Are these actions war crimes?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
JOO: Journal of Oregon Ornithology

For the record I have nothing against the JOO or people who study birds.

For the record, none of the 12 is anti-Israel. Do you believe that Israel actually officially sanctions this behavior? FYI: I can reference Israeli court cases which support my opinion that some of these acts are war crimes or illegal according to Israeli law. Please explain how listing acts which the Israeli criminal justice system has condemned as illegal or war crimes is anti-Israel.

Notice how no one here besides me can condemn a single one of the actions on the list as a war crime.

This is me asking a question,

Below is your reply.



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Seriously... why are you having a hard time determining what is and isn't a war crime. How is using asking for opinions regarding using civilians including children as human shields to protect soldiers from bullets and booby traps, "Joo Bashing"?

because the vast majority of your examples are Israeli. Yet, your entire list could quite easily be attributed to the Palestinians. What do you do...... list damn near all Israeli.

You're a "jew hater", and considering you justify Palestinian violence you are not a pacifist either.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I see all these sites one can go to, but then all we have to do is listen to the news.
This is a troubled area of the world and both sides have done some terrible things.
If you think about these are not war crimes on either side because there is no
declared war, its just on going conflict. In the absence of war they are in my
opinion terrorist acts.
During WWII the nations declared total war on each other in view of that fact, I
would say anything prior to the total war declaration might be considered a war
crime however war crimes were not defined back then, not until after the war.
America was one of the leading members constituting war crimes and holding
court. Now of course America won't send its own alleged criminals to be tried
All this goes to the point that war crimes are in the eyes of the beholders. If there
is no declared war, only ongoing sniping type conflict how can there be war crimes
and what constitutes war, and what is mutual terror activity?
Interesting subject though


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Actually this is an anti-war crime thread. Notice the list of possible war crimes and crimes against humanity don't accuse anyone of anything.


An anti-war crime thread? Oh sure EAO, with about 10 hyperlinks bashing them JOOOOOOOOS in Israel.