BREAKING: We Just Discovered Who Issued The Warrant To Investigate Trump


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ok how about today's news.....First the Job numbers under Obama was declared Bogus by Trump...Well, today it is a different story, They are perfectly fine,,,,,,,and of course, Trump is taking credit for the economic situation Obama set up.

Now all the opening of the files, proves Trump was totally wrong. Trump was NOT wiretapped, What I find interesting is the wording......No illegal wiretapping was done....My guess it would be perfectly legal for the CIA to tap all communication with Russia, particularly since it might possibly involve anyone running for President..

Any other beliefs I can enlighten you on?? I will get back when more information on Trump's replacement of Obama care is revealed.
What article are you using that shows Trump is claiming these were created by him? He is going to create millions of jobs.

Legal wiretap, sending the results to Obama and Obama asking for the taps were illegal. A Judge signed the FISA request request and that is the only legal thing about them.

Obama Secret Service Agent on Wiretaps: ‘It’s Going to Blow Wide-Open’

You are currently dreaming, prepare to have your eyes opened wide.

BTW is youtube links messed up again?


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Yet your favorite prime minister is importing boat loads of people who have no problem with stoning and beheading those they feel inferior .
Don't be so silly.....There isn't a terrorist in every immigrant otherwise the only safe Canadian is the native population. Those, I wouldn't blame them for becoming one considering how those of us who came later treated and are still treating them!!

I like the newest way the news media is behaving. Nowadays when they contradict what Trump claims, it airs the original tapes.. Pretty hard to deny when it runs tapes presenting him saying exactly what he is denying on the same broadcast,

What article are you using that shows Trump is claiming these were created by him? He is going to create millions of jobs.

Legal wiretap, sending the results to Obama and Obama asking for the taps were illegal. A Judge signed the FISA request request and that is the only legal thing about them.

Obama Secret Service Agent on Wiretaps: ‘It’s Going to Blow Wide-Open’

You are currently dreaming, prepare to have your eyes opened wide.

BTW is youtube links messed up again?
I am not quoting U-tube or any other article. It was on the Florida nightly news.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
What make it a solid news tip or is it just PR for people with an agenda? I'm not saying youtube is gospel but you get an article covered in some detail if people are curious. The wiretap happened but that is not the full story. A sitting President (Obama at the time) cannot lawfully use wiretaps to spy on a political opponent for political reasons rather than legal ones. Nixon was a toddler compared to the ones using Obama as it's visible head. The Gestapo from the Nazi era would be the best group to compare it to. Learn about who inspired them at your own risk.
Hitler was the figure head and no more important than an actor. If the CIA was the destination for 1,000's of Germans and that was only 60 some years ago do you think their 'bad ways' have been purged or did it follow the same route as the CIA backed Secret Police in Iran once it was under the control of the Shaw. Again, research that at your own risk.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Wire taps can be done illegally and there will be no proof unless somebody involved in the tapping blabs about it. It's not hard to believe that Obama or someone in his caucus had it done. The Democrats resorted to all kinds of dirty tricks but the stories were buried as soon as they came out.
Saying 'it can't be done legally or without the FBI knowing about it' doesn't mean it wasn't done.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
No matter which side of this you believe, it's selling ad space, and is entertaining.

They can't just investigate and draw conclusions. It must be dragged out to maximize the profits. And then there are the contracts that were signed. And the financial institutions bankrolling this. I heard that CNN has a satellite they use to gather intel sent to them by 'les extraterrestres'. CNN doesn't have to worry about being sued or having to answer to any terrestrial court orders. Smart move using information obtained from space!

Anderson Cooper tries his darnedest to stay above the muck raking, but it's nigh on impossible not to get splashed occasionally. But despite all that, he's a snappy dresser!



Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Wire taps can be done illegally and there will be no proof unless somebody involved in the tapping blabs about it. It's not hard to believe that Obama or someone in his caucus had it done. The Democrats resorted to all kinds of dirty tricks but the stories were buried as soon as they came out.
Saying 'it can't be done legally or without the FBI knowing about it' doesn't mean it wasn't done.

Everybody is doing everything....if you can think it someone has probably done it.

And if they have or haven't what's their end game with the information do you think?

No matter which side of this you believe, it's selling ad space, and is entertaining.

They can't just investigate and draw conclusions. It must be dragged out to maximize the profits. And then there are the contracts that were signed. And the financial institutions bankrolling this. I heard that CNN has a satellite they use to gather intel sent to them by 'les extraterrestres'. CNN doesn't have to worry about being sued or having to answer to any terrestrial court orders. Smart move using information obtained from space!

Anderson Cooper tries his darnedest to stay above the muck raking, but it's nigh on impossible not to get splashed occasionally. But despite all that, he's a snappy dresser!

It's become its own industry.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
We'll keep this short and sweet.

All allegations of "digital fingerprints" left behind by Russian hackers must now be dismissed as either fake or meaningless:

Except that "digital fingerprints" are meaningless and the CIA made a habit of stealing Russian malware. We're sure they never used it!

From the Wikileaks "Year Zero" dump:
New Leaks Confirm: CIA Posed as ?Russian Hackers?

WikiLeaks: CIA Hackers Can Pose As Russians — Ring A Bell?
WikiLeaks: CIA Hackers Can Pose As Russians ? Ring A Bell?

Wikileaks claims to reveal how CIA hacks TVs and phones all over the world
Wikileaks claims to reveal how CIA hacks TVs and phones all over the world | CW39 NewsFix

Trump wire taps prove that TRUMP uses Private Email Server..

That's right bitches.. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!


Poll: Trump voters OK with a private email server | TheHill



"Counselor Kellyanne Conway, White House press secretary Sean Spicer, chief strategist and senior counselor Stephen Bannon and senior adviser Jared Kushner — Trump's son-in-law — all have email accounts, Newsweek reported Wednesday.
Poll: Trump voters OK with a private email server | TheHill
NYT Admits Obama Wiretapped Trump
The Alex Jones Channel

more of the above


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Things get like this before collapse. These issues are destroying America on daytime TV. The rest of the world can hardly believe the theatre. Almost an entire nation of polarized fools stripping the last threads of dignity off the national bones and it's televised to the world.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Arrests must proceed at the earliest. Or perhaps some catastrophic diversion could or would serve better, something that demanded national unity to avert disaster. Alien invasion anyone? The return of Christ? How about WW3? It's boiling over anyway.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
possible f-tard

THE TOP 5 Under Reported Scariest Facts About The Vault 7 WikiLeaks Release

just some idea of what the cia is all about
including faking Russians

“Already an anti-virus expert has come forward to say that sophisticated malware that he had attributed to a state, either Iran, China or Russia, now he believes is from the CIA because the type of attack system it uses corresponds directly to a description we published of that attack system.”

“And it’s rare enough that it seems unlikely that it would be independently discovered, unless of course China has already gotten hold of these parts of the CIA arsenal and that China is using them to pretend to be the CIA.”
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
SPICER: "Very Confident" Of Evidence Trump Campaign Was Spied On By Obama Admin During The Election

"He doesn't really think that President Obama went up and tapped his phone personally....
..."wiretapping" [makes air quotes] spans a whole host of surveillance types of options"
Earlier today when asked about the extension granted by the House Intelligence Committee, as well as whether or not Trump's Department of Justice has any evidence, Spicer repeatedly deferred - stating that he didn't want to get ahead of the DOJ, however he did reveal the following:

Spicer: He's extremely confident. I'll let the DOJ report this, but as I've commented in the past, there's been significant reporting about surveillance techniques that existed during the 2016 election.

Reporter: [is it] possible may be nothing?

Spicer: No, at least from where we stand, we know that there is significant reporting on the subject.

Reporter: Something will be presented?

Reporter: Yeah, I feel very confident of that.
SPICER: "Very Confident" Of Evidence Trump Campaign Was Spied On By Obama Admin During The Election | Zero Hedge


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Intelligence Sources Reveal: Obama Used British Agents For Trump Wire Tap Surveillance

But while domestic spy agencies like the NSA and CIA can’t actively monitor a citizen on U.S. soil, there is a very convenient work-around that has been used for over a decade to accomplish this task without technically breaking the law.

According to three intelligence sources who spoke with Judge Napolitano, this is exactly what President Obama did to then-candidate Donald Trump.

Steve Watson explains:

Three separate intelligence sources believe that former President Obama veered ‘outside the chain of command’ and employed British surveillance agents to conduct surveillance on Donald Trump’s team prior to the election, according to a legal analyst.

Judge Andrew Napolitano revealed on ‘Fox & Friends’ this morning that the sources spilled the details to him as the controversial case continues to dominate headlines.

“Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command,” Napolitano said. “He didn’t use the NSA, he didn’t use the CIA, he didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use the Department of Justice.”

“He used GCHQ.” Napolitano explained.

“What the heck is GCHQ? That’s the initials for the British spying agency. They have 24/7 access to the NSA database.” The Judge explained.

Napolitano noted that this was done to secure plausible deniability. In other words, even if the Obama administration did spy on Trump, there may never be a way to prove it.

“So by simply having two people go to them saying, ‘President Obama needs transcripts of conversations involving candidate Trump, conversations involving president-elect Trump,’ he’s able to get it, and there’s no American fingerprints on this. ”Napolitano added"

and the democrats still lost
now that is SAD


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
What intelligence sources....Napolitano is NOT a judge but a reporter for Fox news. It is this type of reporting that is totally irresponsible and despicable.

Whatever Napolitano felt has no bearing on the facts.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
What intelligence sources....Napolitano is NOT a judge but a reporter for Fox news. It is this type of reporting that is totally irresponsible and despicable.

Whatever Napolitano felt has no bearing on the facts.

Napolitano has an a-1 reputation for intelligence and accuracy
lets see what YOU got:
all I see is OBOMBA NLP residue. (that's neuro linguistic programming)

"You’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next 2 weeks”

guess we will see