Analysts: More Libyan bloodshed could prompt U.S., NATO intervention


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Ok future news: When all the dust settles Ghadafi just may be the winner. If that is the case we would have a vengeful Arab nation wanting to kick Al-Quieda all over the place for their stand against him. Possible win for us in long run.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Ok future news: When all the dust settles Ghadafi just may be the winner. If that is the case we would have a vengeful Arab nation wanting to kick Al-Quieda all over the place for their stand against him. Possible win for us in long run.
Where's it been reported that the Libyan rebels are known to be Al Quieda?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Ok future news: When all the dust settles Ghadafi just may be the winner. If that is the case we would have a vengeful Arab nation wanting to kick Al-Quieda all over the place for their stand against him. Possible win for us in long run.

Now it's future made up news.

At the very least it seems some cons are starting to get it, leave other nations alone and let the chips fall where they may.

Iraq was the final lesson, Saddam was an enemy of Al Quaeda and the dopey cons took him out for shinfo (sh!tty info) with huge costs in lives, resources and debt.

It took 50 years but I think the US is starting to get it....score one for the black president.

Gas prices shot down by 7 cents today. Go Libya?


It's cheaper to pollute and destroy the planet.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

It's cheaper to pollute and destroy the planet.

I think this is proof that the lack of demand brought on by March Break is affecting gas prices more than the middle east quandary. In other words - that 20 cent jump two weeks ago was a little bit of bull****.

Just like our need to send in NATO troops.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I think this is proof that the lack of demand brought on by March Break is affecting gas prices more than the middle east quandary. In other words - that 20 cent jump two weeks ago was a little bit of bull****.

Just like our need to send in NATO troops.

The lack of demand has been caused by the earthquake in Japan.

Mideast is still a problem and with people traveling more in March I doubt it has had much of an effect.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Where's it been reported that the Libyan rebels are known to be Al Quieda?

Here is a couple reports, during the initial phase of the revolution. These reports were being distributed.

Al-Qaeda commander calls for Islamic state in Libya - Jihad Watch

Analysis: Qaeda sees mileage in long Libya war, West role | Reuters

"As the future of Libya hangs in the balance, the country’s deputy foreign minister claims Islamic extremist members of al Qaeda have reportedly established a permanent jurisdiction in eastern Libya."
Report: Al Qaeda ‘Islamic Emirate’ Established in Libya, Led by Former Gitmo Detainee | The Blaze


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Ad nauseam.......

My affection for the creature of the corporate left in America knows no bounds. Obama is being Bushized. That's the way we roll in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

The expression of my affection for the man/child Obama is triggered by any positive reference to him. Don't mention the man/child by name and my chase instinct isn't triggered.

I'll make a deal with you. Call Obama by the name Gumby, and I won't say anything.:)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
As someone would normally support Obamers, he is not a creature of the 'corporate left'.

He's just a pussy.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
The Big Pussy is in the pocket of George Soros, Warren Buffet, Jeffery Imelt and General Electric, Bill Gates, Duke Energy, BP, Wall Street Hedge Fund Managers, AFL-CIO, UAW/Chrysler/GM, SEIU and the other Big Pigs feeding at the trough. He has presided over the fusion of Big Business, Big Labor and Big Govt. God Damn Obama To Hell. Payola for Obama's reelection campaign will exceed $1 Billion.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Obama isn't black and he isn't my president. He's a creature of corporate leftism. God damn him to hell.
How's he so "left" when his financial advisors are all drawn from the same goldman's sacker crowd who advised Bush into deregulating finance to the point where they could gut the economy and drive the globe into a financial meltdown and recession?

He was supposed to put back in place regulations that were originally there to prevent financial meltdowns, but he didn't... instead everyone just got distracted by a half-baked bill to try and make health insurance universal like it is for every other person living in any of the other industrial democracies on the planet.

He allowed things to stay too far right on universal access to health insurance, and his financial advisors are all goldman-sackers, and none of the financial-sanity regulations have been restored, and none of the people who created the financial meltdown are in jail the way those who triggered the S&L crisis were locked up.

How does that make him so "left"?
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
How's he so "left" when his financial advisors are all drawn from the same Goldman-sack crowd who advised Bush into deregulating finance to the point where they could gut the economy and drive the globe into a financial meltdown and recession?

He was supposed to put back in place regulations that were originally there to prevent financial meltdowns, but he didn't... instead everyone just got distracted by a half-baked bill to try and make health insurance universal like it is for every other person living in any of the other industrial democracies on the planet.

He allowed things too stay too far right on universal access to health insurance, and his financial advisors are all goldman-sackers, and none of the financial-sanity regulations have been restored, and none of the people who created the financial meltdown are in jail the way those who triggered the S&L crisis were locked up.

How does that make him so "left"?

Obviously because his brand of socialism is funded by the capitalists. ;)


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Payola for Obama's reelection campaign will exceed $1 Billion.

That's nothing. Canada's PM was willing to spend $1 Billion on five days of security for a chance to have the leaders of the G-8 line up in a row and have their picture taken in downtown Toronto.

In relative financial terms, that's like you guys spending $10 Billion on five days of security for a chance to take a picture of the leaders of the G-8 lining up in downtown New York.

Most surreal of all... Canada's PM pitched himself as a 'conservative' during the election, and the biggest plank on his election platform was a promise of 'open and transparent government', then he turns around and runs the most secretive government in Canadian history.
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Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
How's he so "left" when his financial advisors are all drawn from the same goldman's sacker crowd who advised Bush into deregulating finance to the point where they could gut the economy and drive the globe into a financial meltdown and recession?

He was supposed to put back in place regulations that were originally there to prevent financial meltdowns, but he didn't... instead everyone just got distracted by a half-baked bill to try and make health insurance universal like it is for every other person living in any of the other industrial democracies on the planet.

He allowed things too stay too far right on universal access to health insurance, and his financial advisors are all goldman-sackers, and none of the financial-sanity regulations have been restored, and none of the people who created the financial meltdown are in jail the way those who triggered the S&L crisis were locked up.

How does that make him so "left"?

Big Business isn't monolithic. There is the Corporate Right and the Corporate Left. Both are fused with Big Govt. When leftists are in power Big Labor is also fused in. The UAW controls GM and Chrysler. GE, BP and a host of other Corporate leftists also fund the man/child.

Bill Clinton repealed the Glass Steagall Act and set all of this **** in motion.

Obama is a leftist because he subscribes to notions of social justice that half the country rejects. He uses the fedgovt. to implement his vision of social justice for "his people," and he uses Corporate Leftism to fund his power and control over fedgovt. Social justice isn't part of the Social Contract. It's a breach of the Social Contract. To the extent America follows Obama and the leftists, then America shouldn't exist.