B.C. pipeline protests continue to halt Ontario trains for 5th day in a row


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
lol you people do nothing but make this stuff up.
What's that Mr. Assfacts? You're upset about people making stuff up? Now that's some pretty funny shit right there. How many times have you wrongfully accused Mike Harris for being responsible for "the deaths of hundreds in Ontario".

Yeah, I repeat, f*ck off ya worthless troll.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
What's that Mr. Assfacts? You're upset about people making stuff up? Now that's some pretty funny shit right there. How many times have you wrongfully accused Mike Harris for being responsible for "the deaths of hundreds in Ontario".

Yeah, I repeat, f*ck off ya worthless troll.


Language there........................................

such a fine flare of temper....................................

even though justified by hemerHOID nonsense....................................

and you just made TROLL MOOD BETTER by being so vexed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is BAD that hemerHOID ACTUALLY BELIEVES the crap he spews....................................

like a super charged and demon possessed demented MANURE SPREADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But a demonstration of raw public anger and frustration merely fuels the the TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TROLL HAS PROVEN he has NO CAPACITY to respond to reasoned and logical posts.......................

even when such posts are heavily spiced with BIG slices of sarcasm and contempt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID has me on "ignore" which is the LIE-beral equivalent of behaving like a small child..............................

closing its eyes and pretending that whatever it does not like - is now magically gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I urge you to find more subtle ways of mocking hemerHOID than with such a crude, brief explosion.....................

such as "FCUK OFF TROLL"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subtle mockery is more fun to read and it represents a form of contempt that renders hemerHOID speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And hemerHOID with nothing STUPID LEFT TO SAY is surely a LAUDEBLE GOAL???????????????????????


Or even discuss among yourselves??????????????????????????

I quite enjoyed it recently when hemerHOID complained to some other poster:::::

"Why are you arguing with him about me"??????????????????????????

A LIE-beral is like a dog.............................

they are more confident in larger numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a dog that barks and is punished and then ignored - soon gets figures it out and quits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I am commenting because it is about the 5th or 6th mention of my name in connection with my ignore listers.

In my internet experience that tends to mean I am about to be kicked out

POOR STUPID hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was not aware that there was ANY LEGAL PRECEDENT....................................

for CENSORING A LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If it will make you feel better hemerHOID - not that you deserve it...................................

but I would NOT VOTE to ban you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Censorship IS NOT an effective way of dealing with ideas one does not like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Censorship merely moves the BAD idea to another forum and another debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And censorship FUELS the rage of the wrong headed LIE-beral ASSHAT that is being silenced!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the other hand.....................................

watching your position being OPENLY, LOGICALLY AND CONSISTENTLY targeted......................................

and having your idiot arguments torn to pieces as LIE-berals are DESEREVEDLY enduring.......................................

IS FAR MORE EFFECTIVE than something as CRUDE AND SPITEFUL as censorship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have proven hemerHOID - as have T-bonesforbrains and burned out Ember..........................................

and Ocean KreskinHOID Blowhard Breezy and Bluebyrd35.......................................

that LIE-berals HAVE NO TOLERANCE for logic and reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is because of this PAUCITY of facts that LIE-berals so often turn to thoughts of censorship......................

to protect their precious grossly self serving GRAVY TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is one thing to censor outrageous LIES................................

or deliberately malicious slanders..............................................

or outright dangerously FALSE DECLARATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But censorship SHOULD BE A LAST RESORT..................................


Too bad for always selfish, intellectually challenged, factually deficient LIE-berals...........................

that censorship is not only their FIRST go to response.............................

IT IS THEIR ONLY RESPONSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And HOW SAD they think all others work in the same petty, vain. self serving and trivial fashion.........................

as a typical LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Vaughn Palmer: Protesters' betrayal leaves 'good faith' Fraser looking a tad foolish

OPINION: Premier Horgan signalled a growing frustration with the protests that have dogged his government and depressed his approval rating throughout the spring session. Other New Democrats fell back on the defence that if Scott Fraser was a dupe, at least he was a well-meaning one

VICTORIA — When cabinet minister Scott Fraser invited protesters into the legislature this week only to discover they wouldn’t leave, even some New Democrats asked “what was he thinking?”

The minister’s invited guests staged a sit-in at one of the legislature committee rooms, eating pizza (passed to them through a window by their fellow protesters) and generally enjoying themselves at Fraser’s expense.

Victoria city police had to be called in to remove the intransigents, a task that took several hours because officers had to navigate a gauntlet of protesters gathered outside the buildings.

Ironically, the NDP minister chose to admit the protesters at a time when the legislature was closed to the public for the second week in a row, owing to concerns about the presence of those same protesters at the front steps and driveway.

Fraser, the cabinet minister for Indigenous relations and reconciliation, spent much of Thursday’s question period trying to explain himself to a skeptical audience that included all of the B.C. Liberals and some of his colleagues.

He told the house the meeting had been requested by the protesters. He agreed to meet with a delegation of a half dozen or so Indigenous youth, hoping to share with them the recent rights and title agreement he’d helped negotiate with the Wet’suwet’en people.

The delegation pressured him to oppose the Coastal GasLink pipeline through Wet’suwet’en territory, the focus of their protests.

When he refused to do so, they decided to stay, in violation of what Fraser regarded as a commitment to leave when the meeting was over.

“I’m deeply disappointed that they broke their word,” said Fraser, a line he would repeat more than once in defending himself.

Disappointed, maybe. But he should not have been surprised. As Opposition House Leader Mary Polak pointed out, “these are the same protesters that promised, when they first set up their camp, that they would leave in five days. They did not. They promised that they would not light a fire. They broke that promise, too.

“I have a really difficult time understanding how someone with good judgment would believe that they would keep their commitment to leave the room.”

Fraser fell back on the defence that he prefers to operate in good faith. “That is the approach I have always taken as minister, and I stand by that.”

Polak then asked whether he’d cleared his plan to invite the protesters into the building with Premier John Horgan. “because in spite of our many disagreements, I’m pretty sure your premier wouldn’t have shown that kind of bad judgment.”

Fraser side stepped the question twice, instead saying “I made the decision,” which pretty much confirmed he had not consulted the premier’s office before going ahead.

He did claim to have discussed his plan “with the Speaker and the sergeant-at-arms.” That bought an artful response from Alan Mullen, chief of staff to Speaker Darryl Plecas.

Mullen confirmed that Fraser had consulted those offices before time, but hinted they had not welcomed the prospect of letting the protesters in the building.

“We in the Speaker’s office, as well as the sergeant-at-arms, as well as the ministry staff, had reservations about that,” Mullen told reporters.

But having let that cat out of the bag, he then provided a modicum of cover for the credulous minister: “But, ultimately, if you’re going to operate in good faith, which I believe the minister was, you trust what people say. Obviously that trust was betrayed.”

Mullen also signalled that the Speaker’s patience was running out with the encampment at the front of the buildings.

“We’re not OK with continuing to erect tents and light fires,” he said, referring to a couple of the more disruptive aspects of the protest.

Whether taking the hints or not, the protesters did break camp later in the day. Should they return, they might face a ban against fires, tents and other installations.

As for Fraser, the premier did try to provide some cover for his beleaguered minister at the end of question period Thursday.

“I have full support in the minister of Indigenous relations looking for an off-ramp in a very difficult situation. I believe that the right steps were taken,” Horgan told the house, stopping short of saying he had approved those steps in advance.

Unlike the minister, the premier “personally apologized to the Victoria police department for the situation they found themselves in.”
Horgan then challenged the Liberals to say what they would do.

When Opposition members fired back that for starters, they would not have let the protesters into the building, Horgan let slip his own view: “Is the mob outside helpful? I would suggest not.”

The mob. With one word, Horgan signalled a growing frustration with the protests that have dogged his government and depressed his approval rating throughout the spring session.

Other New Democrats fell back on the defence that if Fraser was a dupe, at least he was a well-meaning one.

Did Fraser himself realize how gullible he looked? When I asked him, he replied “well, you could try selling me something,” making light of the question.

But it is no joke when a minister of the Crown is so easily fooled. For all Fraser’s good intentions, he has hurt his credibility the next time he has to persuade British Columbians that he has negotiated a good deal on their behalf.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Here is the funniest part of the whole thing.
Anybody who wants natural gas can have all they want for next to nothing - because that's what its worth

So let's create a national emergency over getting more natural gas to a market that doesn't want it or need it.

Just like bitumen.
No, what's really funny is you deciding you know more about the market than those actually in the industry.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No, what's really funny is you deciding you know more about the market than those actually in the industry.

PARDON ME BOY................................

but you are exposing your "STUPID" again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was only a FEW DAYS BACK when Quebecers where WHINING................................

because rail blockades were limiting their stocks of natural gas.................................

that is very popular for heating and cooking in La Belle Provence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In spite of their connection to Hydro Electricity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THERE ARE ONGOING MARKETS for BOTH CDN OIL AND NATURAL GAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course the economic limitations of Wuhan Virus WILL NOT LAST FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This too shall pass............................................

and fossil fuel DEMAND WILL SOAR ................................

while idiot LIE-berals CURSE their LOST OPPORTUNITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!