Canada’s race problem? It’s even worse than America’s.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Canada’s race problem? It’s even worse than America’s.

For a country so self-satisfied with its image of progressive tolerance, how is this not a national crisis?

The racial mess in the United States looks pretty grim and is painful to watch. We can be forgiven for being quietly thankful for Canada’s more inclusive society, which has avoided dramas like that in Ferguson, Mo. We are not the only ones to think this. In the recently released Social Progress Index, Canada is ranked second amongst all nations for its tolerance and inclusion.
Unfortunately, the truth is we have a far worse race problem than the United States. We just can’t see it very easily.

More: Canada's racism problem? It's even worse than America's.

There's a big problem with listing figures to prove a situation. One example that sticks out like a wedding pr*ck is the percentage of members incarcerated. All you get is a ratio of the population. There is no mention of the crimes committed or the length of time served in prison. Who in Canada is counted as an "Indian"? A full blood, half, a quarter? Lists might be O.K. for a rough picture of what percentage masturbates, but beyond that pretty hokey.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The thing is, when you look at that info-graphic that Cliffy so kindly posted, the first question that comes to my mind is, how many African-Americans live in the middle of freakin' nowhere, in remote communities with no roads in or out? That right there answers why things like unemployment rates, incomes, life expectancy and drop-out rates are worse for FNs than for A-As.
Even the incarceration rate compared to the national average is anomalous considering the extremely liberal sentencing guidelines that apply only to them. The kind of guidelines that get you a year's worth of house arrest for infanticide.
That's right folks, in Canada there are specific sentencing guidelines for FNs only. It is no longer discretionary. Judges MUST take into consideration things like childhood, substance abuse, FAS, etc. For everyone else in Canada those considerations are still up to the judge's discretion, although many will still take them into consideration. For any FN on trial though, they have no choice but to consider them in handing down a sentence.
So the next question is, how long are the jail/prison sentences when comparing FNs to A-As?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Why do you think that is so?
Three possible reasons:

1. Bias - Comparing FNs to African Americans gave them results they like.

2. Laziness - Gathering the data on American Indians is too difficult.

3. Ignorance - Their audience hears little or nothing about American Indians, and constantly about African Americans.

Or some combination of the three.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The thing is, when you look at that info-graphic that Cliffy so kindly posted, the first question that comes to my mind is, how many African-Americans live in the middle of freakin' nowhere, in remote communities with no roads in or out? That right there answers why things like unemployment rates, incomes, life expectancy and drop-out rates are worse for FNs than for A-As.

Getting off subject a bit, sending people to prison in Canada is becoming an antiquated process, thank God. The exceptions are where the reprobate is a threat to public safety and a few really serious crimes. Sending a person to prison for 10 years for B&E is futile. I think the process of damage replacement and reparations makes much more sense.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
I think racial problems have arisen from the existence of 'hate' laws. Ethnic minorities can now sue if they feel someone looks at them the wrong way.
Canada was always a racially/nationality diverse country and people got along pretty well just on common sense and the existing laws against assault, slander. libel, etc. People were accepted on their character, not on their race, nationality or religion. But now everyone feels pressured to accept anybody whether they act civilized or not. Of course that makes them angry.
It doesn't seem right that a person convicted of a 'hate' crime will receive a stiffer sentence than if the crime were not against a member of a different ethnicity. If someone beat me up and burned down my house or beat up a black person and burned his house, he should get the same sentence but it would be much harsher if the victim were the black person.
People could work out their own differences if government would keep their noses out of it.


New Member
Mar 26, 2016
Canadian are anything but polite. One of the rudest people on earth live in Toronto. You are driving no one gives you a way, you have to make it on your own and when you do people start honking. Canadians are the worse when it comes to being a customers. They would yell at you, start making fuss or create a scene just to get a few percent for discounts. You ask them to leash their dogs in a non-leash zone and they start swearing at you and say things like " you don't even live here". How can people of east coast or the Prairies call themselves polite while people of Toronto, where immigrants are such a huge population exist, prove themselves to be such rude, ignorant selfish? I strongly believe that the idea of Canadian politeness is just an urban legend or publicity stunt to lure immigrants to run such a vast land. Canadian are no different than their American counterparts.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Canadian are anything but polite. One of the rudest people on earth live in Toronto. You are driving no one gives you a way, you have to make it on your own and when you do people start honking. Canadians are the worse when it comes to being a customers. They would yell at you, start making fuss or create a scene just to get a few percent for discounts. You ask them to leash their dogs in a non-leash zone and they start swearing at you and say things like " you don't even live here". How can people of east coast or the Prairies call themselves polite while people of Toronto, where immigrants are such a huge population exist, prove themselves to be such rude, ignorant selfish? I strongly believe that the idea of Canadian politeness is just an urban legend or publicity stunt to lure immigrants to run such a vast land. Canadian are no different than their American counterparts.

look, an echo. Not surprising. That's what you get when you speak into a large empty space like this brainless wonders head.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Canadian are anything but polite. One of the rudest people on earth live in Toronto. You are driving no one gives you a way, you have to make it on your own and when you do people start honking. Canadians are the worse when it comes to being a customers. They would yell at you, start making fuss or create a scene just to get a few percent for discounts. You ask them to leash their dogs in a non-leash zone and they start swearing at you and say things like " you don't even live here". How can people of east coast or the Prairies call themselves polite while people of Toronto, where immigrants are such a huge population exist, prove themselves to be such rude, ignorant selfish? I strongly believe that the idea of Canadian politeness is just an urban legend or publicity stunt to lure immigrants to run such a vast land. Canadian are no different than their American counterparts.

Actually I've generally found how people act is a reflection of the people they are acting toward. I generally try to be polite and considerate and have found 9 times out of 10 people treat me the same way. The rest may just be having a bad day!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Actually I've generally found how people act is a reflection of the people they are acting toward. I generally try to be polite and considerate and have found 9 times out of 10 people treat me the same way. The rest may just be having a bad day!
I don't know man I'm coming to believe you fukkers are pretty damned prejudiced against folks who aren't just like you.

look, an echo. Not surprising. That's what you get when you speak into a large empty space like this brainless wonders head.
Can you believe this retard calling anyone else a brainless wonder? Talk about ironic.