Analysts: More Libyan bloodshed could prompt U.S., NATO intervention


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Hardly, Canadians are addicted to their life style, they will only change enough to cope with the higher gas prices.

That will be enough to force the market to react to different demands such as lower cost energy.

It already has, you're just ignoring the facts.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Petroleum and Empire in North Africa. NATO Invasion of Libya Underway Muamar Gaddafi Accused of Genocide by Keith Harmon Snow
Pentagon Invasion Already Underway

The US will use any propaganda necessary to whip up American fervor over Gaddafi and justify Pentagon or MI6 or NATO operations. US and British warships sit off the coast of Libya -- and they don't sit there idly. The imposition of a 'no-fly' zone means that US/NATO planes can do as they like, with the understanding that what we are really talking about are possible bombing and fighter sorties against Libya.

US troops have already moved ashore in Libya, joining the 'opposition ' and 'rebel' forces in 'rebel' controlled territories. The
US, France and Britain have already set up Bases in Libya.
The recent report noted that
British and US special forces entered Libyan port cities of Benghazi and Toburk on February 23 and 24.

US covert operatives have been on the ground for weeks, in not much longer, whether they have entered by sea (SEALS) or by way of Niger, where the US has openly published information about its covert operations. (See, for example, the travelology reports by former U.S. Special Forces now 'journalist' Robert Kaplan in
America's African Rifles a Pentagon massaged and approved propaganda feature in the pro-war Atlantic Monthly). Any opportunity to attack, destabilize, invade will be exploited by the Pentagon.

Of course, as this is written the US media is preparing the ground for the English news consuming masses to see the Pentagon invasion as a "humanitarian" mission in Libya. There is nothing humanitarian about the Pentagon, and there has never been.
Petroleum and Empire in North Africa. NATO Invasion of Libya Underway


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Petroleum and Empire in North Africa. NATO Invasion of Libya Underway Muamar Gaddafi Accused of Genocide by Keith Harmon Snow
Pentagon Invasion Already Underway

The US will use any propaganda necessary to whip up American fervor over Gaddafi and justify Pentagon or MI6 or NATO operations. US and British warships sit off the coast of Libya -- and they don't sit there idly. The imposition of a 'no-fly' zone means that US/NATO planes can do as they like, with the understanding that what we are really talking about are possible bombing and fighter sorties against Libya.

US troops have already moved ashore in Libya, joining the 'opposition ' and 'rebel' forces in 'rebel' controlled territories. The
US, France and Britain have already set up Bases in Libya.
The recent report noted that
British and US special forces entered Libyan port cities of Benghazi and Toburk on February 23 and 24.

US covert operatives have been on the ground for weeks, in not much longer, whether they have entered by sea (SEALS) or by way of Niger, where the US has openly published information about its covert operations. (See, for example, the travelology reports by former U.S. Special Forces now 'journalist' Robert Kaplan in
America's African Rifles a Pentagon massaged and approved propaganda feature in the pro-war Atlantic Monthly). Any opportunity to attack, destabilize, invade will be exploited by the Pentagon.

Of course, as this is written the US media is preparing the ground for the English news consuming masses to see the Pentagon invasion as a "humanitarian" mission in Libya. There is nothing humanitarian about the Pentagon, and there has never been.
Petroleum and Empire in North Africa. NATO Invasion of Libya Underway

hilarious! Thanks for the comic relief........although the headline should have read "The West Grows a Set"

Now THAT would be news....if only it were true!!! :)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
hilarious! Thanks for the comic relief........although the headline should have read "The West Grows a Set"

Now THAT would be news....if only it were true!!! :)

Mornin Colpy. The west was castrated before you were born. They don't grow back and if they did we would just trip over them again. Testicles are a poor substitute brains. I know you don't get that but some of the others will.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Hardly, Canadians are addicted to their life style, they will only change enough to cope with the higher gas prices.

What lifestyle? You mean sitting in a car during 5 PM rush hour? Yeah that's so addicting and exciting! Feel that kids! That's the tremble of the engine moving an inch of hour! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEe YEAHHHH1! Oooo and we also have a radio! Yeahhh!

Let's not kid ourselves, it's not the working poor who is "addicted" but rather Middle Upper and particularly the Upper Class families who can distance themselves from urban problems, live 30 minutes off a highway road (McMansion), can send their children off every summer to a vacation in Central America, Europe and Asia; et al.

For us real people, we tend to take a vacation once every couple of years and we don't have the finances to eat $30 Kobe (Japanese) beef burgers for lunch.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Get ready for some unforeseeable and devastating consequences..

The Associated Press: US, Europe increase diplomatic pressure on Libya

Gadhafi is our enemy.

Unless you have a crystal ball, it is always a gamble, and yes.....the next regime could be worse than Gadhafi.

But Gadhafi will be dead.

And that is a good thing.

BTW, the idiocy of threatening Gadhafi with International Law!!! OMG....I thought this from day one, but Peter Worthington says it so well:

It used to be, in the bad old days of the 20th Century, that when the time came for tin-pot dictators to be replaced, they fled to some accommodating country to live out their days in anonymous exile.
No longer.
With the advent of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and the UN’s lust to put individuals on trial for war crimes, a tyrant or deposed dictator these days might as well fight back and try to preserve his position rather than risk prison if (when) he’s convicted of war crimes.
Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi is hardly typical, but it can be guaranteed that if he left quietly, he’d wind up charged with crimes against humanity and go to jail.
Although his nature is probably to fight to the death, the spectre of appearing in court in the Hague tips the scales for all sorts of dictators to hold on to the very end.
As a precedent for not surrendering to reality and giving up quietly, one only has to look at the history of some Indian tribes in North America. For example, the Indians of the southwestern United States – like the Comanche and Apache — were so addicted to torturing their enemies that in battles they preferred to fight to the death rather than surrender and be tortured.
That seems to be Gaddafi and his sons at the moment.

Peter Worthington: ICC gives tyrants a reason to fight it out | Full Comment | National Post


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Nato said imposing a no-fly zone over Libya would need "demonstrable need" as well as UN approval and support from other countries in the region, after a meeting of ministers from member states in Brussels.More on the outcome of the meeting when we get further details.

Libya uprising - live updates | World news |

We bear in mind the sensitivities of the region. Any NATO operation must show added value, have a clear legal mandate and regional support!/AndersFoghR/status/45902013426450432

Welcome to democracy.

Also, I wouldn't send in those goons until they're smart enough to know who the bad guys are.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Nato said imposing a no-fly zone over Libya would need "demonstrable need" as well as UN approval and support from other countries in the region, after a meeting of ministers from member states in Brussels.More on the outcome of the meeting when we get further details.

Libya uprising - live updates | World news |

We bear in mind the sensitivities of the region. Any NATO operation must show added value, have a clear legal mandate and regional support!/AndersFoghR/status/45902013426450432

Welcome to democracy.

Also, I wouldn't send in those goons until they're smart enough to know who the bad guys are.

Yep.....let's talk some more.....maybe Daffy will kill them all, and we won't have to actually do anything......I always thought the lefty "responsibility to protect" was so much empty-headed BS from politicians pretending to care......I am glad I have been vindicated..


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Empty words.

Maybe we could think up another solution rather than the completely incompetent Nato.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Time's up!, Gaddafi's son tells rebels

Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi is ready to unleash the full might of his forces to crush a three-week-old insurrection, his son said overnight, as warplanes and tanks struck at the country's rebel-controlled east.

I'm starting to think that we failed the freedom fighters...
And in any state friendly to or controlled by the US or Britain, those same people would be called terrorists, like in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
And in any state friendly to or controlled by the US or Britain, those same people would be called terrorists, like in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The people causing havoc in Iraq and Afghanistan are blowing themselves up in public places targeting innocent civilians in a bid to create instability. THAT'S CALLED TERRORISM. They don't want democracy, they don't want the Shiite muslims to have power, and they don't want America in their country.

The rebels in Libya have been living under a dictator and now they're being slaughtered by him while they call upon the RESPONSIBILITY of the international community to help. They want freedom of speech, free assembly, and free religion. THEY ARE NOT ATTACKING INNOCENT PEOPLE IN PUBLIC MARKETS. THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL GADAFFI'S MEN BEFORE THEY KILL THEM!

There IS a BIG difference. I have yet to see anyone from a "friendly to or controlled by US/UK country" calling the Libyan rebels terrorists.

Put yourself in their shoes. You're being ruled by a dictator, you protest peacefully, you're attacked, and then you fight THE BAD GUYS(not innocent people) for that God given freedom that we all want. Does this sound like terrorism?