American Culture of Violence & It's Related Politics


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
What was it obomber's x AG 'Hoider' (haha) said the other day?
"Kick em"...?

Watchdog says Maxine Waters inciting 'mob violence,' presses ethics complaint

The head of a conservative watchdog group said Thursday that Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters is inciting "mob violence" with her call for protesters to confront Trump officials in public, as he urged a formal ethics investigation on Capitol Hill.

"When you’re out there ... inciting mob violence against sitting Trump Cabinet members, that doesn’t obviously reflect credibly on the House," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told "Fox & Friends." "And the House has to decide whether they’re going to allow its members to use the House as a platform and its power and position to attack and incite violence."

Judicial Watch earlier sent a letter to the House Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into whether the California Democrat violated ethics rules with remarks she made in Los Angeles telling supporters to “push back” on Trump officials seen in public.

Fitton said Thursday that Waters should be reprimanded or even expelled from the House over her remarks.

“You can bet there is an increase in security costs for all Cabinet officials as a result of her rhetoric and comments,” he said.

oh yeah Mad Maxine...
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

That would be your teacher asking you not to do that at your desk...

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Anther blank post from Cliffy.......

Any of those "bombs" do any damage or hurt anyone?
NOT the point. Or did you WANT people to be hurt?? to make it more real to you??

These packages succeeded in created suspicion, fear, anger, any threat would.

There should be gratitude that no one was hurt. .....OR was it planned that way?? To scare but not to hurt.......??

Trump's spin on all this and the blame game he is plying........ is almost similar to the spin that the Saudi's did re: the murder of that reporter. Neither one can take responsibility for what they do both believe they can do and say anything and get away with it. Delusions of grandeur. & omnipotence.

Some are blaming the dems. Motive?? Voter suppression. ??

Until we know the motives of the bloke who is doing this......we can only speculate. So far the POTUS has mishandled this new crisis very badly. The ONLY thing he is interested in is winning midterms. He is totally INDIFFERENT to anything else........ and he does not care HOW he wins......... just has to win. The pathos he exhibits is appalling.

The count is up to TEN suspicious packages ......and counting.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
NOT the point. Or did you WANT people to be hurt?? to make it more real to you??
These packages succeeded in created suspicion, fear, anger, any threat would.
There should be gratitude that no one was hurt. .....OR was it planned that way?? To scare but not to hurt.......??
Trump's spin on all this and the blame game he is plying........ is almost similar to the spin that the Saudi's did re: the murder of that reporter. Neither one can take responsibility for what they do both believe they can do and say anything and get away with it. Delusions of grandeur. & omnipotence.
Some are blaming the dems. Motive?? Voter suppression. ??
Until we know the motives of the bloke who is doing this......we can only speculate. So far the POTUS has mishandled this new crisis very badly. The ONLY thing he is interested in is winning midterms. He is totally INDIFFERENT to anything else........ and he does not care HOW he wins......... just has to win. The pathos he exhibits is appalling.
The count is up to TEN suspicious packages ......and counting.

What do you expect him to do stop everything? The investigation isn't over he said he condemns it and the perp needs to be prosecuted, CNN and the Dem leadership are screaming at clouds saying he isn't doing enough and his words are hollow. Let's see what he does when the perp is caught.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Trump doubles down on blaming media as suspicious packages continue to surface; Perspective: Projecting blame everywhere but where it belongs

The only thing that trump cares about is playing to his base. Everything is incidental.

We cannot expect more residential behavior , or tactfulness, or diplomacy from him. That is not who he is. He is about him and him alone. (power and money are close behind)

One could say that Trump was born in the wrong country.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
NOT the point. Or did you WANT people to be hurt?? to make it more real to you??

These packages succeeded in created suspicion, fear, anger, any threat would.

There should be gratitude that no one was hurt. .....OR was it planned that way?? To scare but not to hurt.......??

Trump's spin on all this and the blame game he is plying........ is almost similar to the spin that the Saudi's did re: the murder of that reporter. Neither one can take responsibility for what they do both believe they can do and say anything and get away with it. Delusions of grandeur. & omnipotence.

Some are blaming the dems. Motive?? Voter suppression. ??

Until we know the motives of the bloke who is doing this......we can only speculate. So far the POTUS has mishandled this new crisis very badly. The ONLY thing he is interested in is winning midterms. He is totally INDIFFERENT to anything else........ and he does not care HOW he wins......... just has to win. The pathos he exhibits is appalling.

The count is up to TEN suspicious packages ......and counting.
Your TDS......It's a bad case
Fake news.....Fake bombs definitely a left wing thang.....

Why, Troll? Did you leave the timers off?



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Are you not one by speaking down to others?
So, you can't give me an example? Who in America is trying to run your life? Who is this powerful individual trying to throw you in jail for. . . well, whatever you fantasize they're trying to throw you in jail for?

Seriously, what the f*ck has you so damn upset? And what the f*ck do you think Trump is gonna do about it?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
NOT the point. Or did you WANT people to be hurt?? to make it more real to you??
That is exactly what the Canadian rightards want. They are SO invested in the president of another country. Trade deals? U.S. trade deals don't apply to Canada. Immigrants from the southern border? That's 2000 kilometers from Canada. Infrastructure? It ain't Canadian infrastructure. Health care? Whatever Trump does or doesn't do will have no effect in Canada. The SPAAAAAACE FOOOOOORCE? Nothing to do with Canada.

So we're left with Trump's race hate and misogyny. I guess they're all charged up about being able to openly despise people for the colour of their skin or who they sleep with.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
‘A sign of the times’: Jake Tapper halts interview to report a ‘suspicious package’ found at CNN’s Time Warner headquarters
Perhaps the intent was not to harm physically,.... just to do some massive scaring.
(just ???!!!)
It would be consistent with the rightards who just want to score their cheap little-dick points with "the librul snowflakes."

When they catch the guy, he'll probably say "Awww, I wuzn't gonna hurt nobody." And he'll sit in prison for 20 years waiting for a Presidential pardon that will never come.



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
NOT the point. Or did you WANT people to be hurt?? to make it more real to you??

These packages succeeded in created suspicion, fear, anger, any threat would.

There should be gratitude that no one was hurt. .....OR was it planned that way?? To scare but not to hurt.......??

Trump's spin on all this and the blame game he is plying........ is almost similar to the spin that the Saudi's did re: the murder of that reporter. Neither one can take responsibility for what they do both believe they can do and say anything and get away with it. Delusions of grandeur. & omnipotence.

Some are blaming the dems. Motive?? Voter suppression. ??

Until we know the motives of the bloke who is doing this......we can only speculate. So far the POTUS has mishandled this new crisis very badly. The ONLY thing he is interested in is winning midterms. He is totally INDIFFERENT to anything else........ and he does not care HOW he wins......... just has to win. The pathos he exhibits is appalling.

The count is up to TEN suspicious packages ......and counting.
All sent by a prog or progs.