CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Kelly McParland: Trudeau is blind to his own divisive politics

For someone who spends so much time emoting on his personal views and feelings, Justin Trudeau seems to have astoundingly little sense of himself.

How else to explain his confession that his great regret as prime minister is the divisiveness that has split the country into warring regions since he took office four years ago.

“One of the things we were most focused on in 2015, after 10 years of a government that played regional politics, pitting Canadians against Canadians, was to bring Canadians together … Yet we find ourselves more polarized, more divided in this election than in 2015,” he said. “I wonder how, or if, I could have made sure we were pulling Canadians together?”

Well, yes, sure … you certainly could have worked to ensure we were pulling together. But that would have required abandoning the strategy that treats all viewpoints that conflict with Liberal orthodoxy as the work of inferiors, idiots, malcontents or the uninformed. It would have meant suggesting to chief guru Gerald Butts that he stop tweeting raging insults about everyone holding beliefs that aren’t in line with Liberal policy pronouncements. It would have meant accepting that Canadians can hold a wide variety of opinions without being scorned as unCanadian.

It’s astonishing that the Liberal leader could have expressed such a personal dilemma after having devoted great parts of his campaign to denouncing two Canadians he holds in particular contempt: former prime minister Stephen Harper and Ontario Premier Doug Ford. I doubt there’s a day that’s passed since the writ was dropped that Trudeau didn’t heap assault after assault on the pair, some of it justified, much of it the product of Liberal war-room fantasizing. As fellow columnist William Watson pointed out recently, “the hurtful cuts of the Conservative years” actually saw federal spending rise 43 per cent from 2006-7 to 2015-16. Trudeau sees Harper’s determination to respect provincial jurisdiction as “playing regional politics,” yet his is the government that has imposed its will on provincial leaders elected on platforms that oppose his own.

It never seems to dawn on Liberals that Conservatives keep getting elected to important offices because many Canadians agree with them, in whole or in part, and that endlessly demonizing their very existence is, by extension, an argument that the millions of Canadians who share some or part of their views are blockheads. Much as Liberals may dislike the fact, Stephen Harper served more than nine years in office by winning three elections against three different Liberal leaders. His final victory was his biggest, a majority government after five years of minorities. Trudeau, in contrast, has seen his solid 2015 majority erode to the point he’s campaigning frantically just to match Conservative support and somehow rescue a minority. It’s an enormous rebuke for a leader who was hailed on magazine covers across the globe as a breath of hope for the world just four years ago, and yet Trudeau — far from being humbled — spends his time vilifying others.

It’s an approach he has followed throughout his government’s time in office. Trudeau’s is an absolutist, zero-sum world, in which you either defend to the death “a woman’s right to choose” or you’re not worthy of calling yourself Liberal. The possibility that honest, respectable Canadians might harbour some sense that unborn children might also deserve a modicum of consideration is treated as evidence of raging misogyny.

Equal intolerance pervades the Liberal stance on climate change. Very few Canadians still view the matter as a giant hoax, but quite a few have legitimate concerns about the best way to deal with it, and harbour doubts about the alarmist camp that insists the world, to quote Barry McGuire’s 1965 apocalyptic pop hit, “is on the eve of destruction.” Yes, it’s a critical issue that must be addressed; no, we won’t all be dead by next Thursday. Far from encouraging compromise, Liberal attempts to play both sides against the middle helped defeat the most eco-friendly Alberta government in history and reopen the yawning gap between East and West, while simultaneously failing to placate a distrustful Quebec, where Bloc Leader Yves-François Blanchet scores points by demanding Trudeau pledge that no pipeline shall ever blemish the sacred soil of his province.

Trudeau’s team launched its re-election bid with the co-ordinated release of embarrassing moments in the lives of opponents. Maybe they tweeted something ignorant, expressed an opinion they now regret, or spoke into a microphone before their brain managed to shift into gear. It happens to everyone, but the Liberal strategy was to smear first, worry later. The opening salvo was a 2005 video of Andrew Scheer remarking on same-sex marriage, giddily released by veteran Liberal Ralph Goodale, even though Goodale himself had twice voted against same-sex marriage. No matter: Liberals were happy to keep up their stream of revelations right up to the moment they were blindsided by photos of Trudeau capering around in blackface and goofy costumes on at least three occasions.

The evidence is right there, piled up all around him, yet Trudeau can’t figure out how he’s failed to bring Canadians together. Here’s a suggestion: talk to some voters who haven’t been gathered by loyal organizers to nod their heads at your every pronouncement.

Spend some time in some constituencies you’re about to lose, and listen to the reasons why. Get over yourself. Look in a mirror. It couldn’t hurt.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Kelly McParland: Trudeau is blind to his own divisive politics
For someone who spends so much time emoting on his personal views and feelings, Justin Trudeau seems to have astoundingly little sense of himself.
How else to explain his confession that his great regret as prime minister is the divisiveness that has split the country into warring regions since he took office four years ago.
“One of the things we were most focused on in 2015, after 10 years of a government that played regional politics, pitting Canadians against Canadians, was to bring Canadians together … Yet we find ourselves more polarized, more divided in this election than in 2015,” he said. “I wonder how, or if, I could have made sure we were pulling Canadians together?”
Well, yes, sure … you certainly could have worked to ensure we were pulling together. But that would have required abandoning the strategy that treats all viewpoints that conflict with Liberal orthodoxy as the work of inferiors, idiots, malcontents or the uninformed. It would have meant suggesting to chief guru Gerald Butts that he stop tweeting raging insults about everyone holding beliefs that aren’t in line with Liberal policy pronouncements. It would have meant accepting that Canadians can hold a wide variety of opinions without being scorned as unCanadian.
It’s astonishing that the Liberal leader could have expressed such a personal dilemma after having devoted great parts of his campaign to denouncing two Canadians he holds in particular contempt: former prime minister Stephen Harper and Ontario Premier Doug Ford. I doubt there’s a day that’s passed since the writ was dropped that Trudeau didn’t heap assault after assault on the pair, some of it justified, much of it the product of Liberal war-room fantasizing. As fellow columnist William Watson pointed out recently, “the hurtful cuts of the Conservative years” actually saw federal spending rise 43 per cent from 2006-7 to 2015-16. Trudeau sees Harper’s determination to respect provincial jurisdiction as “playing regional politics,” yet his is the government that has imposed its will on provincial leaders elected on platforms that oppose his own.
It never seems to dawn on Liberals that Conservatives keep getting elected to important offices because many Canadians agree with them, in whole or in part, and that endlessly demonizing their very existence is, by extension, an argument that the millions of Canadians who share some or part of their views are blockheads. Much as Liberals may dislike the fact, Stephen Harper served more than nine years in office by winning three elections against three different Liberal leaders. His final victory was his biggest, a majority government after five years of minorities. Trudeau, in contrast, has seen his solid 2015 majority erode to the point he’s campaigning frantically just to match Conservative support and somehow rescue a minority. It’s an enormous rebuke for a leader who was hailed on magazine covers across the globe as a breath of hope for the world just four years ago, and yet Trudeau — far from being humbled — spends his time vilifying others.
It’s an approach he has followed throughout his government’s time in office. Trudeau’s is an absolutist, zero-sum world, in which you either defend to the death “a woman’s right to choose” or you’re not worthy of calling yourself Liberal. The possibility that honest, respectable Canadians might harbour some sense that unborn children might also deserve a modicum of consideration is treated as evidence of raging misogyny.
Equal intolerance pervades the Liberal stance on climate change. Very few Canadians still view the matter as a giant hoax, but quite a few have legitimate concerns about the best way to deal with it, and harbour doubts about the alarmist camp that insists the world, to quote Barry McGuire’s 1965 apocalyptic pop hit, “is on the eve of destruction.” Yes, it’s a critical issue that must be addressed; no, we won’t all be dead by next Thursday. Far from encouraging compromise, Liberal attempts to play both sides against the middle helped defeat the most eco-friendly Alberta government in history and reopen the yawning gap between East and West, while simultaneously failing to placate a distrustful Quebec, where Bloc Leader Yves-François Blanchet scores points by demanding Trudeau pledge that no pipeline shall ever blemish the sacred soil of his province.
Trudeau’s team launched its re-election bid with the co-ordinated release of embarrassing moments in the lives of opponents. Maybe they tweeted something ignorant, expressed an opinion they now regret, or spoke into a microphone before their brain managed to shift into gear. It happens to everyone, but the Liberal strategy was to smear first, worry later. The opening salvo was a 2005 video of Andrew Scheer remarking on same-sex marriage, giddily released by veteran Liberal Ralph Goodale, even though Goodale himself had twice voted against same-sex marriage. No matter: Liberals were happy to keep up their stream of revelations right up to the moment they were blindsided by photos of Trudeau capering around in blackface and goofy costumes on at least three occasions.
The evidence is right there, piled up all around him, yet Trudeau can’t figure out how he’s failed to bring Canadians together. Here’s a suggestion: talk to some voters who haven’t been gathered by loyal organizers to nod their heads at your every pronouncement.
Spend some time in some constituencies you’re about to lose, and listen to the reasons why. Get over yourself. Look in a mirror. It couldn’t hurt.

I'll say one thing. Trudeau's petulent whine about "the dirtiest campaign ever" means that he has no knowledge of Canadian history and the bitter campaigns of the past.

I guess that teaching kindergarten doesn't prepare you very well for statesmanship.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Nobody on here seems to think that there are more choices than just Mr. Delay and Mr. Deny. Sad. Sheeple can't think outside the box.
Of course there are other choices, Cliffy - trouble is that two of the other parties are bent on turning Canada into a 3rd World nation and of the remaining two - one is solely in the hands of Quebec voters and the other is little more than a fringe party. As for the independents, sitting in the nose-bleed section of the HOC accomplishes nothing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I'll say one thing. Trudeau's petulent whine about "the dirtiest campaign ever" means that he has no knowledge of Canadian history and the bitter campaigns of the past.
I guess that teaching kindergarten doesn't prepare you very well for statesmanship.
Being a dwama teacher make it impossible to separate fact from fiction.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Being a dwama teacher make it impossible to separate fact from fiction.
Apparently so ...

It tells me that there is a platoon of handlers in the P.M.O. pushing the buttons and pulling the levers and Trudeau is simply a media face for the deep machinations of the Liberal Party apparatus.

Justin is a "bit of fluff" and Chretien era leftovers like Goodale are operating the strings.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

The loopy ones are turning on each other!

And not just loopy ones either! It's the loopy ones causing the shit as unless you are blind, you would have noticed in the post I was responding to. And THAT isn't the first time that particular poster or his counterpart have responded in that fashion! Time to deep six the pair of them. As I have suggested many times there is nothing wrong with the response "I disagree because...………………".

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
And not just loopy ones either! It's the loopy ones causing the shit as unless you are blind, you would have noticed in the post I was responding to. And THAT isn't the first time that particular poster or his counterpart have responded in that fashion! Time to deep six the pair of them. As I have suggested many times there is nothing wrong with the response "I disagree because...………………".
Blobity blob-blob-blah


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Apparently so ...

It tells me that there is a platoon of handlers in the P.M.O. pushing the buttons and pulling the levers and Trudeau is simply a media face for the deep machinations of the Liberal Party apparatus.

Justin is a "bit of fluff" and Chretien era leftovers like Goodale are operating the strings.

You could be right, CC but I've had the feeling for awhile now that the old guard of the liberal party took a step back from Pinocchio once they saw what Geppetto was up too. It is the latter in my opinion who is pulling the strings and the rest of the party is just waiting for the day when they can rid themselves of them both. Rarely did you see them rally around the little potato during his term whereas with other liberal leaders the party was in evidence a good part of the time. JMO.