B.C. pipeline protests continue to halt Ontario trains for 5th day in a row


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Three Wet’suwet’en women with hereditary titles who supported the pipeline were stripped of those titles by the same men who oppose the pipeline and are negotiating with the Liberals.

It appears the Trudeau Liberals may be legitimizing what seems to be an anti-matriarch coup.
According to a Globe & Mail report from June 9, which is now resurfacing, three Wet’suwet’en women who support the Coastal GasLink pipeline and had hereditary titles say they were stripped of those titles by the men now negotiating with the Liberal government.
The women had formed the Wet’suwet’en Matrilineal Coalition, to help bring people together to discuss tough issues facing the community.
Then, they were stripped of their titles:
“While the natural-gas pipeline project has been approved by all 20 elected First Nation councils along the route, seven male Wet’suwet’en hereditary house chiefs have led a campaign to oppose it.
The chiefs say they stripped Ms. Tait-Day, Ms. Glaim and Ms. George of their hereditary titles because the women created WMC without proper authority. But the women dispute the validity of the severe disciplinary action taken against them, and argue that the WMC remains an ideal group to help bring the wishes of Wet’suwet’en members to the forefront.
“I estimate that a large majority of our nation supports the project,” Ms. Tait-Day said.”
Additionally, one of the negotiators getting the most attention, Chief Woos, has only been in that position for about a year.
Despite it being a ‘hereditary’ title, it appears the title was stripped from Ms. Glaim and given to a man named Frank Alec, who know goes by ‘Chief Woos’:
“House chief titles are held for life, and after the death of the holder are passed to someone in the matrilineage,” Ms. George said. “We are not ‘stripped’ like bark off a tree.” Hereditary house chiefs say Frank Alec took over the title of Woos at a ceremony on March 2, but Ms. Glaim said many Wet’suwet’en members consider her to be the true Woos, the hereditary chief title for Grizzly House under the Gitdumden clan.”
In fact, you can still find Frank Alec on Twitter:
Reading this you can see that what seems to have happened here is an anti-matriarch coup by some male chiefs who couldn’t get their way through the actual process, so decided to punish and silence women who disagreed with them.
“Never trust Trudeau’s CBC. They lie. They say the Liberals did a deal with Chief Woos. But his real name is Frank Alec, and he’s had the title Chief Woos for less than a year. He stole it from women who were supposed to hold the title for life. Source: https://theglobeandmail.com/business/article-indigenous-supporters-of-coastal-gaslink-say-majority-of-wetsuweten/…”

Now, the so-called ‘feminist’ Liberal government has legitimized and given power to that coup, a disgraceful move that punishes the women who supported the pipeline, as well as silencing the voices of the vast majority of the Wet’suwet’en People who want the project.
It’s disgusting, and it shows the pathetic weakness, incompetence, and mendacity of the Trudeau Liberals.
Spencer Fernando

Three Wet’suwet’en women with hereditary titles who supported the pipeline were stripped of those titles by the same men who oppose the pipeline and are negotiating with the Liberals.

It appears the Trudeau Liberals may be legitimizing what seems to be an anti-matriarch coup.
According to a Globe & Mail report from June 9, which is now resurfacing, three Wet’suwet’en women who support the Coastal GasLink pipeline and had hereditary titles say they were stripped of those titles by the men now negotiating with the Liberal government.
The women had formed the Wet’suwet’en Matrilineal Coalition, to help bring people together to discuss tough issues facing the community.
Then, they were stripped of their titles:
“While the natural-gas pipeline project has been approved by all 20 elected First Nation councils along the route, seven male Wet’suwet’en hereditary house chiefs have led a campaign to oppose it.
The chiefs say they stripped Ms. Tait-Day, Ms. Glaim and Ms. George of their hereditary titles because the women created WMC without proper authority. But the women dispute the validity of the severe disciplinary action taken against them, and argue that the WMC remains an ideal group to help bring the wishes of Wet’suwet’en members to the forefront.
“I estimate that a large majority of our nation supports the project,” Ms. Tait-Day said.”
Additionally, one of the negotiators getting the most attention, Chief Woos, has only been in that position for about a year.
Despite it being a ‘hereditary’ title, it appears the title was stripped from Ms. Glaim and given to a man named Frank Alec, who know goes by ‘Chief Woos’:
“House chief titles are held for life, and after the death of the holder are passed to someone in the matrilineage,” Ms. George said. “We are not ‘stripped’ like bark off a tree.” Hereditary house chiefs say Frank Alec took over the title of Woos at a ceremony on March 2, but Ms. Glaim said many Wet’suwet’en members consider her to be the true Woos, the hereditary chief title for Grizzly House under the Gitdumden clan.”
In fact, you can still find Frank Alec on Twitter:
Reading this you can see that what seems to have happened here is an anti-matriarch coup by some male chiefs who couldn’t get their way through the actual process, so decided to punish and silence women who disagreed with them.
“Never trust Trudeau’s CBC. They lie. They say the Liberals did a deal with Chief Woos. But his real name is Frank Alec, and he’s had the title Chief Woos for less than a year. He stole it from women who were supposed to hold the title for life. Source: https://theglobeandmail.com/business/article-indigenous-supporters-of-coastal-gaslink-say-majority-of-wetsuweten/…”

Now, the so-called ‘feminist’ Liberal government has legitimized and given power to that coup, a disgraceful move that punishes the women who supported the pipeline, as well as silencing the voices of the vast majority of the Wet’suwet’en People who want the project.
It’s disgusting, and it shows the pathetic weakness, incompetence, and mendacity of the Trudeau Liberals.
Spencer Fernando


We need to understand who and what a "hereditary chief" really is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have pointed out before - in traditional times - a native who did not like a tribal choice..................................

would pack his canoe and go the other side of the lake..............................

to essentially start a NEW TRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus - natives HAVE NO TRADITIONAL tribal solution to issues like the pipeline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

And the RADICALS FLAT OUT REJECT the idea of "one person - one vote" because they are OUTNUMBERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further - the TRADITIONAL WAY of becoming a CHIEF was to persuade people to follow you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you had good ideas then you had followers and became a chief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you were an idiot then your followers would be FEW and you would be a chief that only a FEW PEOPLE LISTENED TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This idea of a "hereditary chief" is a SLICK POLITICAL IDEA inspired by the idea of European Royalty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idea of a NON ELECTED hereditary chief who is discreetly encouraged and supported by white govt............................

would be ANATHEMA to previous generations of natives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But this PRETENSE OF AUTHORITY suits the radical and LIE-beral agenda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gender hs VERY LITTLE to do with this stuff................................

it is ALL political scheming and plotting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is playing deliberately into LIE-beral hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider the $240 million dollars that LIE-berals just gave to Tyendinaga Mohawks......................................

HOW LONG DO YOU THINK THAT DEAL has been cooking??????????????????????

LIE-berals are convinced they CAN STILL FIND A WAY TO BRIBE THEIR WAY BACK TO MAJORITY GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Three Wet’suwet’en women with hereditary titles who supported the pipeline were stripped of those titles by the same men who oppose the pipeline and are negotiating with the Liberals.

It appears the Trudeau Liberals may be legitimizing what seems to be an anti-matriarch coup.
According to a Globe & Mail report from June 9, which is now resurfacing, three Wet’suwet’en women who support the Coastal GasLink pipeline and had hereditary titles say they were stripped of those titles by the men now negotiating with the Liberal government.
The women had formed the Wet’suwet’en Matrilineal Coalition, to help bring people together to discuss tough issues facing the community.
Then, they were stripped of their titles:
“While the natural-gas pipeline project has been approved by all 20 elected First Nation councils along the route, seven male Wet’suwet’en hereditary house chiefs have led a campaign to oppose it.
The chiefs say they stripped Ms. Tait-Day, Ms. Glaim and Ms. George of their hereditary titles because the women created WMC without proper authority. But the women dispute the validity of the severe disciplinary action taken against them, and argue that the WMC remains an ideal group to help bring the wishes of Wet’suwet’en members to the forefront.
“I estimate that a large majority of our nation supports the project,” Ms. Tait-Day said.”
Additionally, one of the negotiators getting the most attention, Chief Woos, has only been in that position for about a year.
Despite it being a ‘hereditary’ title, it appears the title was stripped from Ms. Glaim and given to a man named Frank Alec, who know goes by ‘Chief Woos’:
“House chief titles are held for life, and after the death of the holder are passed to someone in the matrilineage,” Ms. George said. “We are not ‘stripped’ like bark off a tree.”
Hereditary house chiefs say Frank Alec took over the title of Woos at a ceremony on March 2, but Ms. Glaim said many Wet’suwet’en members consider her to be the true Woos, the hereditary chief title for Grizzly House under the Gitdumden clan.”
In fact, you can still find Frank Alec on Twitter:
Reading this you can see that what seems to have happened here is an anti-matriarch coup by some male chiefs who couldn’t get their way through the actual process, so decided to punish and silence women who disagreed with them.
“Never trust Trudeau’s CBC. They lie. They say the Liberals did a deal with Chief Woos. But his real name is Frank Alec, and he’s had the title Chief Woos for less than a year. He stole it from women who were supposed to hold the title for life. Source: https://theglobeandmail.com/business/article-indigenous-supporters-of-coastal-gaslink-say-majority-of-wetsuweten/…”

Now, the so-called ‘feminist’ Liberal government has legitimized and given power to that coup, a disgraceful move that punishes the women who supported the pipeline, as well as silencing the voices of the vast majority of the Wet’suwet’en People who want the project.
It’s disgusting, and it shows the pathetic weakness, incompetence, and mendacity of the Trudeau Liberals.
Spencer Fernando

Three Wet’suwet’en women with hereditary titles who supported the pipeline were stripped of those titles by the same men who oppose the pipeline and are negotiating with the Liberals.

It appears the Trudeau Liberals may be legitimizing what seems to be an anti-matriarch coup.
According to a Globe & Mail report from June 9, which is now resurfacing, three Wet’suwet’en women who support the Coastal GasLink pipeline and had hereditary titles say they were stripped of those titles by the men now negotiating with the Liberal government.
The women had formed the Wet’suwet’en Matrilineal Coalition, to help bring people together to discuss tough issues facing the community.
Then, they were stripped of their titles:
“While the natural-gas pipeline project has been approved by all 20 elected First Nation councils along the route, seven male Wet’suwet’en hereditary house chiefs have led a campaign to oppose it.
The chiefs say they stripped Ms. Tait-Day, Ms. Glaim and Ms. George of their hereditary titles because the women created WMC without proper authority. But the women dispute the validity of the severe disciplinary action taken against them, and argue that the WMC remains an ideal group to help bring the wishes of Wet’suwet’en members to the forefront.
“I estimate that a large majority of our nation supports the project,” Ms. Tait-Day said.”
Additionally, one of the negotiators getting the most attention, Chief Woos, has only been in that position for about a year.
Despite it being a ‘hereditary’ title, it appears the title was stripped from Ms. Glaim and given to a man named Frank Alec, who know goes by ‘Chief Woos’:
“House chief titles are held for life, and after the death of the holder are passed to someone in the matrilineage,” Ms. George said. “We are not ‘stripped’ like bark off a tree.”
Hereditary house chiefs say Frank Alec took over the title of Woos at a ceremony on March 2, but Ms. Glaim said many Wet’suwet’en members consider her to be the true Woos, the hereditary chief title for Grizzly House under the Gitdumden clan.”
In fact, you can still find Frank Alec on Twitter:
Reading this you can see that what seems to have happened here is an anti-matriarch coup by some male chiefs who couldn’t get their way through the actual process, so decided to punish and silence women who disagreed with them.
“Never trust Trudeau’s CBC. They lie. They say the Liberals did a deal with Chief Woos. But his real name is Frank Alec, and he’s had the title Chief Woos for less than a year. He stole it from women who were supposed to hold the title for life. Source: https://theglobeandmail.com/business/article-indigenous-supporters-of-coastal-gaslink-say-majority-of-wetsuweten/…”

Now, the so-called ‘feminist’ Liberal government has legitimized and given power to that coup, a disgraceful move that punishes the women who supported the pipeline, as well as silencing the voices of the vast majority of the Wet’suwet’en People who want the project.
It’s disgusting, and it shows the pathetic weakness, incompetence, and mendacity of the Trudeau Liberals.
Spencer Fernando
You just can’t make this stuff up . And now big Chief Woos is apparently a convicted abuser of his wife . Me Too .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Here is the funniest part of the whole thing.
Anybody who wants natural gas can have all they want for next to nothing - because that's what its worth

So let's create a national emergency over getting more natural gas to a market that doesn't want it or need it.

Just like bitumen.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Here is the funniest part of the hole thing.
Anybody who wants natural gas can have all they want for next to nothing - because that's what its worth

So let's create a national emergency over getting more natural gas to a market that doesn't want it or need it.
Just like bitumen.
How did the US cut its emissions? Natural gas or "renewables"?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Here is the funniest part of the whole thing.
Anybody who wants natural gas can have all they want for next to nothing - because that's what its worth

So let's create a national emergency over getting more natural gas to a market that doesn't want it or need it.

Just like bitumen.


dated: Mar 6, 2020 7:59 p.m. EST Delayed quote $ 690.75

-12.73 -1.81%
After Hours Volume: 205K
Automotive 12.35%
Close Chg Chg % $703.48 -21.06 -2.91

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Hymie should probably get more into the game of shorting the stock like everyone else




Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
He wasn't arguing about you with me. He merely stated his opinion about your idiocy.


HemerHOID does not comprehend the explanation you are offering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID is a typical LIE-beral who seldom heard the word "NO".................................

during his formative years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!