American Culture of Violence & It's Related Politics


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Now I'm in his corner not because the never Trumper GOP is starting to come around, but the common person is still in his corner because he isn't conforming the way the self proclaimed educated are trying to pressure him to be and not caving on the social flavor of the day. He is trying to bring back blue collar jobs to the USA, he is enforcing pride into the middle class which has been stripped, he is massaging the nostalgia of the greatest military of the world, and giving the vets their acknowledgements and patriotism back with lost benefits.
Well, I certainly understand your hatred of educated people and the way they push their science and medicine and engineering on us good ol' plain folk. And as a disabled American veteran, I certainly benefit from all the increased benefits Trump has bestowed on us. And it'll take longer, but I'm sure he'll accomplish making American blue-collar wages competitive with India's, China's, and Malaysia's.

So raise a cheer and thank the traditional God you're American!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
the way they push their science and medicine and engineering on us good ol' plain folk

Yeah us ndns... the wives did all the work, there were NO taxes, and we had NO LAWYERS, and then you whites came along with a better system, and now the whole world is in jeopardy...

thanx for fuk u shima too ya demented dipsticks.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Proof, please ...
Of course we know they were democrat made...
they failed!

Experts: Bomber likely left behind a mass of forensic clues

..of course we haven't forgotten how the fbi framed that doctor for the 911 era anthrax attacks ( he made the super science in a bucket in a farm pond) till he committed suicide...while ignoring the film of the israeli doctor taking the stuff out of the US weapons lab where it was made.

FBI Frame-up of Bruce E. Ivins Made Simple
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Well, I certainly understand your hatred of educated people and the way they push their science and medicine and engineering on us good ol' plain folk. And as a disabled American veteran, I certainly benefit from all the increased benefits Trump has bestowed on us. And it'll take longer, but I'm sure he'll accomplish making American blue-collar wages competitive with India's, China's, and Malaysia's.
So raise a cheer and thank the traditional God you're American!

What makes you think I hate educated people? I don't like self proclaimed smarter than you people that try to dictate who, what, where, why we should think, act, live our lives.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
the "right" is enabling are his supporters. They can't seem to see the destructiveness in the man. or choose not to.for whatever motivation they have. They seem to see negative aggression as some kind of strength.
He did not even have the courtesy or the tact to extend thoughts to the victims of today's multiple bombing attempts. The lack of compassion, sensitivity can only be attributed to his psychopathology. He cares....if one can say that........ONLY about HIMSELF , HE is the centre of HIS universe....and only pays lip service to caring about others....... He is callous and indifferent caring only for himself, HIS possessions....and MONEY

Or is it resist against this POTUS no matter what?

Dem leaders slam Trump's response to bomb threats: His 'words ring hollow'

Top congressional Democrats on Wednesday slammed President Trump's response to a series of suspicious packages sent to prominent Democratic officials, saying his "words ring hollow."
"Time and time again, the President has condoned physical violence and divided Americans with his words and his actions," Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in a joint statement.

The two Democratic leaders pointed to Trump's support for Rep. Greg Gianforte (R-Mont.), who pleaded guilty to assaulting a reporter, and accused the president of supporting "dictators around the world who murder their own citizens, and referring to the free press as the enemy of the people."
President Trump's words ring hollow until he reverses his statements that condone acts of violence," Schumer and Pelosi said.
Their statement comes after Trump said that he condemned "political violence" and urged the country to unify after suspicious packages were mailed to a number of prominent Democratic officials, donors and to CNN, a network often targeted by Trump.
"I just want to tell you that in these times, we have to unify. We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America," Trump said at a White House event where he signed an anti-opioid epidemic bill into law.
Authorities intercepted explosive devices addressed to former President Obama, Hillary Clinton, former CIA Director John Brennan and former Attorney General Eric Holder. Another suspicious package addressed to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) was also intercepted by police.
On Monday an explosive was found at Democratic mega-donor George Soros's home. And separately on Wednesday, the Time Warner building in New York City was evacuated after reports of a suspicious package sent to CNN.
Trump did not mention any of the officials targeted by name and did not address criticism that his own rhetoric has helped contribute to the political environment.
Republican and Democratic lawmakers have condemned the threats, but some of the president's critics have noted that his comment on Wednesday comes just days after he praised Gianforte at a rally in Montana.
Schumer and Pelosi added that they "listened with great interest" to the president's comments on Wednesday.
"Once again, we salute the heroism of America's first responders as they work to counter the outrageous mail bomb attack. ... We all take an oath to support and defend the Constitution and protect the American people, and that is our first responsibility," they said.
The joint statement comes after Schumer said in a tweet on Tuesday that political violence should be condemned regardless of who is being targeted.
"Make no mistake: Despicable acts of violence and harassment are being carried out by radicals across the political spectrum - not just by one side. Regardless of who is responsible, these acts are wrong and must be condemned by Democrats and Republicans alike. Period," Schumer said.
His tweet included screenshots of a CNN article about GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy's (Calif.) office being vandalized and the explosive device being discovered at Soros's home.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
yeah, but antifa is ok...


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
the pipe bomb scare is the perfect application of this thread title.

the message is very clear: if you don't support Trump you will be killed.

an assault on free speech/free thought/political discourse.

brought to you by the same scum who brought you the kkk/tea party/swift boaters/birthers/magahats etce etc etc

so many names for a very simple group of thugs.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Don't follow the news or history do you? The KKK was active in as many GOP dominated states as it was in Democrat dominated almost as soon as it was created. Today its supporters are almost entirely GOP.
Senator Byrd , Grand Dragon of KKK Democrat , enough said . Revisionist history sounds good but is not real .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well, I certainly understand your hatred of educated people and the way they push their science and medicine and engineering on us good ol' plain folk. And as a disabled American veteran, I certainly benefit from all the increased benefits Trump has bestowed on us. And it'll take longer, but I'm sure he'll accomplish making American blue-collar wages competitive with India's, China's, and Malaysia's.

So raise a cheer and thank the traditional God you're American!
Yes blue collar wages sky rocketed under the last two administrations .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
the pipe bomb scare is the perfect application of this thread title.

the message is very clear: if you don't support Trump you will be killed.

an assault on free speech/free thought/political discourse.

brought to you by the same scum who brought you the kkk/tea party/swift boaters/birthers/magahats etce etc etc

so many names for a very simple group of thugs.
How many of those bombs exploded ? How many people were injured ? How many people were injured when a Democrat started shooting up republicans at a ball practice .


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
What makes you think I hate educated people? I don't like self proclaimed smarter than you people that try to dictate who, what, where, why we should think, act, live our lives.
You said "self proclaimed educated people."

Can you give me a f'rinstance? I presume you can pull up one who holds no position of power, but is somehow dictating your life.

Whimpering snowflake.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
The Trump gang is blaming the media for stoking anger, hate......etc.

DLoes the media chant "lock her up"?? Does the media chant.......other prejudicial and hateful slogans of the Trump vocabulary?? Does the media issue THREATS or call folks that Trump hates ugly a grade schooler might do??


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
the pipe bomb scare is the perfect application of this thread title.

the message is very clear: if you don't support Trump you will be killed.

an assault on free speech/free thought/political discourse.

brought to you by the same scum who brought you the kkk/tea party/swift boaters/birthers/magahats etce etc etc

so many names for a very simple group of thugs.

The only one who benefits from this is the Left. They've become increasingly desperate and hysterical as shown in the Kavanaugh Confirmation hearings.

This could be meant to galvanize the dispirited liberal voter for the Mid Terms. What once seemed a certain lock for the Left in the House of Reps, now seems increasingly remote. They're plans to torment Trump with Impeachment Processes leading up to the 2020 Presidential Election is imperiled.

The 'kkk/tea party/swift boaters/birthers/magahats etc etc etc' are no match for the viciousness of the Alt Left, desperate for some kind of victory.

That seems the most likely culprit given this juxtaposition to the Mid Term elections. It's such a amateurish effort that its seems likely to be some lone wolf, delusional Alt Leftist is to blame than his correspondent in the Alt Right. They usually get caught, we'll see.

In any case it seems to me that the Repubs might be posed to rewin both House (+ or - 14, but more likely about + or - 4, both leave them in the majority), and the Senate (maybe +3 to 54). It seems the type of stuff that would be more likely to bring out the looney tunes on the Left than on the Right. And drive them to distraction and irrationality.

The Dems are going to have to learn that abandoning their traditional demographics of industrial and agricultural working class families for a fragile coalition Wall Street financiers, Free Traders, feminists, homosexuals and other denizens of the Culture of Death will bury the Party in obscurity.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
The Trump gang is blaming the media for stoking anger, hate......etc.
DLoes the media chant "lock her up"?? Does the media chant.......other prejudicial and hateful slogans of the Trump vocabulary?? Does the media issue THREATS or call folks that Trump hates ugly a grade schooler might do??
Yer funny.