Analysts: More Libyan bloodshed could prompt U.S., NATO intervention


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The people causing havoc in Iraq and Afghanistan are blowing themselves up in public places targeting innocent civilians in a bid to create instability. THAT'S CALLED TERRORISM. They don't want democracy, they don't want the Shiite muslims to have power, and they don't want America in their country.
You say that like it is a bad thing. They don't want democracy because they can see how it has corrupted the West, the US in particular.

The rebels in Libya have been living under a dictator and now they're being slaughtered by him while they call upon the RESPONSIBILITY of the international community to help. They want freedom of speech, free assembly, and free religion. THEY ARE NOT ATTACKING INNOCENT PEOPLE IN PUBLIC MARKETS. THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL GADAFFI'S MEN BEFORE THEY KILL THEM!

There IS a BIG difference. I have yet to see anyone from a "friendly to or controlled by US/UK country" calling the Libyan rebels terrorists.

Put yourself in their shoes. You're being ruled by a dictator, you protest peacefully, you're attacked, and then you fight THE BAD GUYS(not innocent people) for that God given freedom that we all want. Does this sound like terrorism?
So, after the debacle in Toronto over the G8/G20 fiasco, you are saying that Canadians should rise up against that oppressive dictator Harper and throw him out of the country. I'm with you on that one.


New Member
Mar 10, 2011
The people causing havoc in Iraq and Afghanistan are blowing themselves up in public places targeting innocent civilians in a bid to create instability. THAT'S CALLED TERRORISM. They don't want democracy, they don't want the Shiite muslims to have power, and they don't want America in their country.

The rebels in Libya have been living under a dictator and now they're being slaughtered by him while they call upon the RESPONSIBILITY of the international community to help. They want freedom of speech, free assembly, and free religion. THEY ARE NOT ATTACKING INNOCENT PEOPLE IN PUBLIC MARKETS. THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL GADAFFI'S MEN BEFORE THEY KILL THEM!

There IS a BIG difference. I have yet to see anyone from a "friendly to or controlled by US/UK country" calling the Libyan rebels terrorists.

Put yourself in their shoes. You're being ruled by a dictator, you protest peacefully, you're attacked, and then you fight THE BAD GUYS(not innocent people) for that God given freedom that we all want. Does this sound like terrorism?
My friends, there is a place for diolomacy and there is also a place for military and coecive action. When diplamcy has been exhausted and sometimes even before that, there comes a time when military action is an imperitive if not inevitable. In cases of civilian casualty such as in afghanistan recently, I feel sorry but NATO I support you fully in libya.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
You say that like it is a bad thing. They don't want democracy because they can see how it has corrupted the West, the US in particular.

So, after the debacle in Toronto over the G8/G20 fiasco, you are saying that Canadians should rise up against that oppressive dictator Harper and throw him out of the country. I'm with you on that one.

Do we want democracy? Other than the peaceful transitions between leaders and systems of balance and checks, it can otherwise be a harmful thing to us.

It's difficult to build a Skyscraper in a low-income project community because you need approval on the city council and then the "Social Activists"; often working with the Unions, will conspire to distrupt construction and spiral the costs... as a result this is where we get the bribes and corruption.

These social activists often tend to be the same ones who were throwing bags of feces during the late 60's. A bit older and fatter now, but they still haven't learned how to turn on a shower or exercise simple hygiene!

Meanwhile; in an autocracy like China, 4 skyscrapers have just been built for the price of one and house more people than the former low-income community.

Saddam was a good man before he invaded Kuwait. He was able to secularize the country, provide education and higher educations, had a cultural reinassance which was restoring Babylon and the Iraqi soon had the reputation of being the most secular and cultural people in the Middle East.

Bam... now it's a big dump
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Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
France formally recognises Libyan rebels' authority
France24 - France formally recognises Libyan rebels' authority

Sarkozy to propose air strikes in Libya

Sarkozy to propose air strikes in Libya


Damn those French War Mongers! Whoops I forgot that only applies to the United States, my bad.. :rolleyes:

Did they invade?

Besides, the French have a long history of sticking their nose in other nations buisness as well, hardly saints. Not to mention the nukes they blew up under the South Pacific.

Not really peaceniks.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
In Congressional testimony today Obama's Director of National Intelligence said that Colonel Gadhafi is going to defeat the rebels. If that is true then let it be a lesson that those despots prepared to kill their people cannot be defeated except by greater force. Get used to it.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
In Congressional testimony today Obama's Director of National Intelligence said that Colonel Gadhafi is going to defeat the rebels. If that is true then let it be a lesson that those despots prepared to kill their people cannot be defeated except by greater force. Get used to it.

Not my problem.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Pretty obvious that the rebels are totally unorganized and have little to no arms.
They can't be expected to win against Gadhafis forces. Soon it will be like shooting fish in a barrel !!

Not my problem.

Agree !!


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Pretty obvious that the rebels are totally unorganized and have little to no arms.
They can't be expected to win against Gadhafis forces. Soon it will be like shooting fish in a barrel !!

Tragic, but not my problem.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Since so many people on this forum are so gung ho about another possible war in Libya, how about one in Ivory Coast as well? 70,000 people have fled that country because of its many political difficulties. Is Colpy or anyone else going to enlist in order to fight there for that country's freedom?


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Who is gung ho about intervention in Libya? Except on neoconservative forums, I've not really heard anyone talk in favour of sending soldiers.

Regardless, when we do send in soldiers or "blue helmets" - they often become the bad guys. U.N. Soldiers in the Congo are tasked with the mission of preventing rebels from seceding. In other African countries, U.N. and European missions are tasked with making sure the local Dictator isn't thrown.

The difference with Gaddafi was that he was an enemy of the west. Had he been like any other African dictator, the blue helmets would have saved him by now.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
The massacre in Zawiya
Alex Crawford of Sky News gives a behind-the-scenes account of how she was able to report from Zawiya, Libya. A follow-up to my previous post, The Battle for Zawiya.

The massacre in Zawiya | Video Cafe


The issue of whether to intervene in Libya is not a Right, Left or Neo con issue as some like to label it it's more, it's the Libyan people trying to end the reign of a brutal dictator who need help but sadly the United States and NATO blew the only real chance they had because now it's a civil war.

Those in the Middle East who are thinking of rising up to change their Country's future now look at the inaction of the United States and NATO and are possibly having second thoughts.

Did they invade?

Besides, the French have a long history of sticking their nose in other nations buisness as well, hardly saints. Not to mention the nukes they blew up under the South Pacific.

Not really peaceniks.
The French didn't support the Iraq War because of their secret deals with Saddam, but at least their President had the balls to stand up to say what needed to be said unlike Obama who doesn't have a pair..


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
And what secret deals did we have? Or even Germany? It was only the United States that was proud of the whole reducing Iraq into hell on earth.

\Had we not invaded in 2003, we probably would have taken the sanctions off Saddam... after all, the sanctions often just met Iraqi children dying from starvation while Saddam found ways to import luxuries.