CDN Election 2019


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
The American electoral process has become corrupted beyond almost anyone's belief.

Gerrymandering has made voting almost useless.

OTOH although Canada is quieter and more polite, I seriously doubt we are pure either.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
While I agree with your sentiments, please please stop with the teenage use of a humungous fonts, caps and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




LIE-berals LIKE IT when I use big fonts and Lots of punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It helps the CLODS figure out which posts they should not look at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So they can avoid contaminating their minds with facts and reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Yes- the short version is that its two DIFFERENT WOMEN.................................................

with LIE-berals trying to PRETEND its only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And DELIBERATELY LYING about the situation after the fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TYPIAL LIE-beral FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The American electoral process has become corrupted beyond almost anyone's belief.

Gerrymandering has made voting almost useless.

OTOH although Canada is quieter and more polite, I seriously doubt we are pure either.

YOUR DOUBTS ARE WELL FOUNDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are not just throwing open the borders.................

to people who they THINK will sell their votes......................

to LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are also in the process of "accidentally"

sending out tens of thousands of voter cards.......................

to people who are DEAD...................................

but frquently show up from the grave........................

just to vote for LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are also sending out piles of cards...............

to NON CITIZENS who are NOT ELIGIBLE...............

to vote due to NOT BEING CITIZENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lie-BERALS HAVE ALSO revived............................


in which total strangers with NO ID........................

are vouvhed for by civil service union HOGS......................

who all happen to HATE the Conservative party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and their HOG allies are engaged in a gross

conflict of interest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The conflict of interest is so BAD that if the shoe was on

the other foot................................

LIE-berals would be screaming for JAIL TIME.....................

for the perpetrators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating just how little respect LIE-berals have for Cdn democracy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Thousands of Canadian voter cards sent to dead, non-citizens

By Brian Lilley.

Published: November 13, 2018. Updated: November 13, 2018 5:31 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: Feds hardly best guardians against fake news
GOLDSTEIN: Killing carding fuelled Toronto gun violence

LILLEY UNLEASHED: Canada's election system problem!

The integrity of the vote is all the rage right now.

Across the United States, a full week after the midterm elections, votes are being challenged, allegations of voter fraud made, ballots found, ballots recounted.

Have the U.S. midterms been a fair election?

Canadians often sit and judge Americans smugly on issues like this, but should we?

MALCOLM: Liberals’ planned voter ID changes ‘incredibly concerning’
FUREY: Liberal election law changes bring back vouching.

(“Vouching” is the dirty, underhanded method by which unscrupulous civil service union Hogs MAY be undermining our election process by allowing un-identified strangers to vote in critical ridings where only a few votes will make a difference for a LIE-beral candidate!)

(NO real notes or records are kept regarding how many people are allowed to vote based on vouching- so it is difficult to measure the scope of the problem! Certainly- civil service Hogs RESENT any investigation into their actions- but then Hogs have been engaged in a gross conflict of interest for several decades -along with their LIE-beral allies!)

(Hog support for LIE-berals is CRITICAL to LIE-beral election success- and in return- LIE-berals offer Hogs pay and pensions that are not even LEGAL for a private company to offer its workers!)

Do you know how many non-citizens or dead people could have voted in the last election? Or how many did? What about adding in people that have abandoned Canada and allowing them to vote?

(It is understandable that there would be the odd slip up regarding keeping voter records and deceased people accurate- somebody dies in summer and the electoral list for a fall election is not updated quickly enough! But as we have seen in United States- there seems to be something more sinister going on -and our LIE-berals appear to be working hard to play that same sinister game in our elections!)

We shouldn’t be so smug.

Not only have we had problems with past elections, the new bill before Parliament to fix this will in some ways make things worse.

One of the political legends that gets passed around reporters on Parliament Hill is the story of dead people voting. Be it in full elections or leadership votes, there are plenty of tales of dead people voting.

Is it that far fetched?

According to Elections Canada, about 207,000 voter information cards were sent out in the last election to people that were already dead. Another 57,500 went to people that were not citizens.

(We really should ask if over 260,000 “mistakes” in one election is not a sign of something sinister?)

(WE know that LIE-berals abandoned their electoral reform crap the moment an all party committee insisted there be a national referendum held BEFORE the electoral changes could be made! So why would LIE-beral committee chief Maryam Monsef have a shrieking melt down in the middle of our Parliament simply because the committee wanted that referendum? Unless cynical people like myself were right about deceitful LIE-beral plans to paralyze our parliament with idiot electoral reform deals?)

With the Trudeau government set to allow voter information cards to be used as identification in the next election we should all be worried.

Are dead people going to vote? Did they vote in the last election?

What about non-citizens?

(We have already had reports of non citizens and some illegals getting voter cards! And as I have suggested in the past- LIE-berals are deliberately importing masses of illegals to create a loyal LIE-beral voting block that will distort our election process! LIE-berals KNOW their values are not acceptable to ordinary Cdns- hence THEIR NEED for a new voting block- untainted by “white privilege”!!)

The scary thing is that Elections Canada recently admitted that they have no way of tracking whether a someone is a citizen before voting, describing the process as an honour system.

Vancouver radio station News 1130 had asked Elections Canada about safeguards against non-citizens voting and was told there are effectively none.

(LIE-berals KNOW about this lack of safeguards and they are moving to open the system further- INSTEAD of closing loop holes! LIE-berals are apparently deliberately reducing the level of fair play and honesty in our elections!!!!!!!!!)

“While we clearly communicate the citizenship requirement to vote, we depend on individuals to accurately indicate their Canadian citizenship, so we recognize the process is not perfect,” Elections Canada told the station via email.

So an honour system?

(Yes- in a country where hundreds of billions of dollars of tax money are up for grabs and where identity theft is RAMPANT! And LIE-berals clearly expect to PROFIT from these loopholes during elections!!!!!!!!!)

Look, I suspect that most non-citizens would not vote because they know the rules. There would be others who would vote mistakenly believing it was OK.

(Yes- with municipal LIE-berals telling us that illegals SHOULD BE ALLOWED to vote in the city they have invaded and now live in- because that is convenient for LIE-berals who expect support from illegals- against Canadian interests!)

Then, there are also those who would vote knowing they were breaking the rules to try and sway the vote.

(Considering the high stakes for illegals and for Muslims in the coming federal election- one has to assume there might be SUBSTANTIAL NUMBERS of people seeking to vote- even though they know they should not!)

(Consider the 100,000 illegals who are here already and then add in the 59,000 mostly Syrian refugees and realize that LIE-berals have allowed these people to SPONSOR OTHERS who want to come to Canada! LIE-berals have not even fully identified the illegals and the security checks on Muslims consist of nothing more than having HAMAS TERRORISTS assure us the Syrians are good people!)

(If LIE-berals lose the next federal election- the borders will be closed and thousands of LIE-beral “supporters” will be blocked from entry to Canada! There is considerable personal benefit to the illegals in a LIE-beral victory and thus there is strong urge TO CHEAT AND VOTE regardless of permission!)

There are more than 57,000 non-citizens and almost 207,000 dead people that Elections Canada knows about.

Could there be more?

One political operative that I spoke to told me of comparing the voters list, the one that showed who had voted, to obituaries and other databases on recent passings.

His comparison turned up many people that had voted despite being dead for years.

People Elections Canada obviously didn’t know about.

(Worse yet- Elections Canada may well KNOW! And not care- because they are Hogs who benefit from a LIE-beral victory!)

There is no perfect system but there is obviously room for improvement, especially when you find out about the general state of the list of electors.

Will people even be voting in the right riding?

Beyond the dead and non-citizens, Elections Canada also says that about 16% of the entries on the list of electors contain incorrect information. Former chief electoral officer Marc Mayrand told a Commons committee a few years ago that even after adjusting for corrections during and after the election, about 12% of the entries on the list contain incorrect information.

To put that in perspective, 330,570 voter information cards were returned as “undeliverable” and 509,397 had to be corrected after a complaint.

(WE are now talking about over a million voter cards being issued from 3 sources-some went to dead people- where somebody WAS COLLECTING the mail for the dead- plus all those “undeliverable cards” that came back to govt - plus a huge pile of other cards with wrong information!)

This is what Justin Trudeau wants to allow as a form of identification?

(And yet LIE-berals are deeply OFFENDED when we question their integrity!)

Trudeau’s change won’t improve the integrity of the voters list or make sure only those eligible cast ballots, it will actually make voter fraud easier to conduct.

In fact, I see little in his Bill C-76 that will tackle issues, such as voter fraud.

(AS I have said- I strongly suspect LIE-berals WANT VOTER FRAUD - as long as it works in their favour! Ontari-owe LIE-berals restricted third party advertising during elections ONLY AFTER it became clear that civil service union Hogs had turned against the LIE-beral govt- and Wynne-bag did not want Hogs working for NDP- against HER! But Hogs attacking Conservatives was no concern for LIE-berals and was ignored for decades - in that gross conflict of interest!)

Instead, the big change in Trudeau’s bill to change elections is to allow Canadians who moved away, and have no intention of coming back to this country, to cast a ballot.

(We have had a warning re how many people carry Cdn passport as a handy convenience- one has only to think of the 50,000 so called Cdns lined up on the docks in Lebanon demanding “their” govt rescue them from the fighting zone between Israelis and Hamas and Hezzbollah!)

(LIE-berals consider it insulting to ask why refugees should return to their home lands to visit - right after LIE-beral judges accept their stories about how they are fleeing persecution and violence in the old country- and award them with Cdn citizenship!)

Celebrities, such as Neil Young or Donald Sutherland, that left Canada for Hollywood in the 1960s will be able to have a say in our elections.

Canadians that moved back to their foreign ancestral homelands and will never return will soon be able to cast a ballot.

This could add as many as 2 million electors to the list, more than the total number of ballots cast in all four Atlantic provinces in 2015.

The next election could end up being very tight.

Like our American neighbours to the south, we live in a divided country where a percentage point here or there could make a dramatic difference.

The idea that our election could be decided by people that don’t live here, or that do live here but aren’t eligible to vote or that used to live here but are dead should worry us all.

Unfortunately, we are governed by a leader who sees no problem with these issues, only opportunity.

(Good old Canada- SUCKER NATION OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for that dubious honour LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Good one Cliffy! LOMAO!!

BTW "vouching" should be illegal! There is absolutely no way it should be allowed. Too many people think it's "okay" to lie - doesn't matter whether they're black, white, brown or purple - there are unscrupulous people out there, that's for sure!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Nice theft of someone else's joke there Cliffie. Plagiarism is a crime that indicates an inability to think for one's self, and is something Cliffy has tried to blame on trump's wife over a comment she made at one time, so I'm callin' cliffy out on his CONSTANT theft of OTHER PEOPLE'S intellectual properties. Constantly.

AS we seen time and time again: Trumphaters are all totally crooked finger pointing Hypocrites, CONVICTS, and blood drinking TICKs. Literally: for example, EPSTEIN was into pushing adenochrome ( made from children's blood) to people like Cliffie's idol Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, who also flue on Epstein's plane ' the lolita express', and who also lied about that, and about ditching his secret crevice detail while doing that as well.

Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

The biggest taxpayer laundering of money.. Gives money to Lawblaws, who turns around and donates taxpayer money back to the Liberal party for the 2019 election
Liberals have played that game forever . But really anyone or any entity donating to a political party expects some return on investment .

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I wonder what goodies SNC Lavalin is going to chip in? The Liberals botched that deal but not without trying.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
BTW "vouching" should be illegal! There is absolutely no way it should be allowed. Too many people think it's "okay" to lie - doesn't matter whether they're black, white, brown or purple - there are unscrupulous people out there, that's for sure!!

OF COURSE VOUCHING SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vouching is a perennial INSULT to any person who supports HONEST ELECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And THAT IS the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals STRONGLY SUPPORT elections they can WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honesty and integrity have nothing to do with LIE-beral elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is an article illustrating what a truly TERRIBLE JOB LIE-berals are doing of protecting the honesty and integrity of our electoral process! With some comments of my own in brackets)

ONUS IS ON THE ELECTOR': It's up to voters to ensure citizenship

By Antonella Artuso

Published: October 15, 2018. Updated: October 15, 2018 9:42 AM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Toronto & GTA

A municipal voter is required by law to be a Canadian citizen, but the responsibility for ensuring that eligibility sometimes rests with the voter.

(So it comes to this- that LIE-berals are so desperate to cling to power at any price they are even willing to COMPROMISE the integrity of our elections!)

(It was Pierre Trudeau LIE-beals that “opened up” our elections! In the old days inmates of jails and inmates of insane asylums were NOT PERMITTED to vote! And non citizens were not allowed to vote either!)

(But vote buying LIE-berals have no shame and so jailed criminals were allowed to pollute our elections with their vile values! And schizophrenics and drug addicts in asylums were also allowed to vote- though we have to TRUST the civil service union Hogs who organize the patients about how honest the process is!)

(And now we have LIE-berals and their civil service union Hog allies tinkering with the voter registration process to make it easier for illegals to vote!)

(AS we know- civil service union Hogs are so greedy they see nothing wrong with PERVERTING our elections with vouching and other such scams! Vouching allows total strangers- with NO ID to be allowed to vote in critical ridings- just so long as a Hog says it is okay! And Hogs do not care that an bunch of anonymous strangers might cast the deciding ballots in a tight political race!)

(Hog vouching is already poisoning our elections in favour of candidates THEY PREFER! And LIE-berals and Hogs are already engaged in a HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST- with Hogs voting LIE-beral in exchange for pay and pensions well beyond what any ordinary Cdn can obtain!)

(And now- worst of all- LIE-berals are allowing illegals to vote in our elections! This deliberate LIE-beral - gravy saving choice- NOT to bother checking if a person is truly ENTITLED to vote is the worst form of election fraud yet created in Canada! Simply asking for ID in the form of a drivers license or hydro bill does NOTHING to weed out those who are NOT ENTITLED to vote!)

(Do we really want people who simply came here as trespassers looking for money to influence our elections? They blow in seeking gravy and may just as quickly blow back out again when the bills come due!!! Surely only those with a SOLID COMMITMENT to Cdn life should have a say on how things are run here?)

A person who rents or owns property in Toronto, which can be confirmed with a hydro bill, and who has appropriate ID like a driver’s licence or OHIP card, generally gets to vote, the city clerk’s office confirmed.

In that case, it’s up to the voter to ensure he or she is a citizen.

(But we all know how many FORGED documents Nigerian scammers can produce- and how many of those documents will be used to PERVERT our elections as LIE-berals seek to retain their entitlements at any price!)

“The short answer is ‘yes,’ the onus is on the elector,” City of Toronto spokesman Deborah Blackstone confirmed in an e-mail.

(In other words LIE-berals have just announced that CHEATING IS LEGAL!!!!!)

Blackstone outlined the steps involved in protecting the integrity of the system.

MPAC, the provincial agency responsible for property assessments, provides a voter’s list of eligible electors that meet all qualifications including citizenship, she said.

Eligible voters who want their name added to the list have to fill out a Voter List Amendment Application and sign a declaration of qualifications on the application, including citizenship.

Those who add their names through MyVote have to acknowledge and verify they meet the qualifications.

Scrutineers have the right to object to a person voting if they feel they are not qualified and that elector would have to sign a declaration to verify their eligibility, she said.

(And how easy is it for a NON property owner to get listed on MPAC- the Municipal Property Assessment Corp? Half of Toronto does not own property so this MPAC “safeguard’ is only for SHOW!)

(Roughly one third of Toronto residents move at least once per year due to changing job and transportation needs- so the voters list of renters is hopelessly FLAWED to begin with! And this opens the door to impromptu changes on election day- changes that are likely to BENEFIT LIE-berals! Illegals and Hogs know which side their bread is buttered on!)

(And those who are not listed on MPAC have only to show a drivers license or other acceptable Id- in our society that is RIFE with identity theft and forged documents- to get access to a ballot box!)

(And even if a person is suspect- all they have to do is sign a “declaration’ attesting to their right to vote- that we can BET is swiftly filed in the nearest garbage can! The system is RIPE for FRAUD - and Hogs know it- and may be taking advantage of that fact!)

(The amounts of money hanging in the balance if LIE-berals do not get re-elected ARE HUGE! LIE-berals have issued HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars worth of pension IOU`s to our Hogs! LIE-beral defeat means NO GRAVY for Hogs! How many rule breakers could you buy for $300 billion dollars in extra pension payouts?)

Paula Chung, a spokesman for MPAC, said the agency is responsible for collecting information on voters – name, birth date, citizenship and school support – for municipal and school board elections.

It provides the Preliminary List of Electors to municipal clerks to finalize their voters’ lists, she said.

(Ah- MPAC supplies a “preliminary list” of voters- and then Hogs ADD MORE NAMES LATER! And WHO determines if all the names are legit? Why- it seems that NOBODY DOES! The system looks open ended and accepting of as many names as cheats cares to offer!)

MPAC confirms citizenship by matching its list to the National Register of Electors and with information collected through its own database that includes property sales.

People who misrepresent themselves as eligible to vote and cast a ballot risk a $5,000 fine, she said.

(And HAS ANYBODY EVER had to pay that fine? We have been warned repeatedly about Russian meddling in elections......and LIE-berals ignore that too! So it is no wonder that they also ignore potential election fraud by radical Muslims and organized crime figures, illegals and others who do not have the welfare of Cdn democracy properly in mind!)

(And it is not as if voting anomalies are unique to big cities either- in the last federal elections there were complaints about bribery and vote buying on native reserves as well!)

(Or we could look at the Wynne-bag LIE-beral Sudbury bribery scandal where LIE-berals escaped conviction due to a TECHNICALITY! It is ILLEGAL to bribe a member of the provincial legislature- yet LIE-berals did it TWICE! First they fired the MPP they dod not want- and bribed him to stop complaining! And then they bribed an NDP candidate to join Wynne-bag LIE-berals!)

(But the judge declared that NONE of this LIE-beral bribery was illegal because the one candidate had been fired first and so was NOT technically a candidate any more when he got bribed! And the NDP guy had not yet been signed on to LIE-beral party when he got his bribe- so he was not a candidate either!)

(Its all technicalities and weasel words- and LIE-berals are to often NECK DEEP in it!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Bernier not invited to the leaders debate.

Does not meet the criteria

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The American electoral process has become corrupted beyond almost anyone's belief.
Gerrymandering has made voting almost useless.
OTOH although Canada is quieter and more polite, I seriously doubt we are pure either.
The difference is that we don't impact the rest of the world catastrophically if our leadership goes sideways. We barely rate a blip on the radar.