CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
We're voting Indie because the dude has a really good track record for positive results here.
Besides, he ain't a Gliberal, a Con, a Dipper, an elite, or a lifetime Snivel Serpent (career politician or bureaucrat).
Sounds like most PPC candidates.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Group looks to help anti-abortion advocates get jobs working for new MPs

OTTAWA — A group whose mission is to elect candidates committed to restricting access to abortions in Canada is trying to recruit pro-life people to staff newly elected MPs’ offices.
RightNow has produced “a guide to advancing the pro-life movement as a political staffer” and is sending it to members as part of a pitch to persuade them to apply to become a political staffer.
“We are on track to have a very good evening on Oct. 21, electing a solid number of new pro-life candidates across Canada,” RightNow co-founder Scott Hayward says in an Oct. 14 email, to which the guide was attached.
READ MORE: Anti-abortion activists are planning to win 50 ridings for their cause in the upcoming federal election

“Our newly elected pro-life members of Parliament will be in need of pro-life political staff and it is of utmost importance that the pro-life movement has excellent pro-life political staff (such as yourself).”
Hayward did not respond to requests for comment by phone or email. His group was founded with a mission “to nominate and elect pro-life politicians,” according to RightNow’s website. The website also promotes an internship program for young people interested in politics who want experience on Parliament Hill and doing campaign work.


Who was saying a few days ago that the abortion was a non issue. Was it twin moose? I'm sure he aware of this, probably a member trying to downplay their agenda of returning Canada to the 1960s.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
if someone believes that abortion is wrong they have every right to vote for someone who will represent those views.

why would they vote for someone who belongs to a party that says it will never entertain anti abortion legislation?

something does not add up there.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Group looks to help anti-abortion advocates get jobs working for new MPs

OTTAWA — A group whose mission is to elect candidates committed to restricting access to abortions in Canada is trying to recruit pro-life people to staff newly elected MPs’ offices.
RightNow has produced “a guide to advancing the pro-life movement as a political staffer” and is sending it to members as part of a pitch to persuade them to apply to become a political staffer.
“We are on track to have a very good evening on Oct. 21, electing a solid number of new pro-life candidates across Canada,” RightNow co-founder Scott Hayward says in an Oct. 14 email, to which the guide was attached.
READ MORE: Anti-abortion activists are planning to win 50 ridings for their cause in the upcoming federal election

“Our newly elected pro-life members of Parliament will be in need of pro-life political staff and it is of utmost importance that the pro-life movement has excellent pro-life political staff (such as yourself).”
Hayward did not respond to requests for comment by phone or email. His group was founded with a mission “to nominate and elect pro-life politicians,” according to RightNow’s website. The website also promotes an internship program for young people interested in politics who want experience on Parliament Hill and doing campaign work.


Who was saying a few days ago that the abortion was a non issue. Was it twin moose? I'm sure he aware of this, probably a member trying to downplay their agenda of returning Canada to the 1960s.
Of course they are , that is what advocates do . It is still a non issue .


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Trudeau's record is the real issue

It is not Trudeau’s blackface or brownface that in itself should be grounds for his dismissal. It is the bare-faced reality of the leader he is not, in the most fundamental progressive sense.

There are many, many important issues in this election that all of us would agree are vitally important. Most of them are ideological at their core. We tend to align with parties and leaders who most closely reflect our views and values. Fair enough.

For me, overriding all of those platform considerations is the question of who should lead the Government of Canada, and whether that should be Trudeau or someone else including, perhaps, someone other than him from within his own party, in a Liberal minority scenario.

As such, the issue is whether we should tacitly endorse his flagrant hypocrisy, his deceitful and dishonest behaviour, and his law-breaking ways in the last four years.

The truly critical issue in this election is whether Justin Trudeau is worthy of our trust as Canada’s top elected leader and as a person who has earned the right to form another government.

It is whether Canada’s progressives should consciously turn a blind eye to his demonstrated character flaws, to his leadership failings, and to his self-described “massive blind spots”, and trust him—once again—to do better than his sullied proven example.

The issue is whether all that Trudeau has been, done, and shown himself to be is good enough for Canada—because it’s 2019.
Is he really the best that Canada can or should expect of its prime minister, given the available alternatives?
Does he—or for that matter, his party—merit four more years in power?

Not on your progressive life, Canada.

Yet again, as in response to his appalling conduct in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Team Trudeau has rallied behind him in defence of their own political hides.

Trudeau is their man, for worse and never better. And they refuse to hold him accountable, in large measure because they feel he is their best ticket to office.

Yet for all the world, Trudeau now shines as the ultimate sorry Canadian.

Sorry for the painted minstrel-show clown he was.

Sorry most of all, because he got caught: time and time again—for unlawful offences, errors of judgment, and conduct unbecoming of anyone in his position. Much of which he tried to hide, dispute, or attack as “absolutely false”, because he feared how the truth would politically hurt him.

His hollow mantra is “I take responsibility.”

His sorry fact is that he will say and do almost anything, including smearing the reputations of cabinet colleagues and partisan enemies alike, to avoid accepting personal accountability for his actions and the concomitant political consequences. Which is why he deserves to be dismissed from his office as Canada’s highest elected leader.

There is something especially seamy about a holier-than-thou preacher gone bad. Let alone one who is repeatedly caught in the act of debasing his office, abusing his position of trust, and doing unspeakable things that he would never tolerate from lesser sinners.

As but one example, I’m sure many former believers of the disgraced Jimmy Swaggart felt that he did a lot of good before his tearful apology and “I have sinned” speech. And yet he was subsequently defrocked for his sins, as Trudeau should be for his arguably worse ethical and legal breaches, which similarly expose his gross hypocrisy.

If any cabinet minister or candidate did even a fraction of what Trudeau has done, he would ruthlessly drop them at the altar of political expediency.

If any of his partisan adversaries had committed any one of his ethical crimes, he would have burned them at the stake of political accountability.

Consider what he actually did and why he did it, in trying to hide his blackface sins, before and after he was first nominated to represent his party, subsequently elected, chosen as Liberal leader, and elected to serve as Canada’s prime minister.

For years he deceived his own party and all Canadians about his own sorry racist conduct, knowing it was very wrong, that it was democratically relevant, and that it might be politically deadly to his own selfish aspirations to the throne his father had once so nobly filled.

He was embarrassed about his dirty not-so-little secret. And therefore, didn’t come clean about it during his initial vetting process as a prospective Liberal candidate. Some excuse.

As leader of his party, his tacit message to all candidates is essentially this: cheat, lie, or mislead those who are trusting you to be honest if you are too much of a coward to place your trust in their hands and judgment by fessing up, in the interests of the greater party good.

If they don’t specifically ask, don’t tell. Mum’s the word. And even if they do, in so many words, interpret their questions as you must to render your answers harmless to you and your political ambitions.

Whatever racist, hurtful, hateful, or stupid thing you might have done—just zip it—and hope like hell it will never be outed. Because if you are honest in the first place, your candidacy may be rejected and you may be humiliated.

Never let the voters see your dirty laundry if it stands to mark you as a grotty character unworthy of their trust.

Win the leadership first, if that’s your goal, by letting them think you are someone other than the deceitful dope you really are and/or were. Because if you volunteer a different picture of the person you now paint yourself as always having been, you’ll never get the power.

Damn the consequences to the party and to all of its candidates if your shameful deed is ever divulged in the midst of a campaign. Vetting’s for honest idiots with political death wishes, or for those with nothing to hide. All for you and all about you, is all that really matters in your mission to be the progressive face that your barefaced dishonesty belies.

Is that really what we should expect of any party’s leader, let alone tolerate from our prime minister?

To be the ultimate hypocrite, too embarrassed by his or her own dirty secrets to disclose them when called upon to do so, especially in the face of their topical political relevance in public discourse around the world?

To be a two-faced rationalizer who metes out harsh justice for others when their conduct is not up to snuff, while maintaining that as leader, that person should be above such accountability for much more serious ethical crimes, by dint of their high office and political indispensability?

Let’s take Trudeau at his word—always a sucker’s proposition—that he can’t assuredly remember how many more times he might have darkened his skin in pantomime of those whose different skin colour mark them as “others”.

Personally, I can’t believe that he painted himself black or brown so many times over the decades that he wouldn’t know exactly where and when he did that. But suppose you do.

What does it say about the person Trudeau is today if those incidents have not come flooding back to him, if only in his nightmares, in the wake of the images that have surfaced over the last week?

Were they really so numerous and unremarkable to him at the time that he might have painted his face, arms and legs black and brown on other occasions, and can’t remember them if he tries?

More importantly, if he is really aware of other incidents and still isn’t coming clean about them, hoping against hope they will stay hidden, he is doubly abusing voters’ trust. Time will tell if that’s the case.

Regardless, what are we to make of a prime minister who apologizes by also essentially attributing his conduct to the “layers of privilege” that “comes with a massive blind spot” from being born of noble name, royal blood, lilly-white skin, and across-the-board advantage?

Not his fault, really, but a sad indictment of his privileged upbringing—as if his father failed to impress upon him how to be a racially sensitive person and not do such things that most mere mortals have long known are not funny, not cool, and not acceptable.

With Trudeau, it is always someone or something else that is really at fault for his conduct—never just him. He always takes “full responsibility” by pointing away from himself to the person, thing, or context that paints him as being simply misguided, naïve, effectively innocent, or altogether blameless.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Danbones you vote yet?
Who did ya vote for?
My vote will not be liberal.
WE have two parties here I could vote for who have their good points. But I favor the non politician.

LOL, especially after the post above.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Who was saying a few days ago that the abortion was a non issue. Was it twin moose? I'm sure he aware of this, probably a member trying to downplay their agenda of returning Canada to the 1960s.

Yeah, you'd like all us commentators born two months early dead cliffy...
but why not nut up and bring it yourself?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
That is doubtful!
You read the ZIOISTS I QUOTED or the JEWs I quoted writing about the genocidal ZIONISTS THEMSELVES yet, mr accuse? No?
Then just to tell you straight: F^CK OFF ya ch*ckenshit a$$ WIPE.

read em now:

Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that
non-Jews exist to serve Jews.​

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,”

...and while you are bent over way over there SERVING the head rabbi of aparthied israel where they shoot children in the back from behind the wall MR GOY BOI, SUCK MY D*CK.


If you are mad because I am not a bend over bitch like you are and quote so many actual jews and rabbis, maybe you should smarten up because YOU are the ACTUAL racist here just like schleepy .

Make sure you vote for the Israeli first candidate in your riding eh!

Oh yeah, you SAID don't read posts that are too long just like sleepy SAID. That's so bitch slap cowardly I can't even tell you.


Ya ZIONIST HATER of Palestinians.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You read the ZIOISTS I QUOTED or the JEWs I quoted writing about the genocidal ZIONISTS THEMSELVES yet, mr accuse? No?
Then just to tell you straight: F^CK OFF ya ch*ckenshit a$$ WIPE.

And I'll tell you straight, ASSHOLE, no post warrants that type of response...……………...You and your buddy MHz should form your own private hate club and get the f*ck off this forum. Assholes like you aren't needed!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

Trudeau's record is the real issue

It is not Trudeau’s blackface or brownface that in itself should be grounds for his dismissal. It is the bare-faced reality of the leader he is not, in the most fundamental progressive sense.

There are many, many important issues in this election that all of us would agree are vitally important. Most of them are ideological at their core. We tend to align with parties and leaders who most closely reflect our views and values. Fair enough.

With the question of Justin's eligibility to continue as Prime Minister there are two things that disqualify him right off the bat- his attempt at thwarting and disrespecting the criminal code of Canada and his total disrespect and disregard for the appointed Minister.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
if someone believes that abortion is wrong they have every right to vote for someone who will represent those views.
why would they vote for someone who belongs to a party that says it will never entertain anti abortion legislation?
something does not add up there.
Just stirring the pot. The anti abortionists are a small fringe group that no one much cares about except the far left who like to use them to stir up shit. So much so that the only thing on the news about antiabortion is from the liberals and ndpee promising the Conservatives will reintroduce abortion laws. Not happening.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
And I'll tell you straight, ASSHOLE, no post warrants that type of response...……………...You and your buddy MHz should form your own private hate club and get the f*ck off this forum. Assholes like you aren't needed!

The loopy ones are turning on each other!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Nobody on here seems to think that there are more choices than just Mr. Delay and Mr. Deny. Sad. Sheeple can't think outside the box.