Apocalypse in different religions


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
According to the United Nations Israel is an extreamly evil nation. Why hasn't the UN been arrested for hate crimes? I hate loath and detest the crime against humanity that Israel is.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I thought the issue at hand was the sending people to their grave before nature does it. Important because the that do seem to object the loudest if they are at risk of having that happen to them.
You give this time on earth too much credit, it will be known as 'the good old days' a little farther down the line.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I thought the issue at hand was the sending people to their grave before nature does it. Important because the that do seem to object the loudest if they are at risk of having that happen to them.
You give this time on earth too much credit, it will be known as 'the good old days' a little farther down the line.

Nature sends the souls to a grave of flesh. See soma and sema, tomb and womb, Earth is the underworld here you can experiance every evil imaginable and no where else. Schooldays, classes begin at birth.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This only the 1st level, if you were an immortal it would be nothing. Bad is when they are full of thirst, hunger and sorrow 24/7. Take comfort that the pricks in the world will get a taste of that before it is all said and done. We won't be feeling sorry for them.

I am sought of them that asked not for me;
I am found of them that sought me not:
I said,
Behold me,
behold me,
unto a nation that was not called by my name.
I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people,
which walketh in a way that was not good,
after their own thoughts;
A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face;
that sacrificeth in gardens,
and burneth incense upon altars of brick;
Which remain among the graves,
and lodge in the monuments,
which eat swine's flesh,
and broth of abominable things is in their vessels;
Which say,
Stand by thyself,
come not near to me;
for I am holier than thou.
These are a smoke in my nose,
a fire that burneth all the day.
it is written before me:
I will not keep silence,
but will recompense,
even recompense into their bosom,

At the moment they have the upper-hand and it will get even stronger before it is loped off for good. It must be a hard pill to swallow when the prophecy says God will have His back turned to all but 144,000 of the 12 Tribes. The 'story' of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus is not a story or a parable, it is a prophecy that is specific to all members of the 12 tribes and the last 3 1/2 years before the return. That is God's way of putting them into one group with the title 'beheaded for the word of God' (Re:20:4) For it to be promoted any other way it to fight the prophecy.

By now the trolls have finished reading but you should be able to follow along with the story without feeling that it is a conversion thing. When Christ come for 'mankind' the only way to escape that is to jump species and they all die for the 1,000 years also. When cleaning house you have to at least sweep the floor clean before you start placing the furniture.

While he yet spake,
a bright cloud overshadowed them:
and behold a voice out of the cloud,
which said,
This is my beloved Son,
in whom I am well pleased;
hear ye him.

I was set up from everlasting,
from the beginning,
or ever the earth was.

Now therefore hearken unto me,
O ye children:
for blessed are they that keep my ways.
Hear instruction,
and be wise,
and refuse it not.
Blessed is the man that heareth me,
watching daily at my gates,
waiting at the posts of my doors.
For whoso findeth me findeth life,
and shall obtain favour of the LORD.
But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul:
all they that hate me love death.

But I would not have you to be ignorant,
concerning them which are asleep,
that ye sorrow not,
even as others which have no hope.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord,
that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of the archangel,
and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Gentiles have a slightly different path to salvation than the Jews and the other Tribes. The 7 Churches cover every Gentile since 33AD and the reference below is how you get across the isle so you become a living witness to those days. Days in which a great many people enter their grave before their naturally appointed time.

Take heed unto yourselves,
lest ye forget the covenant of the LORD your God,
which he made with you,
and make you a graven image,
or the likeness of any thing,
which the LORD thy God hath forbidden thee.
For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire,
even a jealous God.
When thou shalt beget children,
and children's children,
and ye shall have remained long in the land,
and shall corrupt yourselves,
and make a graven image,
or the likeness of any thing,
and shall do evil in the sight of the LORD thy God,
to provoke him to anger:
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,
that ye shall soon utterly perish from off the land whereunto ye go over Jordan to possess it;
ye shall not prolong your days upon it,
but shall utterly be destroyed.
And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations,
and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen,
whither the LORD shall lead you.
And there ye shall serve gods,
the work of men's hands,
wood and stone,
which neither see,
nor hear,
nor eat,
nor smell.
But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God,
thou shalt find him,
if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
When thou art in tribulation,
and all these things are come upon thee,
even in the latter days,
if thou turn to the LORD thy God,
and shalt be obedient unto his voice;
(For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;)
he will not forsake thee,
neither destroy thee,
nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.

The survivors of the few hours of wrath that is the 7 vials get to walk to Jerusalem so they enter from the east, that portion is pretty long as it is quite detailedbut the **** hasn't hit the fan yet. (by a long shot) The walk there is 'interesting' according to the relevant references.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I thought you said, not too long ago, that you wouldn't spam us with biblical verse. Can't you tell us what you believe without the spam?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
We don't see israel as a country !!! What are your options for exampl? Are you gonna hide or leave or sth else??
You know when I mean ?
When Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei points with his finger!

http:// http://nmedia.afs-cdn.ir/v1/image/lUzVyZBLiUB4fzvO6nIrEC5thTahZyp2J0yJ-_9_idgz2hCweyozlw/s/w466/

Yes . Leader of the islamic wrld ; seyed Ali Khamenei
http:// http://nmedia.afs-cdn.ir/v1/image/lUzVyZBLiUB4fzvO6nIrEC5thTahZyp2J0yJ-_9_idgz2hCweyozlw/s/w466/

But the hidden sense of the name Abraham or Abram has escaped notice, and it is of great moment, as are all Bible names. Scholars may protest, but it seems obvious that the word is simply A-Brahm, (Hindu), meaning "non-Brahm." Abraham, the Patriarch or oldest of the aeons or emanations, was not Brahm, the Absolute, but the first emanation from Brahm; the first ray, the first God, perhaps equivalent to Ishwara of the Hindus. He was the first life that was not Absolute, yet from the Absolute. He was to go forth into the realms of matter, divide and multiply, and fill the world with his fragmented units. To return to Abraham’s bosom would be just to complete the cycle of outgoing and return, to rest in the bosom of the highest divinity close to the Absolute. Also he came out of Ur, of the Chaldees (or Kasadim), which is another key word, since Ur is the Chaldean word for "fire," the celestial empyrean, out of which all souls, as fiery sparks, are emanated. Kasadim, or Kasdim, was a term given to the highest celestial spirits, who fathered the production of the divine sparks of soul. It is practically equivalent to "Archangels."http://pc93.tripod.com/lostlght.htm

The Hebrew race has exploited this phase of the old methodology to its highest possibility, only, however, as Egypt had done before it; and has been so successful that it has left the impression of a unique and exalted hierarchical status for the Jewish race. The outcome of our correction of vision will be that we shall for the first time properly regard the Old Testament books as, in the main, the universal drama of the spiritual life masquerading in the disguise of Hebrew history subtly woven into the great cosmic epic! The Biblical title Israelites is a spiritual designation purely, and is wrongly taken in the sense of the name of an ethnic group. "My people of Israel" or "the children of Israel" of the Hebrew deity are just the divinized humans, mortals who have put on the immortal spiritual nature, men graduated into Christhood, a spiritual group in the early Mysteries. Gentiles were those who were not yet spiritually reborn. The word comes from the Latin and Greek roots, "gen," "gent," meaning simply "to be born." They were those born as the first or natural man, but not yet reborn as the spiritual Christ. It can be given no ethnic reference. The name "Israelite" is obviously compounded of "Is," abbreviation of Isis, or Eve’s original name, Issa (See Josephus); "Ra," the great Egyptian
solar god, male and spiritual; and the Hebrew "El," God. It would then read, Father-Mother-God, making his "children" the sons of God, i.e., Christs. Likewise the name "Hebrews" means "those beyond" (the merely human state), and therefore is practically identical with "Israelites." Finally the term "Jews" (from the plural of the Egyptian IU--Latin JU) refers to the "male-female divinities," a title given in the Mysteries to men made gods and thus restored to androgyne, or male-female, condition. The national Jews thus adopted for their historical name all three of the exalted spiritual designations conferred in the Mysteries on the Epoptae or completely divinized candidates.
It was hardly expected that any positive documentary evidence could be found in support of the evident fact that these names had simply been appropriated by the race using them as illustrious titles abstracted from the uranograph. But a direct statement to that precise effect was found in the Hebrew Grammar of Gesenius, a learned German scholar, (on p. 6):
"Of the names Hebrews . . . and Israelites . . . the latter was more a national name of honor and was applied by the people to themselves with a patriotic reference to their descent from illustrious ancestors; . . ."
This is of vast significance as affecting the historical view of the Bible, with possible extremely severe repercussions on world history of the present.http://pc93.tripod.com/lostlght.htm
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How do you end up replying to something that didn't have you in mind in the first place, we established a few years ago that the sight of Scripture brought a painful past rushing back and it consumed you with something that didn't appear to be all that pleasant of 'a thing'.

As per your request here is what you asked for all summed up. Now the newer poster (and DB) get the expanded version which is considerably longer and you can just not bother with it. How does that work for you??

Thus saith the LORD of hosts,
evil shall go forth from nation to nation,
and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.
And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth:
they shall not be lamented,
neither gathered,
nor buried;
they shall be dung upon the ground.

Don't concern yourself with why they are lucky they are not gathered and buried.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
That was an interesting short read EA. It's roots are universal, if we go back ten thousand years there was a more uniform understanding of the purpose of life and it's generator. This earth is the underworld and we are the dead.

This is not like what you understood, DB.
The Prophet's words mean: When man dies, he will discover that he was good or bad, and will be recompensed his deeds: evil for evil and good for good.
If he is righteous and monotheist, he will be in a good condition.
But if he is a disbeliever and idolater, then he will be in a bad condition.
The monotheist who does righteous deeds and does not wrong people, he will go to the temporary Paradise or Garden of Refuge.
And if he is a monotheist but he mixes good and bad deeds, then he will be punished with a mild punishment in the afterlife: the world of souls, then will go after fulfilling his punishment either to his family in the life of the World, or to the Paradise of Refuge (that is before Doomsday)

But if he is an associater or idolater or atheist, he will lose completely: the devils will be set on him, who will torment and abase him, and if he opposes the messenger in his life, the angels will capture him and admit him to Hell of the core of the earth or the volcano fire.
Man after Death
Man after Death

But the hidden sense of the name Abraham or Abram has escaped notice, and it is of great moment, as are all Bible names. Scholars may protest, but it seems obvious that the word is simply A-Brahm, (Hindu), meaning "non-Brahm." Abraham, the Patriarch or oldest of the aeons or emanations, was not Brahm, the Absolute, but the first emanation from Brahm; the first ray, the first God, perhaps equivalent to Ishwara of the Hindus. He was the first life that was not Absolute, yet from the Absolute. He was to go forth into the realms of matter, divide and multiply, and fill the world with his fragmented units. To return to Abraham’s bosom would be just to complete the cycle of outgoing and return, to rest in the bosom of the highest divinity close to the Absolute. Also he came out of Ur, of the Chaldees (or Kasadim), which is another key word, since Ur is the Chaldean word for "fire," the celestial empyrean, out of which all souls, as fiery sparks, are emanated. Kasadim, or Kasdim, was a term given to the highest celestial spirits, who fathered the production of the divine sparks of soul. It is practically equivalent to "Archangels."http://pc93.tripod.com/lostlght.htm

The Hebrew race has exploited this phase of the old methodology to its highest possibility, only, however, as Egypt had done before it; and has been so successful that it has left the impression of a unique and exalted hierarchical status for the Jewish race. The outcome of our correction of vision will be that we shall for the first time properly regard the Old Testament books as, in the main, the universal drama of the spiritual life masquerading in the disguise of Hebrew history subtly woven into the great cosmic epic! The Biblical title Israelites is a spiritual designation purely, and is wrongly taken in the sense of the name of an ethnic group. "My people of Israel" or "the children of Israel" of the Hebrew deity are just the divinized humans, mortals who have put on the immortal spiritual nature, men graduated into Christhood, a spiritual group in the early Mysteries. Gentiles were those who were not yet spiritually reborn. The word comes from the Latin and Greek roots, "gen," "gent," meaning simply "to be born." They were those born as the first or natural man, but not yet reborn as the spiritual Christ. It can be given no ethnic reference. The name "Israelite" is obviously compounded of "Is," abbreviation of Isis, or Eve’s original name, Issa (See Josephus); "Ra," the great Egyptian
solar god, male and spiritual; and the Hebrew "El," God. It would then read, Father-Mother-God, making his "children" the sons of God, i.e., Christs. Likewise the name "Hebrews" means "those beyond" (the merely human state), and therefore is practically identical with "Israelites." Finally the term "Jews" (from the plural of the Egyptian IU--Latin JU) refers to the "male-female divinities," a title given in the Mysteries to men made gods and thus restored to androgyne, or male-female, condition. The national Jews thus adopted for their historical name all three of the exalted spiritual designations conferred in the Mysteries on the Epoptae or completely divinized candidates.
It was hardly expected that any positive documentary evidence could be found in support of the evident fact that these names had simply been appropriated by the race using them as illustrious titles abstracted from the uranograph. But a direct statement to that precise effect was found in the Hebrew Grammar of Gesenius, a learned German scholar, (on p. 6):
"Of the names Hebrews . . . and Israelites . . . the latter was more a national name of honor and was applied by the people to themselves with a patriotic reference to their descent from illustrious ancestors; . . ."
This is of vast significance as affecting the historical view of the Bible, with possible extremely severe repercussions on world history of the present.http://pc93.tripod.com/lostlght.htm

Israel is the title of Prophet Jacob - salam to him - which means: the servant of God: Isra means: a slave and: el means God.
The religion in its essence is the worship of God.

How do you end up replying to something that didn't have you in mind in the first place, we established a few years ago that the sight of Scripture brought a painful past rushing back and it consumed you with something that didn't appear to be all that pleasant of 'a thing'.

As per your request here is what you asked for all summed up. Now the newer poster (and DB) get the expanded version which is considerably longer and you can just not bother with it. How does that work for you??

Thus saith the LORD of hosts,
evil shall go forth from nation to nation,
and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.
And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth:
they shall not be lamented,
neither gathered,
nor buried;
they shall be dung upon the ground.

Don't concern yourself with why they are lucky they are not gathered and buried.

Of course the prophets speak the words inspired to them by God and His angels; and the word of God is true.
Anyhow, there have been so many wars all over the earth in the past and at the present and in the future, but the peace will settle in the end, when Elia will come.

The Disagreement of the


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
when Elia will come.

Elia is Hebrew Jehovah

Moses’ raising the serpent is paralleled in Egyptian lore by the saying of the Speaker: "I am raised up to (or as) the serpent of the sun." The influence of the Christly deity lifts up the lower self. Moses stands for man, and Jehovah ordered Moses to build a tabernacle in which he (Jehovah) should be raised up. It may fall with surprise and incredulity upon most readers to be told that the Jehovah character of the creation legend is by no means the Supreme Lord, but merely one of the seven Elohim, or builders of the physical universe. He is one of the seven Uraeus "deities"; another one of the seven bears the name of Oreus, which is a form of Uraeus. So man is to raise up the natural order to the spiritual, and he is to do it in the "tabernacle" which he is engaged in building. This is that body of spiritual radiance which every man is steadily formulating out of the fiery essence of the very matter of his body, as lower fires are transmuted to higher. This transformation is made by man here on the cross of material life. The seven
Uraeus deities, of whom Jehovah was one, were the powers that lay embosomed in matter, the forces that built the physical universe, all below the level of mind.

So worship of Jehovah is worship of material.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
"Who is Manitou?" an Algonquin chant asks. "He that goeth with the Serpent"--the god who lives with and tames the lower self. The widespread use of such terms as Manitou, Mana and Manna to indicate a spirit power in man and things is indicative of much. The words connote "magical power" as believed to be possessed by every tribal medicine-man. The probability is that the term is of kindred root with the word "man" itself, and Manas (Sanskrit), "mind." For mind constitutes man what he is, and it is the mind principle in man that was sent precisely for the purpose of charming the animal propensities into culture. A "mantram" is a Vedic word for a magical incantation. The god’s action upon the brute self was likened to a charming, and the word "charm" is itself from the stem that gives us "Christ" and "Eucharist" and "charity." For the god to "charm" the beast was to lull the animal nature to docility, the while it lent ear to the sweet strains of a higher melody which transformed it magically.http://pc93.tripod.com/lostlght.htm

interesting how very old root words got arround eh. The world was a small place at another time long ago.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
In the past, women and children are spared;

Oh yeah I forgot... they were and still are sold as slaves.

We don't see israel as a country !!!

It doesn't matter what you see. They are a country.

What are your options for exampl? Are you gonna hide or leave or sth else??
You know when I mean ?

No I do not. You are not making any sense.

When Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei points with his finger!

Yes . Leader of the islamic wrld ; seyed Ali Khamenei

They will be waiting you.