BREAKING: We Just Discovered Who Issued The Warrant To Investigate Trump


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
"FBI director James Comey has asked the Justice Department to reject publicly Donald Trump’s claim that Barack Obama wiretapped his communications, according to US media reports. "
FBI chief James Comey 'urges Justice Department to publicly refute Donald Trump's wiretap claim' | The Independent

FBI silent on pending Clinton perjury probe

FBI Director James Comey on Wednesday refused to provide the House Judiciary Committee with any clue about whether the bureau will comply with a request to investigate Hillary Clinton for perjury.

..Shortly before, the FBI had released an unprecedented amount of information that it had collected during the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server while secretary of State that critics of the Democratic presidential nominee quickly seized on as evidence that she should have been prosecuted.

Asked during the course of an Oversight hearing whether the FBI had investigated “her statements under oath on this topic,” Comey said no, noting that he would need a referral from Congress to conduct such an investigation.

riiiight! we KNOW about hillary from what the actual emails from her bathroom server contained and the social media posts her retard IT guy made in regards to altering those emails after the fact

"Hillary Clinton’s IT guy asked Reddit for help altering emails

"Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges

Some lawmakers reacted to the long-expected resignation announcement from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Thursday by wishing him an eventful retirement, featuring prosecution and possible prison time.

The passage of more than three years hasn’t cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.

About three months after making that claim, documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the answer was untruthful and that the NSA was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records, along with various internet communications.

To his critics, Clapper lied under oath, a crime that threatens effective oversight of the executive branch. In an apology letter to lawmakers, however, Clapper said he gave the “clearly erroneous” answer because he “simply didn’t think of” the call-record collection.

sucks when you are not fully informed eh?

"NYTimes Flashback: Obama May Have Spied on Trump; Reports Sent to White House of Wiretaps on Trump Associates

Less than two months ago, the day before the inauguration of Donald Trump as president, the New York Times reported the possibility that the Obama administration was spying on Trump. The Times report also said that three Trump associates were being spied on by the Obama administration and that reports on the wiretaps were delivered to the Obama White House.NYTimes Flashback: Obama May Have Spied on Trump; Reports Sent to White House of Wiretaps on Trump Associates"


Obama has a history of tapping friends and foes
like the German chancellor

"Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago'

President Barack Obama was dragged into the trans-Atlantic spying row after it was claimed he personally authorised the monitoring of Angela Merkel’s phone three years ago.
The president allegedly allowed US intelligence to listen to calls from the German Chancellor’s mobile phone after he was briefed on the operation by Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency (NSA), in 2010.

The latest claim, reported in the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag, followed reports in Der Spiegel that the surveillance of Mrs Merkel’s phone began as long ago as 2002, when she was still the opposition leader, three years before being elected Chancellor.

That monitoring only ended in the weeks before Mr Obama visited Berlin in June this year, the magazine added.

Citing leaked US intelligence documents, it also reported that America conducted eavesdropping operations on the German government from a listening post at its embassy beside the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, one of more than 80 such centers worldwide

Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago' - Telegraph

Angela Merkel condemns US's 'unacceptable behaviour' over phone monitoring claims
Angela Merkel condemned America’s “unacceptable” behaviour yesterday after “firm suspicions” emerged that United States intelligence agencies had monitored her personal mobile telephone for almost four years
Angela Merkel condemns US's 'unacceptable behaviour' over phone monitoring claims - Telegraph
Why do you use so many bogus sources for your information....One or two I looked up turned out to come from blogs!! So why would the FBI investigate a blog for goodness sake!! Be like feeding a louse on a cat's back.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Mark Levin’s homerun: liberal media admits government spied on, wiretapped political

Obamagate is here.

And Mark Levin is on the case. First on his Thursday radio show and then in his appearance on Fox and Friends over the weekend, Mark laid out in chapter and verse the mainstream media’s own reporting that the Obama administration was responsible for using government agencies to spy on its political opponents — namely Donald Trump, his aides, and then-U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions, now the Attorney General of the United States.

Said the former chief of staff to U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III:

This is not about President Trump’s tweeting; this is about the Obama administration spying.… The issue isn’t whether the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign or transition of surrogates; the issue is the extent of it….

Donald Trump is the victim. His campaign is the victim. His transition team is the victim. His surrogates are the victim.
To the question of whether former President Obama was involved?

After noting that there were repeated stories on the government’s spying of Trump and others in the New York Times and the Washington Post — newspapers unquestionably well-read by the Obama White House — the talk radio host added: “I will tell you this, he’s more involved than he says; it’s his executive branch.”

Why do you use so many bogus sources for your information....One or two I looked up turned out to come from blogs!! So why would the FBI investigate a blog for goodness sake!! Be like feeding a louse on a cat's back.
sh!T man
why do you have NO sources at all???

yeah, fox, nytimes and the washington post are blogs
and you smoke too much after shave


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Look like a fat Dennis Hopper. :).
Is he the one you have hanging on your bedroom wall??

You guys don't seem to be clued in that it Is Israel that has full control of all listening in America and the EU. Fingers pointing at anybody else is a smokescreen. I though you guys should know that.

This is from 2001 so do you think it has been increased or decreased?

All US Phone Call Records And Billing Done In Israel - Part 2
(in part)
[SIZE=+1]BRIT HUME, HOST: Last time we reported on the approximately 60 Israelis who had been detained in connection with the Sept. 11 terrorism investigation. Carl Cameron reported that U.S. investigators suspect that some of these Israelis were spying on Arabs in this country, and may have turned up information on the planned terrorist attacks back in September that was not passed on.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Tonight, in the second of four reports on spying by Israelis in the U.S., we learn about an Israeli-based private communications company, for whom a half-dozen of those 60 detained suspects worked. American investigators fear information generated by this firm may have fallen into the wrong hands and had the effect of impeded the Sept. 11 terror inquiry. Here's Carl Cameron's second report.[/SIZE]


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
'Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago' - Telegraph

''Angela Merkel condemns US's 'unacceptable behaviour' over phone monitoring claims
Angela Merkel condemned America’s “unacceptable” behaviour yesterday after “firm suspicions” emerged that United States intelligence agencies had monitored her personal mobile telephone for almost four years
Angela Merkel condemns US's 'unacceptable behaviour' over phone monitoring claims - Telegraph'

..................................Your quotes!!

I am not sure exactly what you are doing here. Angela Merkel is a blogger and you have "Telegraph" quoting her blogs!! Fox news has their agenda and is definitely not a good source and if the rest of your sources are as badly tainted as these two.... better wait to see what happens before taking any of those articles too seriously.

If I run a blog expressing my opinion, would you quote me as a reliable source as well??

By the way What the heck are firm "suspicions" Suspicions by their very nature cannot be firm!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
'Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago' - Telegraph

''Angela Merkel condemns US's 'unacceptable behaviour' over phone monitoring claims
Angela Merkel condemned America’s “unacceptable” behaviour yesterday after “firm suspicions” emerged that United States intelligence agencies had monitored her personal mobile telephone for almost four years
Angela Merkel condemns US's 'unacceptable behaviour' over phone monitoring claims - Telegraph'

..................................Your quotes!!

I am not sure exactly what you are doing here. Angela Merkel is a blogger and you have "Telegraph" quoting her blogs!! Fox news has their agenda and is definitely not a good source and if the rest of your sources are as badly tainted as these two.... better wait to see what happens before taking any of those articles too seriously.

If I run a blog expressing my opinion, would you quote me as a reliable source as well??

By the way What the heck are firm "suspicions" Suspicions by their very nature cannot be firm!!

If you don't know the history or credibility earned by some of those particular "bloggers" that is YOUR problem, not mine

But as far as sources refuting obamagate, your sources are what?

effe man, laughable

"Chaffetz asked Comey if Clinton had lied to Congress and might have committed perjury."
FBI Director Dismantles Most Damaging Claims Against Hillary Clinton | The Huffington Post

"Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges"

there is your sources doood


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
If you don't know the history or credibility earned by some of those particular "bloggers" that is YOUR problem, not mine

But as far as sources refuting obamagate, your sources are what?

effe man, laughable

"Chaffetz asked Comey if Clinton had lied to Congress and might have committed perjury."
FBI Director Dismantles Most Damaging Claims Against Hillary Clinton | The Huffington Post

"Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges"

there is your sources doood
Zero-Hedge hmmm, Not exactly main stream...and you didn't even print the whole page!! What about this banner right above your piece of evidence??

'The media seems to be confused about their own reporting'
Published: 15 hours ago

Read more at Irony alert: N.Y. Times asks ‘where’s evidence’ for own wiretap story

The next 3 items have NO provable facts, next comes:- supposed investigation and then two other unsubstantiated statements all from Fox, The next of those quoted by you "someone says" ," A source claimed', and" some else said".
Be way how much credibility can Wikileaks have when the perpetrator of those leaks is the guest of Russia, a long time enemy of the US, The wire-tap is supposed to be used on possible enemies of the US. The President does not have the authority to use that facility on his own. It is a process like most others that uses different departments of government.

My opinion......if the Justice system, the CIA and Congress felt it necessary to bug Trump's dealings with a declared enemy of the US, while running for President, perhaps it was a necessary cautionary and protective move. Since he (Trump) is all hot and bothered about it, could it be possible he didn't realize how close he came to treason?? Acting all outraged seems a little over the top since he is banning so many possible terrorists now,


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Hannity CONFIRMS Obama Court Order & WIRETAPPING Donald Trump Tower | Hannity 3/8/17 | Fox News

Mark Levin BLOWS UP over Obama Wiretapping President Donald Trump | Hannity 3/6/17 Fox News

Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower | Secretary Bennet On Fox News

Obama Admin Source Confirms Wiretapping Happened Against Donald Trump
Game Over Man, GAME OVER!

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Hannity CONFIRMS Obama Court Order & WIRETAPPING Donald Trump Tower | Hannity 3/8/17 | Fox News

Mark Levin BLOWS UP over Obama Wiretapping President Donald Trump | Hannity 3/6/17 Fox News

Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower | Secretary Bennet On Fox News

Obama Admin Source Confirms Wiretapping Happened Against Donald Trump
Game Over Man, GAME OVER!

Hannity? Really? Give us a break will you?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

that's bill paxton in a fictional alien movie
got something better ?
STFU till you do then dearie
(we already know you can't do, so teach!!!)

the fiction is strong in that one

looks like you lefty loosey globaldyies are in the minority and fading fast anyhow:

"Former President Obama is reportedly planning a more visible stand against President Trump and the GOP to protect his legacy, but most voters think that’s a bad idea.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 30% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Obama should take a more public role in the Democratic opposition to Trump and his party. Nearly twice as many (58%) disagree and say the former president should not more actively oppose his successor and the GOP. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording"

looks like your funding is about to dry up
Last edited:


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Hannity CONFIRMS Obama Court Order & WIRETAPPING Donald Trump Tower | Hannity 3/8/17 | Fox News

Mark Levin BLOWS UP over Obama Wiretapping President Donald Trump | Hannity 3/6/17 Fox News

Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower | Secretary Bennet On Fox News

Obama Admin Source Confirms Wiretapping Happened Against Donald Trump
Game Over Man, GAME OVER!
LOL in more ways than one. Hannity yet!!

Do you remember the Midnight publication?? Well Hannity is very close to the verbal version of that so called "Newspaper" You know, Martians have landed on the streets of Washington or the last 10 babies born in boondocks city were purple colored with green dots.

They play to hysterical teenage types who will swallow anything. Keeping the taxpayer badly educated, and poor, ensures a young, cheap tax base, fodder for war and an adoring dumbed down voter. A voter who never doubts that all politicians (especially the loudest) are doing things in the public interest, NOT their own!!

Why do you think the push in on to replace Obama Care so quickly?? Because, keeping the ordinary taxpayer uneducated and needing to support their families, is the best way of keeping those fat cats in power. It costs the average wage earner with a moderate sized family about $25,000 dollars a year for health care without Obama care. Unless you work for places like Walmart's, Public's etc. most companies do not supply health care, The pay is pitiful but health care is more important with age.

The games are just beginning.....You know like Nuclear chicken, bomb first and check later, etc,etc,


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
LOL in more ways than one. Hannity yet!!

Do you remember the Midnight publication?? Well Hannity is very close to the verbal version of that so called "Newspaper" You know, Martians have landed on the streets of Washington or the last 10 babies born in boondocks city were purple colored with green dots.

They play to hysterical teenage types who will swallow anything. Keeping the taxpayer badly educated, and poor, ensures a young, cheap tax base, fodder for war and an adoring dumbed down voter. A voter who never doubts that all politicians (especially the loudest) are doing things in the public interest, NOT their own!!

Why do you think the push in on to replace Obama Care so quickly?? Because, keeping the ordinary taxpayer uneducated and needing to support their families, is the best way of keeping those fat cats in power. It costs the average wage earner with a moderate sized family about $25,000 dollars a year for health care without Obama care. Unless you work for places like Walmart's, Public's etc. most companies do not supply health care, The pay is pitiful but health care is more important with age.

The games are just beginning.....You know like Nuclear chicken, bomb first and check later, etc,etc,
Maybe you best hide under the bed for the next 8 years .


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Hannity? Really? Give us a break will you?


LOL in more ways than one. Hannity yet!

LOL indeed...

Fox News Tops Cable News In Total Viewers And Demo

However, while the (CNN) network enjoyed a huge month in comparison to the last few years, it was still well behind Fox News. For the month, Fox topped all of cable news in the 25-54 demo and total viewers in all of the major viewing times.

In Monday-Friday primetime, Fox led the way with 3.83 million viewers, compared to CNN’s 1.83 million and MSNBC’s 1.65 million. For Total Day, Fox was on top with 1.97 million, followed by CNN’s 993,000 and MSNBC’s 736,000. Daytime viewership was also dominated by Fox as it pulled in 2.09 million. CNN’s programming reeled in 1.04 million viewers and MSNBC finished third at 695K.

Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor maintained its top spot among cable news programming, giving Bill O’Reilly’s show 192 months as the #1 cable news program. The Factor pulled in 4.09 million viewers and 816,000 in the 25-54 demo. Sean Hannity also enjoyed a strong month, seeing his program Hannity finish second in the 25-54 demo with 795,000 viewers while averaging 3.26 million total viewers.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Would you be a bit nervous if the person who will end up being the lead investigator starts smiling and almost breaks out in laughter when it came to where there there was a crime committed??

Welcome to prison bitch.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Ok how about today's news.....First the Job numbers under Obama was declared Bogus by Trump...Well, today it is a different story, They are perfectly fine,,,,,,,and of course, Trump is taking credit for the economic situation Obama set up.

Now all the opening of the files, proves Trump was totally wrong. Trump was NOT wiretapped, What I find interesting is the wording......No illegal wiretapping was done....My guess it would be perfectly legal for the CIA to tap all communication with Russia, particularly since it might possibly involve anyone running for President..

Any other beliefs I can enlighten you on?? I will get back when more information on Trump's replacement of Obama care is revealed.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
OMG..just because people watch a program and believe it is truthful.....does not make so. Perhaps Trump like Hitler believes that repeating a lie often enough makes it believable Lies do not become truth by constant repetition.
Come on a modicum of common sense folks.

I have to post this here since, being female, I really feel Trump is a aging fossil as far as individual rights are concerned.

'Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau further won the hearts of feminists and liberals by pledging $650 million of the national budget to sexual and reproductive health and rights initiatives. The funding would support contraception, reproductive health, legal abortion, sexuality education, and advocacy work worldwide, and it aims to make up for the loss of U.S. leadership and financial support in the wake of President Donald Trump’s global gag order.'

My wish for the President....(choose which one you wish) may his ((male as there are few or no female ones) favorite hanging fruit drop off!! This wish if from a Canadian Witch!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
OMG..just because people watch a program and believe it is truthful.....does not make so. Perhaps Trump like Hitler believes that repeating a lie often enough makes it believable Lies do not become truth by constant repetition.
Come on a modicum of common sense folks.

I have to post this here since, being female, I really feel Trump is a aging fossil as far as individual rights are concerned.

'Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau further won the hearts of feminists and liberals by pledging $650 million of the national budget to sexual and reproductive health and rights initiatives. The funding would support contraception, reproductive health, legal abortion, sexuality education, and advocacy work worldwide, and it aims to make up for the loss of U.S. leadership and financial support in the wake of President Donald Trump’s global gag order.'

My wish for the President....(choose which one you wish) may his ((male as there are few or no female ones) favorite hanging fruit drop off!! This wish if from a Canadian Witch!!
Yet your favorite prime minister is importing boat loads of people who have no problem with stoning and beheading those they feel inferior .