BREAKING: We Just Discovered Who Issued The Warrant To Investigate Trump


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
BREAKING: We Just Discovered Who Issued The Warrant To Investigate Trump

According to reports, the FBI requested a "FISA warrant" during the campaign to investigate Alleged ties between President Trump and Vladamir Putin. The question that has still not been answered is whether this warrant included the wire tap. reported: In October the FBI was granted a “FISA warrant” in regards to the Trump Campaign and so-called ties to Russia.

The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (also called the FISA Court) is a federal court established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law.

A FISA warrant is an authorization to collect evidence, not to arrest.

As we all know by now, the FBI cleared Trump and his campaign of any “Russia ties,” but the liberals and dishonest media still can’t let it go.
BREAKING: We Just Discovered Who Issued The Warrant To Investigate Trump and It's bad

darned liebarrels
they say the best words to describe them are TREASON and SEDITION

Obama Knew About Wiretapping Trump - Newt Gingrich | Fox News

The idea that FISA could be used against political enemies always seemed far-fetched. Now it might not be.

The theory of the Clinton DOJ brass in imposing the Wall was the potential that a rogue criminal investigator, lacking sufficient evidence to obtain a traditional wiretap, would manufacture a national-security angle in order to get a wiretap under the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

A traditional wiretap requires evidence amounting to probable cause of commission of a crime. A FISA wiretap requires no showing of a crime, just evidence amounting to probable cause that the target of the wiretap is an agent of a foreign power. (A foreign power can be another country or a foreign terrorist organization.)

The reason the Wall theory was absurd was that a rogue agent would surely manufacture evidence of a crime before he’d manufacture a national-security angle.

Obama & FISA: Trump Wiretap May Have Been Sought | National Review

"He DOES have evidence." ex-CIA agent, on Obama wiretapping Trump

Published on Mar 5, 2017
"All of this was part of a coordinated planned campaign by people that are linked to Barack Obama." There are still senior people in jobs at the Director of National Intelligence office, the office of the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency that ought to be fired, Larry Johnson, retired CIA and State Department official, told RT.

Former Secret Service agent and best-selling author Dan Bongino claims the Obama wiretapping scandal is going to blow wide open this week.

Bongino was assigned to the U.S. Presidential Protection Division during George W. Bush’s term. He remained on protective duty after Barack Obama became President, leaving in May 2011.

Dan Bongino ✔ @dbongino
I'll be sharing more about the Obama administration this week, it's time. #ObamaGate
9:51 PM - 4 Mar 2017
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino: #Obamagate Is Going to Blow Wide-Open This Week


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
You mean, like never letting go of the investigation into Hillary's e-mails despite after being cleared twice?? My my, aiin't that a shame. Couldn't happen to a better piece of crap, It s called being hoist by your own petard, LOL

The FBI has already cleared Obama ,,,,,,of Trump's latest brain storm. No matter how often Trump tries to deflect attention from his ridiculous behavior, it won;t work, He hasn't a clue about the Constitution and that becoming President does not mean he can simply overrule the basic laws of the country, There are too many safe guards that a wannabe demagogue has to overcome before becoming a dictator, thank goodness,


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Hillary cleared?... lol...
no, I doubt that...her crimes have not even been dug into yet at all

"Timeline to Obama’s Unlawful Spying on Opposition Party’s Candidate at Trump Tower

Conservative Treehouse released a timeline of the unlawful spying by the Obama administration on the opposition party’s candidate in Trump Tower.

The list includes the revelation that the Obama administration continued to spy on Trump Tower and opposition party after October even after no evidence was found of wrongdoing.

1. June 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration files a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers. The request, uncharacteristically, is denied.

2. July: Russia joke. Wikileaks releases emails from the Democratic National Committee that show an effort to prevent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) from winning the presidential nomination. In a press conference, Donald Trump refers to Hillary Clinton’s own missing emails, joking: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing.” That remark becomes the basis for accusations by Clinton and the media that Trump invited further hacking.

3. October: Podesta emails. In October, Wikileaks releases the emails of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, rolling out batches every day until the election, creating new mini-scandals. The Clinton campaign blames Trump and the Russians.

4. October: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.

5. January 2017: Buzzfeed/CNN dossier. Buzzfeed releases, and CNN reports, a supposed intelligence “dossier” compiled by a foreign former spy. It purports to show continuous contact between Russia and the Trump campaign, and says that the Russians have compromising information about Trump. None of the allegations can be verified and some are proven false. Several media outlets claim that they had been aware of the dossier for months and that it had been circulating in Washington.

The dossier included inaccurate accusations of businessman Trump on Russian hookers. The dossier was complete rubbage."
Timeline to Obama's Unlawful Spying on Opposition Party's Candidate at Trump Tower

Trump’s Wiretapping Accusation
Part Of A Coup Plot If True

...Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes lied, tweeting
“no president can order a wiretap.”

They do it legally through FISA court warrants obtained for reasons of national security and illegally, likely more of the latter than the former unaccountably...
Trump’s Wiretapping Accusation: Part of a Coup Plot if True


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I won’t comment in detail on the substance of today’s latest outbreak of our fevered politics: Trump’s accusation that Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump Tower and the Trump campaign. I will just mention one fact that strongly supports the veracity of Trump’s allegation: namely, the very narrow–and lawyerly–“denials” emanating from the Obama camp.

Obama and his surrogates–notably the slug (or is he a cockroach?) Ben Rhodes–harrumph that Obama could not unilaterally order electronic surveillance. Well, yes, it is the case that Obama did not personally issue the order: the FISA court did so. But even if that is literally correct, it is also true that the FISA court would not unilaterally issue such an order: it would only do so in response to a request from the executive branch. Thus, Obama is clearly implicated even if he did not issue the order. He could have ordered his subordinates to make the request to the court, or could have approved a subordinate’s request to seek an order. Maybe he merely hinted, a la Henry II–“will no one rid me of this turbulent candidate?” (And “turbulent” is a good adjective to apply to Trump.) But regardless, there is no way that such a request to the court in such a fraught and weighty matter would have proceeded without Obama’s acquiescence.

I therefore consider that the substance of Trump’s charge–that he was surveilled at behest of Obama has been admitted by the principals.

Streetwise Professor » Obama v. Trump: Strictly Correct & Misleading v. Not Strictly Correct But Fundamentally True

Obama Admin Source Confirms Wiretapping Was Conducted (VIDEO)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
BREAKING: We Just Discovered Who Issued The Warrant To Investigate Trump

According to reports, the FBI requested a "FISA warrant" during the campaign to investigate Alleged ties between President Trump and Vladamir Putin. The question that has still not been answered is whether this warrant included the wire tap. reported: In October the FBI was granted a “FISA warrant” in regards to the Trump Campaign and so-called ties to Russia.

The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (also called the FISA Court) is a federal court established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law.

A FISA warrant is an authorization to collect evidence, not to arrest.

As we all know by now, the FBI cleared Trump and his campaign of any “Russia ties,” but the liberals and dishonest media still can’t let it go.
BREAKING: We Just Discovered Who Issued The Warrant To Investigate Trump and It's bad

darned liebarrels
they say the best words to describe them are TREASON and SEDITION

Obama Knew About Wiretapping Trump - Newt Gingrich | Fox News

The idea that FISA could be used against political enemies always seemed far-fetched. Now it might not be.

The theory of the Clinton DOJ brass in imposing the Wall was the potential that a rogue criminal investigator, lacking sufficient evidence to obtain a traditional wiretap, would manufacture a national-security angle in order to get a wiretap under the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

A traditional wiretap requires evidence amounting to probable cause of commission of a crime. A FISA wiretap requires no showing of a crime, just evidence amounting to probable cause that the target of the wiretap is an agent of a foreign power. (A foreign power can be another country or a foreign terrorist organization.)

The reason the Wall theory was absurd was that a rogue agent would surely manufacture evidence of a crime before he’d manufacture a national-security angle.

Obama & FISA: Trump Wiretap May Have Been Sought | National Review

"He DOES have evidence." ex-CIA agent, on Obama wiretapping Trump

Published on Mar 5, 2017
"All of this was part of a coordinated planned campaign by people that are linked to Barack Obama." There are still senior people in jobs at the Director of National Intelligence office, the office of the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency that ought to be fired, Larry Johnson, retired CIA and State Department official, told RT.

Former Secret Service agent and best-selling author Dan Bongino claims the Obama wiretapping scandal is going to blow wide open this week.

Bongino was assigned to the U.S. Presidential Protection Division during George W. Bush’s term. He remained on protective duty after Barack Obama became President, leaving in May 2011.

Dan Bongino ✔ @dbongino
I'll be sharing more about the Obama administration this week, it's time. #ObamaGate
9:51 PM - 4 Mar 2017
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino: #Obamagate Is Going to Blow Wide-Open This Week

"Breaking!!!" Red State Watcher? Shall we believe it when it's verified by Rod and Gun?

You're deflecting yet again. Obama's also gone. It would be normal for a US government to maintain surveillance on Russian diplomats and operatives.The unusual part of this is that some now-high ranking Mericans got caught up in their wiretaps.

Lock them up.

Lock up their boss, while you're at it.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
"FBI director James Comey has asked the Justice Department to reject publicly Donald Trump’s claim that Barack Obama wiretapped his communications, according to US media reports. "
FBI chief James Comey 'urges Justice Department to publicly refute Donald Trump's wiretap claim' | The Independent

FBI silent on pending Clinton perjury probe

FBI Director James Comey on Wednesday refused to provide the House Judiciary Committee with any clue about whether the bureau will comply with a request to investigate Hillary Clinton for perjury.

..Shortly before, the FBI had released an unprecedented amount of information that it had collected during the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server while secretary of State that critics of the Democratic presidential nominee quickly seized on as evidence that she should have been prosecuted.

Asked during the course of an Oversight hearing whether the FBI had investigated “her statements under oath on this topic,” Comey said no, noting that he would need a referral from Congress to conduct such an investigation.

riiiight! we KNOW about hillary from what the actual emails from her bathroom server contained and the social media posts her retard IT guy made in regards to altering those emails after the fact

"Hillary Clinton’s IT guy asked Reddit for help altering emails

"Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges

Some lawmakers reacted to the long-expected resignation announcement from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Thursday by wishing him an eventful retirement, featuring prosecution and possible prison time.

The passage of more than three years hasn’t cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.

About three months after making that claim, documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the answer was untruthful and that the NSA was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records, along with various internet communications.

To his critics, Clapper lied under oath, a crime that threatens effective oversight of the executive branch. In an apology letter to lawmakers, however, Clapper said he gave the “clearly erroneous” answer because he “simply didn’t think of” the call-record collection.

sucks when you are not fully informed eh?

"NYTimes Flashback: Obama May Have Spied on Trump; Reports Sent to White House of Wiretaps on Trump Associates

Less than two months ago, the day before the inauguration of Donald Trump as president, the New York Times reported the possibility that the Obama administration was spying on Trump. The Times report also said that three Trump associates were being spied on by the Obama administration and that reports on the wiretaps were delivered to the Obama White House.NYTimes Flashback: Obama May Have Spied on Trump; Reports Sent to White House of Wiretaps on Trump Associates"


Obama has a history of tapping friends and foes
like the German chancellor

"Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago'

President Barack Obama was dragged into the trans-Atlantic spying row after it was claimed he personally authorised the monitoring of Angela Merkel’s phone three years ago.
The president allegedly allowed US intelligence to listen to calls from the German Chancellor’s mobile phone after he was briefed on the operation by Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency (NSA), in 2010.

The latest claim, reported in the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag, followed reports in Der Spiegel that the surveillance of Mrs Merkel’s phone began as long ago as 2002, when she was still the opposition leader, three years before being elected Chancellor.

That monitoring only ended in the weeks before Mr Obama visited Berlin in June this year, the magazine added.

Citing leaked US intelligence documents, it also reported that America conducted eavesdropping operations on the German government from a listening post at its embassy beside the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, one of more than 80 such centers worldwide

Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago' - Telegraph

Angela Merkel condemns US's 'unacceptable behaviour' over phone monitoring claims
Angela Merkel condemned America’s “unacceptable” behaviour yesterday after “firm suspicions” emerged that United States intelligence agencies had monitored her personal mobile telephone for almost four years
Angela Merkel condemns US's 'unacceptable behaviour' over phone monitoring claims - Telegraph
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Here’s the List: More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama’s Many Wiretaps

This is now being referred to as Obamagate!

It is not unfounded that former President Obama would wire tap President Trump during the election process. This is because he has done this before. Here is a list of individuals who were wire tapped by the Obama Administration.

WikiLeaks released the following list on February 23rd (see link here) of Obama Administration wire taps:

* The US National Security Agency bugged a private climate change strategy meeting; between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin;
* Obama bugged Chief of Staff of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for long term interception targetting his Swiss phone;
* Obama singled out the Director of the Rules Division of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Johann Human, and targetted his Swiss phone for long term interception;
* Obama stole sensitive Italian diplomatic cables detailing how Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to help patch up his relationship with US President Barack Obama, who was refusing to talk to Netanyahu;
* Obama intercepted top EU and Japanese trade ministers discussing their secret strategy and red lines to stop the US “extort[ing]” them at the WTO Doha arounds (the talks subsequently collapsed);
* Obama explicitly targeted five other top EU economic officials for long term interception, including their French, Austrian and Belgium phone numbers;
* Obama explicitly targetted the phones of Italy’s ambassador to NATO and other top Italian officials for long term interception; and
* Obama intercepted details of a critical private meeting between then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, Merkel and Berluscon, where the latter was told the Italian banking system was ready to “pop like a cork”.

In addition to the above list we also know now that Obama wire tapped various individuals in the US media that were reporting information not flattering to the Obama Administration. It is widely known that Obama’s Justice Department targeted journalists with wiretaps in 2013:

* In 2013 the liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation that the Justice Department had investigated the newsgathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks. The reporter, Fox News’ James Rosen and his family, were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged but his movements and actions were tracked.
* Also in 2013, members of the Associated Press were also a target of the surveillance. The ultra liberal New Yorker even noted that “In moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone-records scandal, partly because it involves the dear old A.P. and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother, may well present the most serious threat to Obama’s reputation.”
* Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware “proprietary to a government agency,” according to an article in the New York Post.

Update – WikiLeaks tweeted overnight that the Obama Administration spied on their journalists as well:
Here's the List: More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama's Many Wiretaps

yeah, game over all right


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Here’s the List: More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama’s Many Wiretaps

This is now being referred to as Obamagate!

It is not unfounded that former President Obama would wire tap President Trump during the election process. This is because he has done this before. Here is a list of individuals who were wire tapped by the Obama Administration.

WikiLeaks released the following list on February 23rd (see link here) of Obama Administration wire taps:

* The US National Security Agency bugged a private climate change strategy meeting; between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin;
* Obama bugged Chief of Staff of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for long term interception targetting his Swiss phone;
* Obama singled out the Director of the Rules Division of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Johann Human, and targetted his Swiss phone for long term interception;
* Obama stole sensitive Italian diplomatic cables detailing how Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to help patch up his relationship with US President Barack Obama, who was refusing to talk to Netanyahu;
* Obama intercepted top EU and Japanese trade ministers discussing their secret strategy and red lines to stop the US “extort[ing]” them at the WTO Doha arounds (the talks subsequently collapsed);
* Obama explicitly targeted five other top EU economic officials for long term interception, including their French, Austrian and Belgium phone numbers;
* Obama explicitly targetted the phones of Italy’s ambassador to NATO and other top Italian officials for long term interception; and
* Obama intercepted details of a critical private meeting between then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, Merkel and Berluscon, where the latter was told the Italian banking system was ready to “pop like a cork”.

In addition to the above list we also know now that Obama wire tapped various individuals in the US media that were reporting information not flattering to the Obama Administration. It is widely known that Obama’s Justice Department targeted journalists with wiretaps in 2013:

* In 2013 the liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation that the Justice Department had investigated the newsgathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks. The reporter, Fox News’ James Rosen and his family, were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged but his movements and actions were tracked.
* Also in 2013, members of the Associated Press were also a target of the surveillance. The ultra liberal New Yorker even noted that “In moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone-records scandal, partly because it involves the dear old A.P. and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother, may well present the most serious threat to Obama’s reputation.”
* Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware “proprietary to a government agency,” according to an article in the New York Post.

Update – WikiLeaks tweeted overnight that the Obama Administration spied on their journalists as well:
Here's the List: More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama's Many Wiretaps

yeah, game over all right
For goodness sake.....look a littler further than Trump's daily tweets for your information.

FBI Director James Comey was 'incredulous' over Trump's tweets -


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
If the Feds Did Wiretap Trump Tower, It’s Not Obama Who Should Worry

Anatomy of an Allegation
Baffling as it may be, it appears Trump’s accusation stems from a recent article published on Breitbart, the conservative news outlet formerly run by White House senior adviser Stephen Bannon.

“This is a somewhat stunning, in so far as the president of the United States doesn’t need to get his information about classified activity from Breitbart,” says Cato Institute fellow Julian Sanchez.

That story, “Mark Levin to Congress: Investigate Obama’s ‘Silent Coup’ Vs. Trump,” rehashes comments the titular conservative radio host made Thursday equating the previously reported FISA warrant with a “police state,” and accuses Obama of a politically motivated, covert attempt to undermine Trump and his associates.

It’s unclear just what prompted Levin’s rant, or why Trump glommed onto it. Although no one has confirmed a FISA investigation, or wiretaps in Trump Tower, several news outlets have reported the former’s existence. The most detailed account thus far, from the BBC in January, provided a timeline: The Justice Department sought a FISA warrant in June to intercept communications from two Russian banks suspected of facilitating donations to the Trump campaign. The judge reportedly rejected the warrant, as well as a narrower version sought in July. A new judge granted the order in mid-October, according to the BBC.

None of this necessarily makes Trump’s allegations true. Even if a FISA warrant exists, it does not mean Trump Tower is tapped or that Trump specifically is the target. Further complicating things, the existence of a wiretap would not necessarily confirm the existence of a FISA warrant. Almost half of the building’s 58 floors are dedicated to commercial and office space, and any one of them—not to mention the building’s residents—could be the target of an investigation unrelated to international espionage or election tampering.

“If he has evidence that he was wiretapped without a proper FISA order being sought, that would be a huge scandal, and he should produce whatever evidence he’s got,” says Sanchez. “It’s a pretty serious claim, and it’s striking he would make it without anything solid to back it up.”

Republican Senator Ben Sasse called on the president to clarify his claims, stating that “we are in the midst of a civilization-warping crisis of public trust.” Obama spokesperson Kevin Lewis strongly denied extra-judicial surveillance of any US citizens to Politico in response to Trump’s claims.

Look past the president’s conspiracy theories, though, and one fact stands out: However strongly Trump feels that he’s right, he’d better hope he’s wrong.



Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
What a bunch of crybabies, everybody knows that Trump will never forgive Obama for making a fool of him at the Correspondents' Dinner. To be embarrassed with his beautiful younger wife at his side and many of his peers was a declaration of war. All this fighting about someone listening or lying is consuming Washington, all whilst Jong-un is happily ordering the death of is brother on another countries' soil and launching missiles!! CNN is absorbed with the most frivolous things, who gives a f##k about Americans spying on each other!! bombshell releases the call it !!! WTF, are they able to continue with their responsibilities or should the rest of the world step in and remove them from their duties of firstly, being the World Reserve? At this point I would totally vote for Britain to take back this role, even with Brexit , which has been handled with so much more class or decorum.