B.C. pipeline protests continue to halt Ontario trains for 5th day in a row


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
All Canadian governments of every level do is work for oil and gas.
If they spent half the time on the rest oil the economy that they spend in endless toil to complete pipelines etc the entire country would be better off.
If you want to know why they do it take a look into exHarper cabinet members - they all sit on oil and gas boards of directors.
The old quid pro quo

Give one example of a single industry waiting approval that would rival O&G for dominance in our economy?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Lawrence Solomon: The divine right of hereditary chiefs to override the desires and needs of their people

Who are these hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en Nations who are stopping the Coastal GasLink pipeline in northern British Columbia? And who gave these chiefs the right to high-handedly override the desires of the native Canadians over whom they claim dominion? Like the paternalistic rulers of Western nations of old who claimed to rule by divine right — France’s Louis XVI and Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II were their countries’ last specimens — the hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en Nations are unaccountable anachronisms divorced from the needs of their people.

The desire for development by Canada’s Wet’suwet’en natives could not be more evident. All five Wet’suwet’en bands along the Coastal GasLink pipeline route endorse the project for its economic and social benefits, as seen in public opinion and the votes of all five of their band councils. Neither are the five Wet’suwet’en bands outliers in their desire for advancement. All 20 band councils along the pipeline route — those most affected — back the project. According to Dale Swampy, president of the National Coalition of Chiefs, “We believe there are as many as 400 chiefs across the country that want to work with the natural resource industry — including alongside the CGL pipeline right-of-way.” As even a Wet’suwet’en hereditary subchief, concedes, “The truth is most of our members are for the pipeline.”

Natives want the economic opportunities that can add meaning to their lives and end the poverty and despair that have afflicted their communities. They see the possibilities in the Wet’suwet’en community of Witset, where “you have multi-generational unemployment and we now have guys who are getting off social security. It’s life-changing,” says Troy Young, a Wet’suwet’en who employs some 50 natives building a work camp and other infrastructure in anticipation that the pipeline will proceed.

They also see the inspiring success that development brought to nations like the Quebec Cree, whose population is booming thanks to high life expectancy, low infant mortality, and a suicide rate no higher than the Quebec average. Because of development, the Cree culture is vibrant, the Cree language is taught in their schools, traditional hunting thrives along with modernity, family and community ties are strong and the Quebec Cree control their own destiny. Native communities who don’t have the economic independence to protect their culture and traditions — including the Ontario Cree who live just across the border — are all too often dysfunctional and in despair, suffering from high rates of suicide and population decline.

Despite the boon that development and its accompanying opportunities offer natives, the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs say “no.”

Unlike the elected chiefs who legislate for the Indian reservations, the unelected hereditary chiefs rule the hinterlands, beyond the reservations, through an Aboriginal version of the divine right of kings. In exercising this sweeping power, they purport to be protecting their communities from the ravages of development, such as by deeming construction camps loathsome — one hereditary chief called them “dangerous places. They fly in and fly out, they have no social responsibility to where they are.”

But their high-sounding arguments ring hollow. For one thing, pipelines are common and, as one Wet’suwet’en put it in an interview with the Canadian Press, “It’s not a strange thing to have a pipeline in our territory. We have had a pipeline in our area since the mid-’60s and it hasn’t caused any harm to our environment.” For another, hereditary chiefs have long OK’d development projects in exchange for payments to native organizations. The main difference now, as has become clear, is that the hereditary chiefs are instead in the pockets of the anti-pipeline U.S. Tides Foundation, which funds their activities, and others in the well-heeled environmental lobby. For a third, charges are rife that the hereditary chiefs are acting more like back-stabbing politicians than lofty leaders who are above the fray. Initially, only five of 13 hereditary chefs opposed the project, with three proponents playing a conciliatory role by attempting to bring the different parties together. Those three — all female — were soon stripped of their hereditary titles by hardliners, who replaced them with males more to their liking. Hardline positions were then imposed on all.

Do the unaccountable hereditary chiefs embody the First Nations over whom they exercise sovereignty? Or should sovereignty rest with the natives themselves, in a system of governance whose leaders serve the public will instead of the other way around? The only way to find out — short of the bloody revolutions that ended the divine right of kings in Western nations — is through a referendum.

The Indian Act, which the white man imposed on natives shortly after confederation, and which has satisfied neither white nor native ever since, has no mechanism to allow natives to overthrow their unelected overlords. Neither do the courts. Canada’s parliament has the sole responsibility to amend the Indian Act to give Aboriginals the right to self-determination, which begins with giving them the ability to choose representative government. The referendum result for native governance could be divine.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Lawrence Solomon: The divine right of hereditary chiefs to override the desires and needs of their people

Who are these hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en Nations who are stopping the Coastal GasLink pipeline in northern British Columbia? And who gave these chiefs the right to high-handedly override the desires of the native Canadians over whom they claim dominion? Like the paternalistic rulers of Western nations of old who claimed to rule by divine right — France’s Louis XVI and Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II were their countries’ last specimens — the hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en Nations are unaccountable anachronisms divorced from the needs of their people.

The desire for development by Canada’s Wet’suwet’en natives could not be more evident. All five Wet’suwet’en bands along the Coastal GasLink pipeline route endorse the project for its economic and social benefits, as seen in public opinion and the votes of all five of their band councils. Neither are the five Wet’suwet’en bands outliers in their desire for advancement. All 20 band councils along the pipeline route — those most affected — back the project. According to Dale Swampy, president of the National Coalition of Chiefs, “We believe there are as many as 400 chiefs across the country that want to work with the natural resource industry — including alongside the CGL pipeline right-of-way.” As even a Wet’suwet’en hereditary subchief, concedes, “The truth is most of our members are for the pipeline.”

Natives want the economic opportunities that can add meaning to their lives and end the poverty and despair that have afflicted their communities. They see the possibilities in the Wet’suwet’en community of Witset, where “you have multi-generational unemployment and we now have guys who are getting off social security. It’s life-changing,” says Troy Young, a Wet’suwet’en who employs some 50 natives building a work camp and other infrastructure in anticipation that the pipeline will proceed.

They also see the inspiring success that development brought to nations like the Quebec Cree, whose population is booming thanks to high life expectancy, low infant mortality, and a suicide rate no higher than the Quebec average. Because of development, the Cree culture is vibrant, the Cree language is taught in their schools, traditional hunting thrives along with modernity, family and community ties are strong and the Quebec Cree control their own destiny. Native communities who don’t have the economic independence to protect their culture and traditions — including the Ontario Cree who live just across the border — are all too often dysfunctional and in despair, suffering from high rates of suicide and population decline.

Despite the boon that development and its accompanying opportunities offer natives, the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs say “no.”

Unlike the elected chiefs who legislate for the Indian reservations, the unelected hereditary chiefs rule the hinterlands, beyond the reservations, through an Aboriginal version of the divine right of kings. In exercising this sweeping power, they purport to be protecting their communities from the ravages of development, such as by deeming construction camps loathsome — one hereditary chief called them “dangerous places. They fly in and fly out, they have no social responsibility to where they are.”

But their high-sounding arguments ring hollow. For one thing, pipelines are common and, as one Wet’suwet’en put it in an interview with the Canadian Press, “It’s not a strange thing to have a pipeline in our territory. We have had a pipeline in our area since the mid-’60s and it hasn’t caused any harm to our environment.” For another, hereditary chiefs have long OK’d development projects in exchange for payments to native organizations. The main difference now, as has become clear, is that the hereditary chiefs are instead in the pockets of the anti-pipeline U.S. Tides Foundation, which funds their activities, and others in the well-heeled environmental lobby. For a third, charges are rife that the hereditary chiefs are acting more like back-stabbing politicians than lofty leaders who are above the fray. Initially, only five of 13 hereditary chefs opposed the project, with three proponents playing a conciliatory role by attempting to bring the different parties together. Those three — all female — were soon stripped of their hereditary titles by hardliners, who replaced them with males more to their liking. Hardline positions were then imposed on all.

Do the unaccountable hereditary chiefs embody the First Nations over whom they exercise sovereignty? Or should sovereignty rest with the natives themselves, in a system of governance whose leaders serve the public will instead of the other way around? The only way to find out — short of the bloody revolutions that ended the divine right of kings in Western nations — is through a referendum.

The Indian Act, which the white man imposed on natives shortly after confederation, and which has satisfied neither white nor native ever since, has no mechanism to allow natives to overthrow their unelected overlords. Neither do the courts. Canada’s parliament has the sole responsibility to amend the Indian Act to give Aboriginals the right to self-determination, which begins with giving them the ability to choose representative government. The referendum result for native governance could be divine.

Lawrence Solomon is stealing my f*cking material. :lol:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
do you really have to argue about me with other people?

Isn't that a little adolescent?


Hey little boy................................................

You are really funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though it was by accident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
But I don't even know or care what you are arguing about.

OH hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You dont know or CARE what other people are arguing about either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what difference does it make...............................

if T-bonesforbrains bewilders you???????????????????????????

Though I must confess I do enjoy your tentative hesitation regarding

any admission of how confused you really are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Lawrence Solomon is stealing my f*cking material. :lol:


That is what I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That natives had NO POLITICAL MECHANISM FOR RESOLVING DISPUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Traditionally a native who did not like a tribal choice .................................

would pack his canoe and cross the lake........................................

and start a new tribe on the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But in this age of global communications and continent wide construction projects..........................

AVOIDANCE IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ONLY HONEST SOLUTION is the white mans way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Majority rule - with most natives having made it CLEAR THEY WANT the jobs that come with the pipeline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just TO DAMNED BAD that LIE-berals SHARE with hereditary chiefs......................................

that SAME NASTY DISRESPECT for majority rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is an aspiring Soviet dictator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he has found IDIOT FELLOW TRAVELERS in those "hereditary chiefs"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
He wasn't arguing about you with me. He merely stated his opinion about your idiocy.


Poor hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he is SO CONFUSED..................................

and his political values are SO WRONG AND INSULTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you suppose there ANY CHANCE he can be educated????????????????????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Three Wet’suwet’en women with hereditary titles who supported the pipeline were stripped of those titles by the same men who oppose the pipeline and are negotiating with the Liberals.

It appears the Trudeau Liberals may be legitimizing what seems to be an anti-matriarch coup.
According to a Globe & Mail report from June 9, which is now resurfacing, three Wet’suwet’en women who support the Coastal GasLink pipeline and had hereditary titles say they were stripped of those titles by the men now negotiating with the Liberal government.
The women had formed the Wet’suwet’en Matrilineal Coalition, to help bring people together to discuss tough issues facing the community.
Then, they were stripped of their titles:
“While the natural-gas pipeline project has been approved by all 20 elected First Nation councils along the route, seven male Wet’suwet’en hereditary house chiefs have led a campaign to oppose it.
The chiefs say they stripped Ms. Tait-Day, Ms. Glaim and Ms. George of their hereditary titles because the women created WMC without proper authority. But the women dispute the validity of the severe disciplinary action taken against them, and argue that the WMC remains an ideal group to help bring the wishes of Wet’suwet’en members to the forefront.
“I estimate that a large majority of our nation supports the project,” Ms. Tait-Day said.”
Additionally, one of the negotiators getting the most attention, Chief Woos, has only been in that position for about a year.
Despite it being a ‘hereditary’ title, it appears the title was stripped from Ms. Glaim and given to a man named Frank Alec, who know goes by ‘Chief Woos’:
“House chief titles are held for life, and after the death of the holder are passed to someone in the matrilineage,” Ms. George said. “We are not ‘stripped’ like bark off a tree.”
Hereditary house chiefs say Frank Alec took over the title of Woos at a ceremony on March 2, but Ms. Glaim said many Wet’suwet’en members consider her to be the true Woos, the hereditary chief title for Grizzly House under the Gitdumden clan.”
In fact, you can still find Frank Alec on Twitter:
Reading this you can see that what seems to have happened here is an anti-matriarch coup by some male chiefs who couldn’t get their way through the actual process, so decided to punish and silence women who disagreed with them.
“Never trust Trudeau’s CBC. They lie. They say the Liberals did a deal with Chief Woos. But his real name is Frank Alec, and he’s had the title Chief Woos for less than a year. He stole it from women who were supposed to hold the title for life. Source: https://theglobeandmail.com/business/article-indigenous-supporters-of-coastal-gaslink-say-majority-of-wetsuweten/…”

Now, the so-called ‘feminist’ Liberal government has legitimized and given power to that coup, a disgraceful move that punishes the women who supported the pipeline, as well as silencing the voices of the vast majority of the Wet’suwet’en People who want the project.
It’s disgusting, and it shows the pathetic weakness, incompetence, and mendacity of the Trudeau Liberals.
Spencer Fernando

Three Wet’suwet’en women with hereditary titles who supported the pipeline were stripped of those titles by the same men who oppose the pipeline and are negotiating with the Liberals.

It appears the Trudeau Liberals may be legitimizing what seems to be an anti-matriarch coup.
According to a Globe & Mail report from June 9, which is now resurfacing, three Wet’suwet’en women who support the Coastal GasLink pipeline and had hereditary titles say they were stripped of those titles by the men now negotiating with the Liberal government.
The women had formed the Wet’suwet’en Matrilineal Coalition, to help bring people together to discuss tough issues facing the community.
Then, they were stripped of their titles:
“While the natural-gas pipeline project has been approved by all 20 elected First Nation councils along the route, seven male Wet’suwet’en hereditary house chiefs have led a campaign to oppose it.
The chiefs say they stripped Ms. Tait-Day, Ms. Glaim and Ms. George of their hereditary titles because the women created WMC without proper authority. But the women dispute the validity of the severe disciplinary action taken against them, and argue that the WMC remains an ideal group to help bring the wishes of Wet’suwet’en members to the forefront.
“I estimate that a large majority of our nation supports the project,” Ms. Tait-Day said.”
Additionally, one of the negotiators getting the most attention, Chief Woos, has only been in that position for about a year.
Despite it being a ‘hereditary’ title, it appears the title was stripped from Ms. Glaim and given to a man named Frank Alec, who know goes by ‘Chief Woos’:
“House chief titles are held for life, and after the death of the holder are passed to someone in the matrilineage,” Ms. George said. “We are not ‘stripped’ like bark off a tree.”
Hereditary house chiefs say Frank Alec took over the title of Woos at a ceremony on March 2, but Ms. Glaim said many Wet’suwet’en members consider her to be the true Woos, the hereditary chief title for Grizzly House under the Gitdumden clan.”
In fact, you can still find Frank Alec on Twitter:
Reading this you can see that what seems to have happened here is an anti-matriarch coup by some male chiefs who couldn’t get their way through the actual process, so decided to punish and silence women who disagreed with them.
“Never trust Trudeau’s CBC. They lie. They say the Liberals did a deal with Chief Woos. But his real name is Frank Alec, and he’s had the title Chief Woos for less than a year. He stole it from women who were supposed to hold the title for life. Source: https://theglobeandmail.com/business/article-indigenous-supporters-of-coastal-gaslink-say-majority-of-wetsuweten/…”

Now, the so-called ‘feminist’ Liberal government has legitimized and given power to that coup, a disgraceful move that punishes the women who supported the pipeline, as well as silencing the voices of the vast majority of the Wet’suwet’en People who want the project.
It’s disgusting, and it shows the pathetic weakness, incompetence, and mendacity of the Trudeau Liberals.
Spencer Fernando