American Culture of Violence & It's Related Politics


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
2 days ago a groper on an airline said Trump told him it was ok to grab a little pussy.

Same thing here.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
No they are calling for resistance and fight for the rightful party to be in charge, must impeach this POTUS he got in by mistake, the lower party members and MSM are comparing him to Hitler, calling him psychotic, why wouldn't he call them the enemy of the people's choice.

By the way I was trying to watch CNN and they are all screaming that it is Trump's fault, guilty before proven innocent again. You know to tell you the truth I was pulling for Trump in the beginning because it was against the political main stream down there, he wasn't a polished politician, ran on not being in anybody's pocket, even though the whole world knows he will make another fortune before or immediately following his time in office.

Now I'm in his corner not because the never Trumper GOP is starting to come around, but the common person is still in his corner because he isn't conforming the way the self proclaimed educated are trying to pressure him to be and not caving on the social flavor of the day. He is trying to bring back blue collar jobs to the USA, he is enforcing pride into the middle class which has been stripped, he is massaging the nostalgia of the greatest military of the world, and giving the vets their acknowledgements and patriotism back with lost benefits.

Yes he is crass, loud, generalizing facts, no mouth muffler, a bully, yes I said a bully but he wouldn't get what he needs without ruffling feathers and fighting for what he feels is what he needs to succeed.

This goes to you too OB since you admitted more than once you are studying Trump supporters for your work. But 2 more questions to you OB why does Trump have to conform his speaking habit to satisfy you and the other self centred educated persons? Why can't you just accept the way he speaks?
Who cares if he conforms with traditional ways?? That is not the issue. Nonconformists contribute greatly and creatively to change and social progress.

His speach patterns are NOT the issue as much as his speach content. He incites violence by what he says. He is verbally abusive. Presidents must have a degree of decorum and diplomacy........ if they are to be respected. They have a responsibility to be civil and foster constructive discourse......not hate ......or vile berating of targets. Al leaders must have a degree of verbal articulation......... and superb communicating skills. Bully talk, stupid talk has no place in a presidency. What the heck is wrong with good manners, being polite, tactful, constructive & diplomatic

Each time his supporters roar their approval of his verbal abuse........they are just making him believe that this is what they want and he keeps on doing it. It is hard to believe that so many would endorse his bully speak....... and that speaks to the supporters themselves. Do they really LIKE seeing the RUDENESS in their POTUS?? They must have very low expectations of their POTUS.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I agree with you for the most part except how do you explain his successes so far? His rhetoric says one thing his actions tell everything and the world is listening to his action. If he can at least retain the Senate he will win the trade wars.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Comment is above

Who cares if he conforms with traditional ways?? That is not the issue. Nonconformists contribute greatly and creatively to change and social progress.
His speach patterns are NOT the issue as much as his speach content. He incites violence by what he says. He is verbally abusive. Presidents must have a degree of decorum and diplomacy........ if they are to be respected. They have a responsibility to be civil and foster constructive discourse......not hate ......or vile berating of targets. Al leaders must have a degree of verbal articulation......... and superb communicating skills. Bully talk, stupid talk has no place in a presidency. What the heck is wrong with good manners, being polite, tactful, constructive & diplomatic
Each time his supporters roar their approval of his verbal abuse........they are just making him believe that this is what they want and he keeps on doing it. It is hard to believe that so many would endorse his bully speak....... and that speaks to the supporters themselves. Do they really LIKE seeing the RUDENESS in their POTUS?? They must have very low expectations of their POTUS.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I agree with you for the most part except how do you explain his successes so far? His rhetoric says one thing his actions tell everything and the world is listening to his action. If he can at least retain the Senate he will win the trade wars.
What successes?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Comment is above
Gotcha ;-)

His successes. Whatever successes he has had....are gravely overshadowed by his conduct. Don't think the trade wars should have been started to begin with. I understand the motive behind them...... but the cost might be too great. Being an effective leader s is NOT all about WINNING.......... it is about leading and creating a cohesive nation where everyone is respected and respects others Leadership is about setting a positive example where people want to emulate. in a constructive.......not destructive way. A truly effective leader is selfless.......where the people he is leading are the main priority. MONEY is important......very important...... but humans are more important A true leader does not look for how everything benefits HIM.......

You are so right.......the world is watching........ and learning how NOT to do things.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
he has successfully promoted domestic terrorism.

but silence from the right.

they are more upset when someone heckles a politician in a restaurant.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
he has successfully promoted domestic terrorism.

but silence from the right.

they are more upset when someone heckles a politician in a restaurant.
the "right" is enabling are his supporters. They can't seem to see the destructiveness in the man. or choose not to.for whatever motivation they have. They seem to see negative aggression as some kind of strength.

He did not even have the courtesy or the tact to extend thoughts to the victims of today's multiple bombing attempts. The lack of compassion, sensitivity can only be attributed to his psychopathology. He cares....if one can say that........ONLY about HIMSELF , HE is the centre of HIS universe....and only pays lip service to caring about others....... He is callous and indifferent caring only for himself, HIS possessions....and MONEY

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Yes the democrats have passed the torch to Trumps Republicans . You can’t put the klan on Republicans the dems created and own the Klan .

Don't follow the news or history do you? The KKK was active in as many GOP dominated states as it was in Democrat dominated almost as soon as it was created. Today its supporters are almost entirely GOP.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Don't follow the news or history do you? The KKK was active in as many GOP dominated states as it was in Democrat dominated almost as soon as it was created. Today its supporters are almost entirely GOP.
lol Bullshit, is that you senator byrd? Ya genocidal nazi!

High Cliffy!!! well, have you got a meme?

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