Same here. Used to be a man could graduate public school, get union job, and afford a house, a stay-at-home wife, a couple of kids, and have a decent life.
Ultimately, the problem is that all of the increase in wealth has gone to the top 10%. There's about a million different stats that show this, but this works for me. . .
So how do we change it? Hell if I know. But more tax breaks for rich people and corporations sure as hell ain't the answer.
I've raised this idea before. . .
How about we tax corporations, and nobody else? The U.S. national budget for 2020 is 4.8 trillion. Corporate revenues are at least 17.4 trillion.
So. . . tax corporations at 30%, and you've covered the budget with room to spare. Corporations will pass on the cost to consumers, and everybody in America will pay. But the "common citizen" will pay less, overall, because her paycheck will rise by 35-45% through no longer paying taxes.
Much easier to administer, too. There aren't as many corporations as there are people, and they're already required to maintain extensive records.
And a simpler system is harder to cheat.
What do you think?