are discussing this wedge issue, no one is talking about his disastrous years in office. I don’t think that the blackface scandal matters as much as the huge deficits, the surrender of our borders, the increase of mass immigration, the betrayal of our farmers, and so on.
Sputnik: What is going to happen to Trudeau's public image? How have previous public scandals (SNC- Lavin scandal) affected Trudeau?
Rémi Tremblay: Well, it did affect his image as a virtuous multi-culturalist. People have come to expect and accept corruption scandals with the Liberal Party, but in this case it affects his image with minorities, a voting block he relies on. His feminist veil was lifted when he brutalised a female MP in Parliament, now, his image as a paragon of anti-racist virtue will definitely suffer.
Sputnik: Do you think that the Canadian Liberal Party promise to ban assault weapons is just a part of a distraction campaign?
Rémi Tremblay: Of course! Gun rights are very limited in Canada and the issue of gun violence is linked to gangs who buy illegal guns and do not get them registered. Automatic firearms are already banned in Canada. The increasingly more common shootouts in Toronto have nothing to do with lawful gun owners and everybody knows it. By talking about this ban, Trudeau simply wants to present himself as progressive despite what has happened.
Sputnik: How has Canada's mainstream media covered the recent scandal? Do you think it's safe to say they are trying to distance themselves from him?
Rémi Tremblay: In French Canada, the Liberal media – La Presse and Radio-Canada – were very hypocritical in the sense where they claimed that Trudeau’s gesture was not really racist. It is hypocritical, because whenever it is somebody else who does something remotely similar, they are the first one to call the lynching mob.
In English Canada, the reaction was more honest and the media did try to distance themselves as you rightly pointed out. The reaction of long-time Liberal Warren Kinsella, who vehemently denounced Trudeau, can at least be considered consistent.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
If the questions you itemized were not asked........then it is the fault of the the town hall.
I am not sure what kind of REAL you are looking for........He was contrite and quite real to me. He had a blind spot.........and from his point of view and position.....that makes sense. I don't have any idea how the attendees at these Town hall meetings are selected or if they are. First come, first serve??
I thought it was civil, polite and that matters.
Anyhow........being in the public eye as he is........all the warts are bound to be exposed.. Some of the US media is quite astounded that a leader would actually APOLOGIZE for his behavior......... The international commentary about this will probably last a day or two.....and pass uneventfully. There are much buggier issues to deal with and be concerned with than some black/brown face thing. But it was bad form to behave that way.
Donald to the south of us......will do or say some retched thing and take the headlines to himself. He does not share media headlines with anyone all that well. In the meantime I am sure CDA will weather this storm it has others in the past. ......and be wiser for it. There is no such thing as perfect leader. It comes down to the amount of imperfection that is tolerable. Reality is that Donald and Boris make Justin look and like a class act ....with a lot of potential for growth and maturity. More than one can say about the other two........let alone Putin, or Kim and other seriously bad leaders. Justin is liked on the world stage........and this burp is not going to affect things when it comes to very serious matters.

The REAL reality is that folks will see all this hysteria in terms of their own bias.....and lens. It cannot be easy following in your dads footsteps while establishing your own style and identity.His family dynamics are interesting. An "older" dad.......busy with world affairs........and a younger mom.......with emotional problems. Bound to influence his formative years. The kids (boys) all wore masks as they walked to school.......with their dressing up or hiding their faces was part daily life

Good grief. Words fail me. Truly.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
It worked. Pissed off Wally, didn't it. :)
I dunno bout Wally, but your commie nazi genocidal lies would piss off a toilet pipe doood.
Flush twice, it's a long way to the communal kitchen where you feed the children.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Why is it stupid?
Ummmm...she hasn't explained why the two mile high glaciers melted and the seas rose 10,000 years ago before man was making CO2.

...and if you don't ( LOL CAN'T!) explain how man maid climate change ( LOL GLOBAL WARMING!!! did that then I guess you would be stupid too.

She also didn't mention how Michael Mann the hockey stick tard lost in court to DR Tim Ball PhD, whom mann tried to silence with a SLAP law suit because DR Ball Called out his fake data and MANN LOST.

UPDATE – Dr. Tim Ball wins @MichaelEMann lawsuit – Mann “hides the decline” AGAIN

You are agreeing with cliffy AND MICHAEL MANN. Cliffy supports child rentals and using children for propaganda because he can't do thinks on his own...Michael Mann is a LOSER.

Say, what is the definition of STUPID LOSER again?


I guess obummer's 30 year mortgage on his new sea side shack is pretty stupid considering the world will end in 12 years.

U.N. Stuns World on Eve of Largest Climate Events Ever

The U.N. / WMO dashes mood of climate extremist on the eve of the largest demonstrations ever.

Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Justin Trudeau: Klanada (Don't Look At My Face)

John Ward
168K subscribers

Welcome to "Klanada" - an original musical thinkpiece 'bout Klanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You're a nut case, another Dwama Queen like Justin! When are you going to get past your delusions of self importance:?

I have no delusions of self importance. I’m just a nobody schmuck that just happens to know the difference between back pedalling and back peddling. That doesn’t mean I’m important. It just means I’m not an idiot


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Ummmm...she hasn't explained why the two mile high glaciers melted and the seas rose 10,000 years ago before man was making CO2.

...and if you don't ( LOL CAN'T!) explain how man maid climate change ( LOL GLOBAL WARMING!!! did that then I guess you would be stupid too.

She also didn't mention how Michael Mann the hockey stick tard lost in court to DR Tim Ball PhD, whom mann tried to silence with a SLAP law suit because DR Ball Called out his fake data and MANN LOST.

UPDATE – Dr. Tim Ball wins @MichaelEMann lawsuit – Mann “hides the decline” AGAIN

You are agreeing with cliffy AND MICHAEL MANN. Cliffy supports child rentals and using children for propaganda because he can't do thinks on his own...Michael Mann is a LOSER.

Say, what is the definition of STUPID LOSER again?


I guess obummer's 30 year mortgage on his new sea side shack is pretty stupid considering the world will end in 12 years.

Ooooooooooooh ooooooooooooh Another drama queen in the midst! :)