American Culture of Violence & It's Related Politics


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
So it looks like Cesar Sayoc was a looney tune from the right rather than the left. His van was covered with Republican Candidate placards and stickers as well as 'CNN Sucks' signs. Can't think how he thought these inoperative devices would help his cause rather than elicit sympathy for the Dems, but its hard to figure the irrational mind. No matter.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So it looks like Cesar Sayoc was a looney tune from the right rather than the left. His van was covered with Republican Candidate placards and stickers as well as 'CNN Sucks' signs. Can't think how he thought these inoperative devices would help his cause rather than elicit sympathy for the Dems, but its hard to figure the irrational mind. No matter.

A Native American as well.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
So it looks like Cesar Sayoc was a looney tune from the right rather than the left. His van was covered with Republican Candidate placards and stickers as well as 'CNN Sucks' signs. Can't think how he thought these inoperative devices would help his cause rather than elicit sympathy for the Dems, but its hard to figure the irrational mind. No matter.
It's a ruse! He's one of George Soros operatives and he did it following a DIRECT command from Hillary's secret bunker in Upstate New York.

Right, Walter?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Exactly. and it only takes one ...

We might want to examine the hatreds of Trump and how he uses them for political gain
Like why does he despise CNN??.......... CNN is NOT fake is news that Trump does not want t hear....... not flattering to him enough. Trump does not deal in FACTS are a threat t him. They oppose his delusions about himself. and his actions. and his perception of himself
He cannot handle criticism....... FACTUAL, honest Criticism........that we all face in our daily lives just part of life.....It is how we handle it .......that makes the difference. His reaction is to react angrily as if he is above being criticised.
Well he isn't. If he cannot handle feedback k....... and learn from it and change the role of POTUS DEMANDS........... he is not fit for t he job.
Everything in HIS mental world is about HIM......... where he can spin the reality into something that fits his working premise of narcissism.

and sadly this kind of persona seems to appeal to a segment of the population....... the segment that is prone to fanaticism;s........ unquestioning loyalty, .......and vulnerable to group think. Making them vulnerable to the toxic atmosphere created by Trump. They condone it. They cheer it.

Wonder how folks would have felt is Obama had been as corrosive and degrading with the personal attack style........ I suspect that they would have been horrified and made their impressions known.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Have his picture at a Trump rally.

50's male. Statistically the most likely people to commit suicide - or today's burgeoning alternative the murder/suicide.

Like the Vegas shooter and many many others.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
So it looks like Cesar Sayoc was a looney tune from the right rather than the left. His van was covered with Republican Candidate placards and stickers as well as 'CNN Sucks' signs. Can't think how he thought these inoperative devices would help his cause rather than elicit sympathy for the Dems, but its hard to figure the irrational mind. No matter.
He's a looney tune. Full stop. Holding him against you makes no sense. Looneys don't need a reason, just a trigger, and any damn thing can be the trigger.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It's been that way for a few decades, things are going to get worse rather than better. This will be one time you will be glad the center of attention is on Jerusalem.

When big pharma stops production of everything how many people will die in that 1st year? (no fuel for deliveries and the military will take all of it for themselves)
Debit machines can be put in 'service mode' in a few minutes. Wall St can be shut down for a long time without any big players losing any money. No meds, no utilities, welcome to the beginning and end of the war against the crooked government.
Sooner the better.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Exactly. and it only takes one ...

We might want to examine the hatreds of Trump and how he uses them for political gain
Like why does he despise CNN??.......... CNN is NOT fake is news that Trump does not want t hear....... not flattering to him enough. Trump does not deal in FACTS are a threat t him. They oppose his delusions about himself. and his actions. and his perception of himself
He cannot handle criticism....... FACTUAL, honest Criticism........that we all face in our daily lives just part of life.....It is how we handle it .......that makes the difference. His reaction is to react angrily as if he is above being criticised.
Well he isn't. If he cannot handle feedback k....... and learn from it and change the role of POTUS DEMANDS........... he is not fit for t he job.
Everything in HIS mental world is about HIM......... where he can spin the reality into something that fits his working premise of narcissism.

and sadly this kind of persona seems to appeal to a segment of the population....... the segment that is prone to fanaticism;s........ unquestioning loyalty, .......and vulnerable to group think. Making them vulnerable to the toxic atmosphere created by Trump. They condone it. They cheer it.

Wonder how folks would have felt is Obama had been as corrosive and degrading with the personal attack style........ I suspect that they would have been horrified and made their impressions known.
What do you do with all the hair you pull out ?