Scotiabank to pay US$127.5M fine for metals market manipulation.
pocket change. sorry that they got caught.
When the Exxon Valdez disaster wrecked the West Coast of Alaska EXXON got the sum reduced from 5 billion to less that 1 billion by taking it to the court of appeals , 3 times, delaying the verdict for years until the billion or so was small potatoes due to inflation.'
Then the sued the state of Alaska for not letting they disperse it with weird chemicals.
From Wikipedia
"In October 1989, Exxon filed suit against the State of Alaska, charging that the state had interfered with Exxon's attempts to clean up the spill by refusing to approve the use of dispersant chemicals until the night of the 26th. The state disputed the claim, stating that there was a long-standing agreement to allow the use of dispersants to clean up spills, thus Exxon did not require permission to use them, and that in fact Exxon had not had enough dispersant on hand to effectively handle a spill of the size created by the Valdez.[49] Exxon filed claims in October 1990 against the Coast Guard, asking to be reimbursed for cleanup costs and damages awarded to plaintiffs in any lawsuits filed by the State of Alaska or the federal government against Exxon. The company claimed that the Coast Guard was "wholly or partially responsible" for the spill, because they had granted mariners' licenses to the crew of the Valdez, and because they had given the Valdez permission to leave regular shipping lanes to avoid ice. They also reiterated the claim that the Coast Guard had delayed cleanup by refusing to give permission to immediately use chemical dispersants on the spill".
Trump is opening all these wildlife areas, reserves and parks so they can be trashed once again.
There goes the neighbourhood.
What a pig.