Canada’s race problem? It’s even worse than America’s.
For a country so self-satisfied with its image of progressive tolerance, how is this not a national crisis?
The racial mess in the United States looks pretty grim and is painful to watch. We can be forgiven for being quietly thankful for Canada’s more inclusive society, which has avoided dramas like that in Ferguson, Mo. We are not the only ones to think this. In the recently released Social Progress Index, Canada is ranked second amongst all nations for its tolerance and inclusion.
Unfortunately, the truth is we have a far worse race problem than the United States. We just can’t see it very easily.
More: Canada's racism problem? It's even worse than America's.

There's a big problem with listing figures to prove a situation. One example that sticks out like a wedding pr*ck is the percentage of members incarcerated. All you get is a ratio of the population. There is no mention of the crimes committed or the length of time served in prison. Who in Canada is counted as an "Indian"? A full blood, half, a quarter? Lists might be O.K. for a rough picture of what percentage masturbates, but beyond that pretty hokey.