B.C. pipeline protests continue to halt Ontario trains for 5th day in a row


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
LINK to a different Mohawk peaceful protest: http://ammsa.com/publications/windspeaker/report-finds-mohawk-warrior-responsible-policemans-death

The shooting death of a Quebec provincial police officer during the 1990 confrontation at Oka, Que. was deliberate, concluded coroner Guy Gilbert in a 500-page report released Aug. 17.

Gilbert ruled the AK-47 assault rifle that fired the shot which killed Cpl. Marcel Lemay, July 11, 1990 was held by a Mohawk Warrior whose intention was to kill. The round could in no way have come from the officer's own weapon or from another officer's gun, said Gilbert.

At least six warriors in the woods that day had weapons that could have fired the shot, but the coroner was unable to identify the shooter. He did write, however, the order to fire was given by Mitchell Deer as suggested by another Mohawak, Dennis Nicholas. Other Mohawk leaders identified in the report were Denis David, Francis Boots, John Denis Cree, Eba Beauvais, Kenneth Deer and Paul Delaronde.

The sniper was likely lying on his stomach and supporting the weapon with his elbows when the shot was fired. Lemay was standing still and pointing with his left hand. The bullet entered an area below the corporal's left armpit. The ammunition used was manufactured for military sharpshooters and couldn't have been sopped by Lemay's bullet-proof vest. The rest at the LINK above...

Excellent find, Ron. So there is every possibility that AK-47s are among the existing arsenal on the Mohawk land being that there were no reports of weapons being confiscated after the murder of Lemay.

The people feeling the squeeze due to the blockades in Ontario & Quebec & BC aren't just in Ontario & Quebec & BC. People and their livelihoods are being choked across the nation through the harbors and with every full parked grain car and tanker of fuel or heating oil and every sea can sitting, and the investment capital running (not walking) away from this mess of a nation & we'll feel this for decades....and it'll affect EVERY Canadian.
In the matter of optics, who's hiding their identity behind black glasses & bandanas (plural) and so on? Who's not hiding their identity, and why? Oh wait, what's that hanging off the back of the guy hiding behind black glasses & bandanas (plural) ?? Is that an AK47 by any chance?
Of course the thug's identity is hidden, Ron. People such as this heavily disguised goon have no compunction about hiding their identity. Such is the stock in trade of those for whom peaceful protest is an anathema.

The sheer menace depicted by the armed lout is almost palpable.

Hands down it is not the little soldier probably quaking in his boots who is the real threat in the photo.

Out West there are extremist groups forming vigilante groups to go after Indigenous protesters?? Really?? I totally missed that, unless it's bullshit? Or unless Camus is talking about the RCMP enforcing and injunction from the courts? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-rcmp-enforce-court-injunction-against-opponents-of-pipeline/ Or unless Camus is talking about the 20 or so Albertan people who in broad daylight and in a peaceful manner in front of Law Enforcement and the media (without hiding behind masks and balaclavas) cleaned the trash off the tracks in Edmonton? http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/02/19/new-wetsuweten-rail-blockade-pops-up-in-the-heart-of-canadas-oil-country.html?? Or unless Camus is just blowing this out of his arse??
I'm still trying to find a source for that outrageous and unproven comment about Western vigilante groups, Ron - not even a peep about it by the PR wing of the liberal party aka the cbc - and you can bet your last dollar that they would be all over a story like that.

As for Camus, in the current state of 'white guilt' appeasement wherein any questioning of certain Indigenous statements is verboten, he knows his hyperbole if not outright lies will never be called to account by the liberal bought media,


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
'Was anything actually resolved?' Frustrated business leaders eager for details on Wet'suwet'en deal

A super secret deal that has ramifications across a whole nation to satisfy a couple hundred persons with no input from the Millions affected by it, yep Canada will buy that, they'll have too, it'll save face for the Lib. party.

I am wondering how big a wrench it will throw into ongoing treaty talks, TM considering that several bands are still disputing land title with other bands and have been doing so for a very long time now. If this is a quick fix land title decision for the Wet'suwet'en, all other bands should be privy to the same solution. N'est-ce pas?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I am wondering how big a wrench it will throw into ongoing treaty talks, TM considering that several bands are still disputing land title with other bands and have been doing so for a very long time now. If this is a quick fix land title decision for the Wet'suwet'en, all other bands should be privy to the same solution. N'est-ce pas?
Considering the neighbouring bands also dispute boundaries it will prove interesting .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
For the countries sake I hope this has nothing to do with protestors

Police evacuating people from the area following train derailment in Kingston, Ont.

Kingston, Ont., police say they have several officers on scene on Bath Road in the city's west-end after a train derailed Wednesday morning.
Police are currently evacuating people in the area, since the one of the cars on the train seems to be leaking.
The train, which seems to be a freight train, went off the tracks some time before noon Wednesday.
From photos of the scene, several cars appear to be turned over on their side.
The incident took place on the tracks near the intersection of Queen Mary and Bath roads.
It's currently unclear what caused the the train to derail.

And if it is will the paid for media report it as such?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I've had the opportunity to see one up close on an occasion at auction. Considering when they were built, they were far more advanced than any other vehicle for the day.
You can rent one in Vegas at a couple ranges. They hose you on the ammo. Shitty reloads that make noise and have a big flash.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Elected Wet’suwet’en chief feels shut out of discussion over tentative deal with B.C., feds

The elected chief of one of six bands within the Wet'suwet'en nation says she and other elected representatives should have been included in recent negotiations over rights and title with the provincial and federal governments.
Maureen Luggi is the chief of the Wet'suwet'en First Nation — a band under the Indian Act, as opposed to the larger Wet'suwet'en Nation, encompassing all Wet'suwet'en people.

"We did express that in a letter to the Office of Wet'suwet'en [hereditary chiefs], that all of the six Wet'suwet'en communities were excluded from the process, we don't know who was invited to participate," she told CKNW on Wednesday.
"We later learned that other Wet'suwet'en communities were excluded."

Luggi said she expects to soon see the tentative agreement through her membership of the Gitdumden clan, one of five Wet'suwet'en clans.
But in the end, she said, reaching consensus on whether or not to accept the proposed deal will require the involvement of all the Wet'suwet'en.
"That is what concerned us, that if anyone is going to move forward on behalf of the clan members in this community regarding Aboriginal rights and title, then our people need to be acknowledged and they need to communicate with us," she said...………..More


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Are these blockades still going? What is the cost to the public so far for this misguided pipeline project?

I would hope to see TC Energy simply write a big cheque to cover the damage they have done and the trouble they have put everybody through


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Are these blockades still going? What is the cost to the public so far for this misguided pipeline project?

I would hope to see TC Energy simply write a big cheque to cover the damage they have done and the trouble they have put everybody through
F*ck off you stupid f*cking troll. It's garbage heads like you that have caused the f*cking damage.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons

fun fact: the guy on the left was kicked out of the military shortly after this picture was taken for cocaine.
Funfact: That comment was another one of Hoid's Ass Facts. Picture taken in 1990. Cloutier was discharged from the military in 1993. His discharge from the military in 1993 had nothing to do with cocaine. His cocaine use merely got him busted down to private and 45 days in an Edmonton jail. He still went on to serve in the former Yugoslavia with Canadian Peacekeepers. As of 2015 he was working for the Canadian Coast Guard.

And you whine about fake news. You're such a bullshitter you wouldn't know fake news if it repeatedly ass-raped you.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Hymie is fake news.
Apparently it's super progressive to allow an anachronistic form of "leadership" to exist in Canada.

Ask him if he'd want to live under a Monarchy and he'd reject the idea outright. But it's okay for the Wet'suwet'en to live under a such a system because he's all about Native rights and reconciliation, man.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Funfact: That comment was another one of Hoid's Ass Facts. Picture taken in 1990. Cloutier was discharged from the military in 1993. His discharge from the military in 1993 had nothing to do with cocaine. His cocaine use merely got him busted down to private and 45 days in an Edmonton jail. He still went on to serve in the former Yugoslavia with Canadian Peacekeepers. As of 2015 he was working for the Canadian Coast Guard.
And you whine about fake news. You're such a bullshitter you wouldn't know fake news if it repeatedly ass-raped you.
Thanks for the details, but I'm pretty sure nobody much cared about Hoid's original claim. I certainly didn't assume it was true. Or care.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

fun fact: the guy on the left was kicked out of the military shortly after this picture was taken for cocaine.

And the clown on the right SOLD IT TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy on the left went on to a short lived career in porn...............................

so the rumour mill states!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
fun fact: one of the six guys (Perhaps the one in the picture above? We'll never know) at that blockade with AK47's shot a Quebec provincial police officer with an AK47 using armor piercing ammo.

OH NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quebec premier Legault is taking flak from LIE-beral ASSHATS.....................................

for stating that Mohawks HAVE ASSAULT RIFLES......................................

INCLUDING AK 47`s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet there is OFFICIAL PROOF that Mohawks have assault rifles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!